Deep target detection


Full Member
Nov 2, 2006
Evergreen, CO
Detector(s) used
Geonics EM61-MK2, Geophex GEM-3, GapEOD UltraTEM III, Minelabs F3, Foerster MINEX 2FD 4.500
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I am purchasing a new geophysical instrument for my business that I will use for electrical conductivity profiling and mapping. This system can map the subsurface to a depth of over 25 m (~82 ft). I will be using this for professional work but I wondered if there are any treasure hunters who might be interested in using my services for locating deep targets. I will be using this instrument for mining surveys, environmental surveys, and mapping under/through seepage through dams and levees. Let me know if there is any one who might be interested and we can discuss potential costs and logistics.


Does it work on slopes, about maybe 20-45 degree slopes. And what is the brand. Most are gimmicks that are sold to unsuspecting and optimistic treasure hunters.

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I am purchasing a new geophysical instrument for my business that I will use for electrical conductivity profiling and mapping. This system can map the subsurface to a depth of over 25 m (~82 ft). I will be using this for professional work but I wondered if there are any treasure hunters who might be interested in using my services for locating deep targets. I will be using this instrument for mining surveys, environmental surveys, and mapping under/through seepage through dams and levees. Let me know if there is any one who might be interested and we can discuss potential costs and logistics.


Would you please come back and give us a report after you have used your instrument and tell us how well it did work.

I am a PhD geophysicist with 20+ years of performing geophysical surveys all over the world. I know almost every legitimate geophysical instrument manufacturer by first name and have tested prototypes for a lot of them. I realize that many hobbyist treasure hunters are taken advantage by unscrupulous companies trying to foist fake instruments on them. I know the people developing this instrument and they are very well respected in the mining industry.

Yes this can work on slopes, but I would definitely walk across the slope and not up it.

I am a PhD geophysicist with 20+ years of performing geophysical surveys all over the world. I know almost every legitimate geophysical instrument manufacturer by first name and have tested prototypes for a lot of them. I realize that many hobbyist treasure hunters are taken advantage by unscrupulous companies trying to foist fake instruments on them. I know the people developing this instrument and they are very well respected in the mining industry.

Yes this can work on slopes, but I would definitely walk across the slope and not up it.
Goodmorning sir!! Are you still active on treasurenet? I'd like your opinion on a few geo radar units. It would be nice to read your opinion. Thank you!!

Goodmorning sir!! Are you still active on treasurenet? I'd like your opinion on a few geo radar units. It would be nice to read your opinion. Thank you!!
I am still active here, what is your question?

Ground resistivity?
No, this was time domain electromagnetic induction (TDEM). There are three ways to put energy into the ground: galvanically coupled, inductively coupled, or capacitively coupled. Ground resistivity, also know as electrical resistivity tomography or vertical electrical sounding (VES) is a galvanically coupled method. Current is injected through two metal rods and a voltage potential is measured between two other metal rods. The resistance can be calculated from the current and voltage measurements, then the apparent resistivity can be calculated from the array geometry.

Most metal detectors are inductively coupled to the ground. A current through a loop of wire generates a time varying magnetic field. The systems can operate in either the time domain or frequency domain. A signal is measured in another loop of wire which contains both the primary field directly from the transmitter coil plus a secondary field generated by materials in the subsurface interacting with the primary magnetic field. The geometry of the system (i.e. the orientation and spacing between the transmitter and receiver coils) determines the type of response that you will receive.

There are very few capacitively coupled systems due to the physical properties of materials as resistivity (or conductivity) is dominant at lower frequencies while permittivity is dominant at higher frequencies. An instrument like the Geometrics OhmMapper is a capacitively coupled resistivity measurement tool.

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