electrolysis and nickles?


Bronze Member
Dec 3, 2004
Long Island New York
Detector(s) used
White's XLT
My MD'ing buddy dropped off a buffalo nickle in BAD shape and asked me to run it through 6 volt electrolysis process, I've never done a nickle and was curios if anyone had any experience?, it really cant get too much worse,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? thanks, kenb

I ran my first Buffalo thru and it turned to a brownish purple color. I then scrubbed it with toothbrush and baking soda, now its a new copper penny color :o I would leave that one alone. They clean silver coins real nice, but i'm not happy with the results on other coins so far.

Someone here said , the Iron in the water causes them to turn Copper Color, and to use DISTILLED WATER. Don't remember who tho'

Thanks TM and Jeff, the coin is shot like I said and it couldn't possible get worse so I'll try distilled water like Jeff suggested, worse case sinario it'll look like a new penny!!

Yeah, go for it, what the hell. 8) If it wasnt my first Buffy i wouldnt have cared, but it's screwed now and i'm still pissed.

Keep in mind, this is my BUDDY"S first buffy LOL, only kidding he may read this. I'll let him know what you said if he dosent read it first and let him decide. He found it on a beach that seems to destroy coins for some reason. It's in an industrial area which may have an effect on coins, only reason we can come up with.

BUFFALOS don't hold up in the first place.

He's picked up some IH's there to that are pretty shot but they dont hold up well either from what I've seen. He swears theres silver at this spot but it has yet to produce so I guess we will see soon

He found it on a beach that seems to destroy coins for some reason. It's in an industrial area which may have an effect on coins, only reason we can come up with.

Most beaches have high salt content. ?Since copper and nickel tends to oxidize faster then gold and silver, and the salt speeding things up more so, would be my guess why pennys and nickels found at beaches are nearly as nice as gold and silver.


Okay, I dunked the buffalo head in a distiled salt water solution with a six volt charge for a couple of minutes, hit it with a toothbrush and washed it in warm soapy water. It cleaned up great but as true_metal said it would, there are some small copper colored spots. I would have to say if the coin was even in decent shape electrolysis is a BAD idea. I'll post a pick, but doubt anyone will be able to see whats left of it (from the beach not the electrolysis)
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Kenb
Terrible pic sorry


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  • Jan19_05.JPG
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What you see is what you got!, the obverse is completely gone dylan, but it's nice and shiny now!!

the beach was covered with ice actually the inner harbor was covered with ice went up to goldstar found a couple wheaties

Good deal, It's supposed to drop to the low single digits by the weekend so I would think even the beach's will be solid

Any coins in sand ( nearer to the surface where traffic shift the sand ) will quickly get pitted. This allows the aging process to accelerate. The only thing I have seen worse is a gravel parking lot. Sometimes you can't tell what kind of coin you have.


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