Fair market value for dug Civil War bullets????



Hi everyone. I would like some opinions on the value of dug civil war era bullets. Recently I've found a few dozen bullets of different sizes at an old C.W. camp. I traded some of them with a local coin dealer I know who collects C.W. items but we never really talked dollar value. I got some graded coins I wanted, and on that level I'm happy with the trade but I really did it blind and I would like to be better prepared next time. I've attached a picture of the different type bullets I've found. Can anyone shed some light on what might be a realistic price to expect for these type items? He was interested most in the largest bullet pictured, I can't give the exact caliber but the bullet is a hair over 1/2 inch wide and a hair over one inch long. I'd really like to know the common value of these in fair condition as well as anything I should look for that would increase or decrease the price. Thanks in advance.

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The value of bullets depends on where you are in relation to the battlefields and camps. Do a search on e-bay and you will see what they are bringing. Around Va. a dropped 3 ring minie will be worth around a buck to a buck fifty depending on the varient.

Glad to finally get a reply. I had thought (hoped) that the price would be higher than that. I'd like to know the names of the different bullets I've found, also what time period was something like this used. My question here I suppose is how likely are these kinds of bullets from the Civil War? How early and how late were people shooting these, and finally, how do you determine if a bullet is dropped or shot (other than the mangled bullets that have obviously hit something)? Thanks.

The two 3 ring minie are for the .58 cal musket. They are different varients, both Union. Look in the base of each one and see if any marks are present.

The large round ball is for .69 cal musket or a piece of case shot out of a artillery shell.

The small round ball and the small bullet appear to be the same diameter and if they are the only ones found may have been cast together in the same mold. Some pistol molds would cast a round ball and a bullet.

All are from the CW era and I would keep looking where ever you found them.


i would take all those babys at a buck .50. there is a book that can tell you everything but has no prices.civil war projectiles,small arms and field artillery by w.reid mckee and m.e. mason,jr. i think my bullets are all one of a kind and are not for sale at any price. i know were they came from,what they are and in most cases who droped them and why they were there! if i sell them to a coin dealer there just bullets! you can keep record of the find,this will help some but i "think" after the finder sells them theres yer buck .50. im not preaching! its my take on the subject above!

Va. Mike: Since I posted the size, worth and terminology above, I would be interested in knowing the correct size, worth and terminology.

looks like 58's,and pistol bullets to me! the base is important to pinpoint the bullets value and correct name! the 69 or what ever is hard to tell?

I have found many of those 3 ringed mini's and 69 cal. here in Manitoba.
Several times I have listed the mini's on Ebay and always include 1 high impact shot. I list the grouping as "Civil war era" and usually get $2 a bullet, sometimes $3. Convert to Canadian funds and it works out to $3 to $5 each, depending the exchange rate.
Musket balls go for around the same, sometimes more.


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E-bay has somewhat stablized the price of a dropped 3 ring minies across the country. I havn't sold any recently but several years ago I was getting .50 to .75 each for dropped 3 rings in batches of 100. I assume whoever buys these is retailing them for somewhat more. Still if you live in Va. and have access to folks that hunt they are relatively cheap. Dropped common 69 cal. bullets sell for about twice what a common .58 does. I used to give them out to kids at living histories and schools but there is so much about lead being hazardous I have stopped.


How far down in the ground are they being found I am searching a area of Civil war and Revolutionary War activity and coming up with 1920's and 1940's shot gun shells.

The ones i am finding are around 4-5 inches deep but im sure it depends on the site blackbeard, if it has been disturbed or not would affect their depth possibly.

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The ones i am finding are around 4-5 inches deep but im sure it depends on the site blackbeard, if it has been disturbed or not would affect their depth possibly.

Four inches is a typical depth here in southwest Tennessee. If the hardwoods are old then six to eight inched deep.
Price wise I have never sold my bullets, I do pay darn good money for Demmick or Swiss Chasseur bullets in any condition. I have some Mississippi rifle bullets, they look like Enfields with two rings near the base, I found at a popular Confederate river crossing that would bring $40 - 50 each. I got in on a site in Fayette Co TN that one wooded hillside produced 528 bullets. Everything from common .58 cal, lots of pistol bullets, plates , buckles,buttons, canteen parts, a virgin Union camp. Kept my mouth shut and dug that baby. The most common bullet was the Colt revolving rifle round. Ahhh those were the days, now if I get time to hunt, I'm happy with one bullet. I WILL BUY YOUR DEMMICKS ( SWISS CHASSEUR'S)

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