Do the county recorders have historic claims information for you to browse?

Happy you are back, we will have to meet up for some mining, Ed

Do they keep that and is it available to view?

Maybe I’m a big geek but I stop by the Pershing County (NV) recorders office all the time to look over the old data.

Half of gold mining is the physical labor and the other half is a solid understanding of the land and laws lol.

They sure do and for the old cool info your actually flipping open leather bound books.. that were written with dipped ink.

sometimes your looking at micro fiche...ick..not my favorite

You do have to know land descriptions and what they mean on a map still.

I just left my county’s courthouse. Online it said the assessor recorded claims, she referred me to the auditing office on the 2nd floor, the secretary told me to go to recording. The recorder had no idea and sent me to a different county to look because apparently all their old records are archived there haha. Not a huge suprise because my county isn’t one of mineral wealth, pure basalt and prehistoric flood sediments. Must be once in 20 years that someone comes in to file a claim.

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