Equinox Jury

or do we give it a few more months?


I think the jury went out and bought either the 600 or 800.

I only have about 20-30 hours on mine, but I will confidently say it is very capable and there is no better value on the detector market right now. (Assuming list price and not inflated flea-bay values)

we need to have the jury read and digest the manuals first they are still deliberating.

More than "capable" and and extraordinary "Value"... and that's just the 600, I'm still waiting on my 800 with advanced features.

Out of the extreme numbers of people who have purchased the Equinox...either 600 or 800, I have only seen three people who decided it wasn't worth it for them. THAT is very telling!

Has enough time passed to say that the jury is in and the verdict is that the equinox series is capable and good value?


capable?! Hell nah, it's AWESOME. The price makes it the best detector on the market for the money.

Speed like DEUS
Depth like CTX
Waterproof better than CTX
Handles saltwater better than Excal.
Priced better than an AT-Pro.
More responsive to tiny gold than almost all other detectors.
Replaces 8 individual detectors.

How is that not the best thing since sliced bread?

still to many people wait to get their equinox on order....hundreds even thousands world wide....a declaration now could be premature....

I, like most if not all of you have a feeling on how it will end....


just awesome!

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I ordered 3, received 1 already, 1 more for backup and one for my hunting partner.

still to many people wait to get their equinox on order....hundreds even thousands world wide....a declaration now could be premature....

I, like most if not all of you have a feeling on how it will end....


I can see why your avatar is "dark"... I trust a few members on here and trust their experience and judgement due to their longevity and experience with the brands that interest me. When they say something regarding a machine (good or bad) I tend to believe them. I have read of a few shortcomings, but those are not concerning it's detecting capability. I for one prefer a target ID range of 1-99 and not the 1-44 Minelab range. This has kept me from owning a minelab, though the technologies intrigue me.

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The Multi Cruiser came out and...and what? Not enough reviews on it yet it seems.

I can see why your avatar is "dark"... I trust a few members on here and trust their experience and judgement due to their longevity and experience with the brands that interest me. When they say something regarding a machine (good or bad) I tend to believe them. I have read of a few shortcomings, but those are not concerning it's detecting capability. I for one prefer a target ID range of 1-99 and not the 1-44 Minelab range. This has kept me from owning a minelab, though the technologies intrigue me.

some people get machines only to find out later they just didn't connect with the machine. to them I can only sympathize. the machines can be an investment that
can be quite steep...it is important to research. the problem with the equinox is its still new....I do know some people who were able to flip them and come out clean. I am happy for them. in my case I just wanted a water machine that would not be an anchor in a year down the road. as for the 1-99 yes I do still miss
the spectrum and maybe someday I will get around to repairing the display.
if you find a machine that you can connect with and embrace...I say go for it...after all its all about that personal connection.

Originally, I was a skeptic. I've been detecting for 30 years and never owned a minelab. I've been using an At Pro and really like it, but so far this equinox 600 has impressed the heck out of me and I've only used it about 6 hours.

Been using my EQ800 about 50 hours now. My first minelab, and it's incredibly good. The coil is extremely light, in fact the entire unit is light. Battery lasts a long time on a charge, it goes pretty deep, nothing crazy, but good for a VLF. Totally stable in the salt water, and I love the wireless options. Being able to adjust tone and break is great on the 800 a feature I didn't think I'd use but do. Gold mode is extremely sensitive but I don't actually use it or haven't used it yet since I hunt beaches.

So yeah I'm happy with mine... just getting ready to head out for a night hunt.

I really like my 600. And I really like my At Pro. Both find things that make me smile. And both find things that make me put stuff in my finds bag that are headed for the trash bin at the end of the day. I hit the beach now with just the 600. I needed the dry/wet/surf capability the AT Pro cannot provide there. I hit fields and woods with both. Nice to have options with confidence. I spent a lot on them. I intend to use them both for a long time! GL&HH

Maybe someone can move the ocean about 50 miles closer to my house so I can get there more often.

Maybe someone can move the ocean about 50 miles closer to my house so I can get there more often.

could happen, all that ice melting, the water got to go somewhere.

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