Feds issue Cease and Desist Order to shut down beach renourishment project


Bronze Member
Feb 27, 2004
lake mary florida
Detector(s) used
Chasing Dory ROV,Swellpro Splash 2 pro waterproof drone,Swellpro Spry+ wa,Wesmar SHD700SS Side Scan Sonar,U/W Mac 1 Turbo Aquasound by American Electronics,Fisher 1280x,Aquasound UW md,Aqua pulse AQ1B
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Maybe the feds finally realized that they are damaging reefs with beach rennurishment projects.Lets hope it happens all over florida.

Amid reports of massive silt plumes and coral reef burial the US Corp of Army Engineers, on Friday (April 1, 2011), issued an order to the Town of Hillsboro Beach to immediately cease beach renourishment activities. A copy of the order can be viewed at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/52174475/C-D-ICA-NON

Environmental groups have been gathering evidence since the project began in mid-March of daily permit violations that have resulted in silt plumes travelling for miles beyond compliance requirements. Cleanup and mitigation costs for project environmental impacts could exceed many millions of dollars.



I was flying over the beach north of Vero on Saturday and saw a renourishing project, visibility was great everywhere except for the area they were working, there the ocean looked like chocoate milk.

bikerlawyer said:
I was flying over the beach north of Vero on Saturday and saw a renourishing project, visibility was great everywhere except for the area they were working, there the ocean looked like chocoate milk.

Must be from all those damn private sector salvors!! :icon_scratch:

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