Federal Reserve

A interesting histiry lesson on the family. Of course the article did not go on to mention that the family lost almost all if its money in the 1900s especially between the 2 wars especially their businesses in continental europe. Rothchilds are a complete non entity in the banking industry today. Many people / families that were wealthy hundreds of years ago are no longer wealthy.

I believe PBS did a great program on the family - very fascinating.

Only time I ever hear the rothchilds anymore is when it's part of a "Zionist new world order conspiracy theory"??

Yes it is , nobody will every know the truth . Or what they want you to believe . Course it does not matter to me cause I know the evils of the federal reserve , central banking and the income tax . Does not really matter if they still exist , its the why and how they got central banking and the income tax . And it wasn't for the publics well being . Again believe what you want , all it takes is putting two and two together . Course they are not the only ones included and people who owned 80% of the worlds resouces don't use . Check out more of the history , bloodlined etc . Really quite intersting . Would make a great movie , if they allowed it .

Yes it is , nobody will every know the truth . Or what they want you to believe . Course it does not matter to me cause I know the evils of the federal reserve , central banking and the income tax . Does not really matter if they still exist , its the why and how they got central banking and the income tax . And it wasn't for the publics well being . Again believe what you want , all it takes is putting two and two together . Course they are not the only ones included and people who owned 80% of the worlds resouces don't use . Check out more of the history , bloodlined etc . Really quite intersting . Would make a great movie , if they allowed it .

Income tax seems much more of a socialist wealth redistribution thing than it is a method of concentrating wealth into the hands of the few?? You have the wealthy Paying the majority of the income tax and the bottom 50 percent receiving the majority of the gov benefits?? Socialism isn't about benefiting the few is it?

Yes it is , you have to study the real taxes . Not just income tax . The wealth have ways and the muddle don't . The muddle pay the poor who sell their votes . The income tax ties your property to the federal debt pure and simple . It why inreally you have no property rights because they get first dibs. With a consumption tax they have zero control and cannot show favortism to anybody . No bribing confess . No laws based on or control legilation . The new proposed gun taxes as a example . Sin taxes would not exist . If they want to raise taxes they would have to raise it on eveybody . It's economic chains pure and simple . The estate tax another transfer of wealth . In fact when the quote when the income was passed was to transfer wealth from the public to the govt . Does that sound constitutional to you . It's really a eye opener to study .

Understood - good point. And after the income tax we went off the socialist deep end with socialist security and Medicare and the rest of the FDR initiatives.

That's correct but if you research you will find it was not the plans of president or congress but the federal reserve. Lol They have been running the world for a long time . You can even go back and see who finance each president and its opponent . The same as,war its easy to finance both sides. Remember they are worth trillions of fake dollars . The only way they get away with it is the govt needs a excuse to spend all they want to . In really the govt could just say **** you but they want unlimited funding . The only problem is soon or later the economy will explode which is what is happening world wide . So quess what there only solution is to kill there populist . Here comes the UN, disarming people and as you see they already pruning people for confiscating private bank account . Cyprus is a test . Lol crazy stuff , I'm 53,I may not get to see it be would love to . Believe it or not .

Also do some checking the Rothchields started both wars , they did not lose interest . They financed all sides and forced the winners to pay to renulid the losers Accounting entries my man. Remember war thru deception .

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