Dayton area

Relic Shooter

Apr 22, 2020
Bay Area, CA
Detector(s) used
Fisher F5
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I have friends with around 1000 acres out in Dayton that I could likely get permission from to detect on. Part of the property contains an old graveyard with a handful of old headstones that are unfortunately too aged and weathered to read and in the middle of the woods on the property. If I had to guess they were probably part of a homestead from the early 19 or late 1800s.

Anyone have any history of the area or could point me in the way of potential resources?

Welcome to treasurenet from SoCal.
You must be talking about Dayton, California since maybe no one owns 1,000 acre near Dayton, Ohio.
Can you be more specific? What history are you looking for? The town, the cemetery, the homestead or what?

Welcome to treasurenet from SoCal.
You must be talking about Dayton, California since maybe no one owns 1,000 acre near Dayton, Ohio.
Can you be more specific? What history are you looking for? The town, the cemetery, the homestead or what?

Hey Don,

Actually looking at Dayton, TX this the post in the Texas area board. It's out in Liberty County just east of Houston. Whole area dates back pretty far best I can tell.

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