Did the FBI plunder Civil War gold from treasure seekers?


Jr. Member
May 18, 2011

Surrounded by dozens of stone-faced FBI agents on a frigid winter’s day, Dennis and Kem Parada stared down at the empty hole and knew something wasn’t right.

The father-son duo spent years combing this bit of Pennsylvania wilderness with high-end metal detectors, drills and other tools to prospect for a fabled cache of Civil War gold. They felt certain they’d discovered the hiding place of the long-lost booty, leading the FBI to the mountainous, heavily wooded area last March.

Now, at the end of the court-sanctioned excavation, the FBI escorted the treasure hunters to the snow-covered site and asked them what they saw. They gazed at the pit. Not so much as a glimmer of gold dust, let alone the tons of precious metal they said an FBI contractor’s instruments had detected.

“We were embarrassed,” Dennis Parada told The Associated Press in his first interview since the well-publicized dig last winter. “They walk us in, and they make us look like dummies. Like we messed up.”

Since that day, however, neighbors’ accounts of late-night excavation and FBI convoys have fueled suspicions the agency isn’t telling the whole truth. The Paradas are challenging the FBI’s account of the dig, insisting that something had to have been buried in the woods near Dents Run, about 135 miles (220 kilometers) northeast of Pittsburgh.

The Paradas showed agents how their sophisticated metal detector lit up like crazy when aimed at the spot where they believed the gold was hidden. Within a month, they said, the FBI had hired an outside firm to conduct an underground scan using a device called a gravimeter. The scan identified a large metallic mass with the density of gold, according to the Paradas and Warren Getler, an author and journalist who’s been working with them.

So it was with great anticipation that father, son and Getler arrived at the dig site March 13. But nothing went as planned.

The treasure hunters and Getler said they had an agreement with the FBI to watch the excavation. Officers instead confined them to their car — out of sight of the wooded hillside where a backhoe was digging — for six hours that first day before they were finally allowed up the hill. The digging proceeded for another hour before an agent called an abrupt halt at 3 p.m., saying the team was cold, tired and hungry and it would be getting dark soon. They were just 3 feet from the target.

“I said, ‘You’ve got three hours of daylight and we’re only 3 feet away,’” Dennis Parada recalled. He said the agent replied, “Denny, we’re going, we’re going.”

Whether the FBI actually left the woods that afternoon is itself an open question.

Cheryl Elder, who lives nearby, told AP she heard what sounded like a backhoe and jackhammer at least until 2 a.m. — the noisy machinery keeping her awake and annoying her because she had to rise early for work — and she saw that the hillside was brightly lit.

“It was just real loud all night,” the former constable recalled. “It was driving me nuts.”

The second day of the excavation was similar to the first, according to the Paradas and Getler. They said they were confined to their car for several hours, then escorted up the hill to the dig site — by then a large, empty hole. The FBI had finished the excavation out of their presence, they said.

The Paradas said they were cheated of a moment they had spent years working for.

After the Paradas and Getler had left, Elder said, she saw a half-dozen black SUVs at the site. One by one, she said, they backed up to the bottom of the hill and rendezvoused with one of several all-terrain utility vehicles. Elder tried using her binoculars, but couldn’t make out what investigators were transferring from the ATVs to the SUVs.

Even so, “I know they found gold,” she declared. “I know they found it, and they’re being sneaky.”

According to the legend, the lost shipment had either 26 gold bars or 52 bars, each weighing 50 pounds (23 kilograms), meaning it would be worth about $25 million or about $50 million today. The Paradas and Getler say the government contractor’s scan detected a much larger quantity of precious metal — 7 to 9 tons — an eye-popping haul that could be worth more than $250 million if every ounce of it was gold.

If one legend states 26 bars at 50lbs each (1300lbs) and another claims 52 bars (2600lbs), how did things jump from 1.3 tons max per the legend to 7-9 tons in the ground? The story has been vetted by numerous researchers whom all claim it to be just that, a story. I believe the searchers really believe it to be true, just like the Laginas and the guys from that Civil War show on History, but that doesnt mean it is. The long and short is the alleged gold/treasure wasn't witnessed, so it's purely speculative that the FBI dug anything up. He said, she said, but didnt see. I wish them luck, but don't think anything will come of this. People forget that the FBI isn't a local sheriff's office. They have protocols and procedures and just because they are not forthcoming, doesnt mean there us a conspiracy at work.

I "see" a book or video coming out of this... MAYBE a BIG Motion Picture starring TOM HANKS... :coffee2:

Old news. There are several threads on this already.

Time for more coffee.
galenrog, can you point me in the direction where to find the primary thread on this? I was telling myhusband about this the other day and wanted him to read the thread that was written by the principal parties that were involved in this.

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