๐Ÿ† HONORABLE MENTION Family Heirloom Found and Returned Today


Silver Member
Mar 1, 2016
Port Huron MI
๐Ÿฅ‡ Banner finds
๐Ÿ† Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
2 Fisher CZ-21's 8 and 10" coils
Tesoro Tiger Shark 8 and 10" coils (Interchangeable)
Minelab E-Trac with Sun Ray Probe
Primary Interest:
Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
I got a call yesterday from someone who got one of my business cards. Two and a half years ago he lost his Great Grandfathers ring in a slip in a marina. He was working on a boat and went to brush sawdust off his clothes. The ring flew off, bounced on the dock, hit the side of the boat and it was history. Told him I would meet him there at 10:00 today. We meet and load all my equipment in a golf cart and go out to the boat. The water is brown and a lot of weeds are floating on top. I am thinking YECH. I get suited up and go in. First three mid tone signals were brass canvas snaps in muck. So I am thinking it was lost two and a half years ago, deep in the muck. Nope. Fourth signal was another mid tone, and it turned out to be the ring. I came up with it on my finger and surprised everyone. Date on the inside is 1915.

He called his dad and told him it was found and his dad couldn't believe it. He never told his grandfather who gave it to him, but now that he has it back he is going to. I am going to get a picture of me just coming up with the ring on my finger. Will post it after they send it.

10 minutes worth of searching got me another 50.00 and I was happy. I decided no more dives today. It is 60 degrees out and a bit cool for me.


Nice job! Amazing after two years that you found it in 10 minutes!

Great stuff!


Congratualtions on the ring recovery and return! You made that families day for sure. :occasion14:

Wow!!!! Outstanding!

The treasures we hold are the History that lies beneath us.

Fifty bucks, wow ! Buy the good beer tonight.....Joe McDonough

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Outstanding! I can only imagine the gratitude you received for you effort and I'm not talking about anything measured in dollars.. you should rest easy tonight knowing that you made someone's day just a little brighter.

In addition I'm fairly new to this site but there has to be an award for this sort of thing and if so I'm all in. My vote is "YES"!

In addition I'm fairly new to this site but there has to be an award for this sort of thing and if so I'm all in. My vote is "YES"!

There is an honorable mention category. However, I do this every year a few times a month. I advertise and ask for air and gas. People give me what they think is fair and I accept it. So my posts don't really deserve to be there. The folks that do it for free and return things they find on their own, are the ones that deserve that recognition.

I do return class rings I find on my own. The trouble with that is my newest one this year is 1949 and most don't have schools on them anymore, or initials in them for some reason.

Pretty cool story!

Honorable mention it is.. just because you provide a service does not disqualify you from a good deed. Your cost is to cover expenses, not for profit.

I would like to nominate scuba for an "Honorable Mention" award. Will someone second the motion?

Nice job, congrats!

You da man !!!! Priceless!!!!!! Thanks for sharing that story Stay Safe!!!!!!

Thanks all. I think my last dive will be today. Getting too chilly for me now.

Good Job, Awesome! :headbang:

I also think you deserve Honorable Mention, if you hadn't found the ring it would most likely be lost forever, I'm sure the man and his family would agree, to them the ring is priceless and worth much much more than just the price of a little gas and air refill!!

Gotta move to Florida dive for the treasure fleet Im sure Mel Fisher left some stuff plus your posts were some of the best reads!!!!!!!

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