Effigy??? Is it or isnt it?? Need some help


Mar 31, 2021
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Was out metal detecting in West Virginia a short while back and after arm got a little tired and wanted a break from swinging my DFX i did what i always do headed for the nearest creek or run. I headed down the hill to the run and started looking. I found a rock i beleive is an effigy but maybe mind is playing tricks on me. Ill tell you what i see and hopefully my pictures are good enough. I see a dogs head. With one design of the dog on one side and another on the other. The first pics i see a happy dog with a nice look on his face. That dog you just wanna go up and rub his head. Almost a smile on face. In the last of the pics the flip side of the happy dog i see a mean dog. His snout is wrinkled i think snarling showing his teeth. That dog you can just tell wants to rip you apart. My happy dog mean dog rock. If it is just total BS please be easy on me. I am always looking and wanting to find something like this and alot of times i see a rock and my mind just kinda "fills in the blanks" and i see something but its nothing. I have been detecting alot of years but just in the last few i been getting more serious about native american artifacts so i am deffiently inexperienced looking for advice for some that no more than me. Thanks for the help

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Sorry, just a rock... Welcome to TreasureNet.

I see Mr. Peabody. If you go back and look in the same area again, Sherman could be found near by...

Well thanks for all the responses.. Dissapointed about it i was really hoping i had something..oh well in with the rest of the cool rocks i have brought home...thanks again everyone

It doesn't even look like rock to me. More like a hunk of molten, then cooled tar, or something similar like hard rubber. I was once shown a small piece of "mastodon rib" from a creek that wa
s a piece of old hardened tar from resurfacing the bridge overhead.

if it were an effigy your mind would not have to fill in the blanks.

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