F2 and bleed through iron signals...


Bronze Member
May 18, 2011
I know my F2 and its language pretty well although I am still learning and trying to get even better because as far as I am concerned that process never ends.
Here is a strange little signal and a neat little iron target I dug up using mostly instinct and the knowledge I have acquired swinging the F2 for so many hours.
I usually would have bypassed this signal but there were a few little clues that triggered my instinct to dig this target even though I was hunting with iron notched out at the time.
This is what we all mean when we talk about learning the language of your chosen detector...something I strive to do on every hunt with anything I am swinging at the time.
Sometimes you can read between the lines and still find good targets despite what the tones and the screen info is telling you.
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This one is for the little more advanced users and a good example on using all the clues and your instincts no matter what the screens and tones are saying.

Why I bent down to dig this thing is hard to explain because it was more about a "feeling" than anything else but I will try.

This signal was a false one when I ran over it, I got one false tone that was pretty solid and a 79 on the screen at first pass which fooled me but more passes over it the signal went away so I knew it was false.
I turned and hit this thing from another angle and nothing was there so I knew there was no real high tone target here but I turned back and tried to find it again.
I usually would forget this and move on but that first tone did seem to have something a little more solid in it then I usually hear on the many others I usually come across hunting on max sense in my sites with lots of iron.
When I turned back I got many more false tones that repeated almost in the same place and I could tell this was a small iron object because of the way I moved my coil over it and got those false tones in that small area.
The false tones only happened when the edge of my coil was over the target, not the center of the coil.
I notched iron back in and got a solid 08 with my sniper coil exactly centered over the target so I knew this was definitely iron and using the pinpoint button to find the exact location I realized it wasn't really big, just as I suspected.
The false tones I heard were accompanied by false numbers but instead of being in the 80's, 90's or higher like most large iron these were still in the high 70's...also something very unusual for most iron I come across out there.

I instantly processed all this information and I got real curious so I dug it and came up with this nice pocket knife with an unusual metal jacket instead of the plastic sides that I find on most of the knives I dig up.

It was 08 iron and solid when I air tested it.

Regular size iron nails and other small iron targets won't false like this so I knew this was larger than those but still not a huge chunk of metal.

This was all about instinct and about hearing something even in that false tone and those weird numbers and the strange small size on a falsing piece of iron that triggered my impulse to dig.

Watch the video, this all happens pretty fast but all of this stuff was going through my mind when I picked up and then examined this signal a little more closely.
It wasn't just one thing it was all these things that added together that made me curious.

Sometimes instinct means more than anything you hear or see on the screen.

I am getting a little better with the editing stuff, not quite great yet but getting closer.

You can change to 1080p HD or go to youtube and full screen to see a little bit more of what is happening on my screen when I rolled over this thing.


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Hey Digger27,
I have been a big fan of all your tutorials on the F2. So much info and insight in to the operation of this often overlooked gem. And now, your getting into the videos, AWESOME! I am looking forward to your tutorials on the F70. Already watched the one you have up now, and I know with the season coming to a close it may be awhile, but with anticipation, I will wait for the next.
Congrats on the 12 gold for the year.

Thanks again for all you do.

Hey Digger27,
I have been a big fan of all your tutorials on the F2. So much info and insight in to the operation of this often overlooked gem. And now, your getting into the videos, AWESOME! I am looking forward to your tutorials on the F70. Already watched the one you have up now, and I know with the season coming to a close it may be awhile, but with anticipation, I will wait for the next.
Congrats on the 12 gold for the year.

Thanks again for all you do.

Well, thanks!
Temps in the teens and 20's around here now but when it warms up I hope to get out there with the F70 and keep learning more about this great little unit.
It is like the F2 on steroids with about a million ways to set it up and I want to try them all so I look forward to getting out there when it warms up a bit.

I got a GoPro camera and a head mount for it...looks stupid but works great.
When I remember to charge it up I will bring it out more and try to make a record of my learning process.

The F2 and the F70 are remarkably similar in their language, the way they work and behave around targets.
It is just that the F70 has way more options and settings so anything new I learn should translate along most the the F series line I would expect.

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Yep, Know the feeling well on the temps. I think we may be in for a dry spell on the detecting.

The GoPro is definately a good unit. My son uses one all the time. He does video and sound stage set up for a renaissance troupe over in Austria. It will serve you well.

I am also new to the F70 and have a long ways to go. I know you are working with the 4H tones right now. I found those to be cool and have played with them a bit. I like that high tone nickle, turns it into a killer coin hunter. The Delta Pitch is kind of fascinating in all the tones, and I find myself intrigued. I find that I am leaning in that direction right now.
But your right, all the setting and options, you can adjust for about any situation.


Yep, Know the feeling well on the temps. I think we may be in for a dry spell on the detecting.

The GoPro is definately a good unit. My son uses one all the time. He does video and sound stage set up for a renaissance troupe over in Austria. It will serve you well.

I am also new to the F70 and have a long ways to go. I know you are working with the 4H tones right now. I found those to be cool and have played with them a bit. I like that high tone nickle, turns it into a killer coin hunter. The Delta Pitch is kind of fascinating in all the tones, and I find myself intrigued. I find that I am leaning in that direction right now.
But your right, all the setting and options, you can adjust for about any situation.


I am scouring the net looking for any and all info on using the F70 and settings and bookmarking and studying all I can find.
Over on the Find's forum several members like IBdiggin and mudpuppy are great resources and have been using this one for awhile and are happy to share their knowledge.
That Delta Pitch setting is one they both seem very fond of.
Mud has a tip about turning the sense way down low like into the 30's or lower that still gets you pretty deep but in trashy sites seems to reduce and concentrate the scanning field and make it even more precise and surgical so you can zero in on good targets easily that are surrounded by garbage.

I am loving the elliptical 10" coil that is standard on this thing.
Seems like it is a combination of a sniper coil and a large DD in the way it works and I am picking out great targets that are so close to trash it is hard to believe.
The very last target I dug on the last hunt I had a few days ago plucked a really nice gold ring out a trash pit this way for me using 4H and that nickel signal came in loud and clear when I got the coil over it in the exact right place.
Captain Silver over on the Friendly Forum, which is my home base, got rid of his F75 because he "retired" from the hobby but then soon after un-retired and now has an Omega he is messing with.
The crazy guy had a few extra coils from the F75 that he kept and didn't sell off because the rocky beach areas he hunts but a hurtin' on them pretty good and he had to repair them with JB Weld on a few nicks and cracks to keep them going but he says they work perfectly.
Out of the blue he just offered them to me because he says I will give them a good home and get some use out of them and so I shall.
The generosity of the people in this hobby still never ceases to amaze me.
Soon I will have a 5" sniper coil and an 11" DD coil to mount and play around with.
They say that the DD coil on this thing will make it as deep or some say even deeper than the F75 especially in SL...this is something I am itching to find out, but in my great soil even the 10" standard coil is finding clear signals easily on targets 6-8" deep and I have dug a few that were every bit of 10" with not so clear ID info on the screen but still a nice tone that made me curious and dig them.
I have about 1000 parks around me I have hunted and found a ton of clad and other great stuff in most of them but this thing seems to be able to make every one new to me again with a new level of depth to explore at every one along with the ability to pick out the great shallow stuff that I missed along the way like that gold ring.

Come on good and warmer weather.
So much to learn and experience and find when I can get out there, I don't know how I am going to be able to wait out the winter if I am shut down with cold weather or frozen soil for the duration.

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Digger, Why do you always wear a piece of metal on your glove thumb? Is it to make your pro-pointer more sensitive?

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Digger I love your posts. You have really taught me alot about the Fisher F2. You showed me the 4" sniper coil is a great tool. And that going after solid targets pays off more often than not. I am kinda sad that you have now found a new detector, as I will not be learning along with you as I still have the F2 and feel like I will now have to go it alone so to speak. Good luck and good hunting. I know that when I graduate to the F70 there will be plenty of posts by you to guide me through the next phase of detecting. You and Dirtfishing are my greatest inspirations in this hobby.

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I write about what I learn just so others won't spin their wheels as much as I do when learning my specific detectors.
It's all good, experimenting is much fun for me and never a waste of time in my mind, but helping others find the good stuff a little quicker makes me feel good inside so I will continue to post what I see out there in the field in case others want to try and see if what works for me will also work for them.

I saw that you had a piece of metal on your glove thumb. What is that for? To make your pinpointer more sensitive? Or for good luck?

I saw that you had a piece of metal on your glove thumb. What is that for? To make your pinpointer more sensitive? Or for good luck?

For good luck I use something else.
Never discount luck in this hobby, and I take no chances.

The metal is to make the PP go further.
Just by wearing it I get further on the PP than normal just by holding it in a regular fashion.
I can also supertune to the max instantly and easily with one hand if needed.

I use that PP on every target before I dig from the top of the ground so I zero in on my targets exactly and make very small holes.
With this 3/" EMT pipe strap bent around my thumb I can usually reach 5-6" in depth in dry soil on coin sized objects and even deeper on larger targets with this technique and I won't hunt with it any other way because I have gotten used to it.

Below are some videos about how and why I do this and one that shows me using it in locating and digging several items including gold.



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Nice. I like the four leaf clover. I have seen a lot of different ways to super tune the pro-pointer, but yours looks the most practical. Thanks for the reply. I will have to try it.

I have the F2 also with the 2 coil package. Why do you like the sniper coil? I like it's precision. Not as deep but very accurate on what it picks up. A lot of swinging though.

I have the F2 also with the 2 coil package. Why do you like the sniper coil? I like it's precision. Not as deep but very accurate on what it picks up. A lot of swinging though.

Sorry for the late reply, missed this when you posted it in June.
Those that know me on this and other forums pretty much know how much of a fan I am of sniper coils...and that includes any detector I tend to use because I have the sniper coil option for most of them.
Every one of those coils has paid for itself easily, most of the time one gold ring find did it, in the case of the F2 many, many times over in the clad amounts and gold finds.
The reason is that precision you mentioned, target separation is fantastic with any coil on the F2 but the sniper takes it to a new level.
Add in the rapid recovery the Fishers have and you have quite a potent weapon that seems enhanced when you put on that sniper coil.

I aim for some pretty trashy sites more often than not so for me it makes sense to mount those snipers, but I have been very lucky and rolled over gold in very large wide open areas with those small coils from time to time too because I am just to lazy to change to big coils in the middle of a hunt...never discount luck in this hobby.

I first put the sniper coil on my F2 as a lark, but immediately discovered that when I went back to some of my sites, sites I thought I cleaned up well, they came alive with more good coin and jewelry signals than I ever thought possible.
From then on I was a fan.

I mounted that sniper on my F2 sometime in July of 2012 and pretty much used that set up 99% of the time till December 2013 when I switched to the F70 and put that great F2 away to rest for awhile.

Not only did I find about $500 worth of clad in that time with this set up, here is one of those pictures are worth a thousand word things that show some of the best of other type targets I found while using it.
I might have found some of these with bigger coils, but I am convinced I probably would not have found all of them...or at the very least I would have not found them as easily.
Every one of these were found in very trashy areas like around picnic pavilions, grass islands dividing parking lots and especially and mostly the perimeters of basketball courts.
The merc is the exception and that was one of those lucky finds in an area that was way too big to be hunting with a sniper.

My F2 and the 2 coil package cost me $200...adding it up I found somewhere north of $2000 worth of clad, silver and gold in our time spent together, about 3 years, way more than half of that came after mounting the sniper coil for just those 18 months.
To this day I am convinced there is no better or more productive accessory you can spend your money on than a sniper coil for your detector...no matter what brand or type you swing.
If you like to hunt for jewelry in super trashy sites like I do, anyway.


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