
Re: Are you smarter than a fifth-grader?

Mike(Mont) said:
Obviously there are people here who are not. Case in point, someone has been trying to ridicule my instruction techniques claiming their way is "common sense" and my info is too complicated. Well, a fifth-grader was able to follow my instruction and locate a target within two feet on the first attempt. Don't go and feel too bad, they win on that TV show, too.

As I have said before, you need to feel the psychic electricity. The best way I knoiw is to rub the palms of your hands together for 30-60 seconds. As I told the fifth-grader, then bring your hands close together but not touching and try to feel the sensation. That's sort of what you want to sense. I also said you might feel a sensation over your whole body like when you get scared. I said it is like when you are holding a stick and you touch something you can feel it through the stick, only the locator rod uses your mind energy like an invisible stick to reach out and touch the bubble of energy around the target. The fifth-grader picked up the rod and (I had a frequency transmitter set up.) walked over to the target, and kept going back to the same spot. I got out my RLR and got a hit a little to the left and we both walked in to the area.

Whoever invented that TV show knew what they were doing, but my instructions are easy enough. That should tell you something--there are many here (dowsers and skeptics) who have a chip on their shoulder. Get over it already! The same people who make their claims are the same ones who can't dowse because conditions aren't just right or some other excuse. There are many dowsing problems that can be traced back to the ego. Dowsing and ego do not mix.
From your muddled logic, you apparently want everyone to feel good that you're comparing them to 5th graders, seeing as how they're able to dowse so well. Do you bother to read any of this drivel before clicking the Post button....?

And you have to remember Mike, that you're much more of a 5th grader that anyone else here. You ignore people when they're talking to you, you toss insults out and act all hurt when they're tossed back, I'll even bet you have a baseball card clacking against the spokes of your bicycle. Not to mention the fact that some 5th graders still believe in the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Unicorns and dowsing. Well, maybe more 3rd graders that 5th graders. Most 5th graders have learned that these things simply don't exist, and to mention them usually results in a schoolyard beating. How was your 5th grade life, Mike? Experience a lot of swirlies?? :tongue3:

Re: Are you smarter than a fifth-grader?

What makes this post so interesting is that most of you are squabbling over something that you have never experienced nor ever will. Dowsing is such a contentious issue with so many rules of nature applying to successful drowsing that its achievement is preliminary rarely attained except by accident in most cases which is picking up a dowsing rod at the right time, and if successful in obtaining a mental link with an underground target and you are probably fluking it at only certain times like I did the first time I had a go with dowsing rods 26 years ago. I had only about a very small percentage of succeeding and consider that I was fortunate the first time. Its like winning a major prize in a lottery.
At least I was able to rid myself of 2 day flu like headaches after fishing, which was my favorite hobby as I had been subconsciously dowsing down thru my fishing line for 40 odd years. In frustration I sold my boat, my beach house and purchased a farm.
Whilst dowsing for water , the old symptoms reappeared and I instantly learn't when not to dowse.
From what I now know , those who claim that they can dowse at any time under any conditions at any time of their choosing should be digging right now, not arguing fine points on the merits or the existence of mental dowsing with Mike.You have a talent even I do not possess. Mike has already been blocked off another forum thru hogging the posts, taking great delight in seeing his name up in a continuous monotonous pattern with no aft or SWR to contend with.
Mikes inane comments were entertaining with no serious content and somewhat amusing. I feel that he should not have been blocked as it gave him an outlet for his desire to be recognized and keeping the dowsing postings alive.
In plainer terms, most of you don't know what you are talking about re mental dowsing , with an apology to the rare ones that do. It is just over a century that banking really came into vogue, and for several thousands of years prior, you would be shocked at what has been and still being hidden or lost below topsoil.
Regards Max ( dowser 501)

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