Finding gold rings; custom program for V3i


Sr. Member
Mar 28, 2005
south charleston, wv
Detector(s) used
White's V3i, White's DFX 300, Garrett Infinium PI, Fisher CZ6A, Garrett Deepseeker and Groundhog ADS
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I enjoyed this step by step instructional video for creating a custom program to find gold rings. I am new to V3i and was able to do it. Now to find some gold rings! Addendum: a reply by 'King Fox' to this video read "if you enter expert mode, tab down to configure. Then scroll down to live search screen. Select search. Select spectragraph then intensity Leave at 90 so you can turn your rx up for more depth. In the same menu scroll down to resolution and set at 1. Then set to 22.5 so that only gold will peak the bars on the spectragraph and most everything else will have a poor return signal. This works for coin shooting as well to be able to see multiple targets and rust halos." I attempted to improve the grammar of King Fox's reply, but haven't tried that modification yet.


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Any detector will find a gold ring if one gets the coil over said ring. No settings in the world on any machine will help with that. Also any detector made will still see an aluminum pull tab and it will read the same as a gold ring. Different karats of gold, different alloys in the same karat, different sized rings will all read differently. Gotta dig a ton of junk to find anything gold since lead and aluminum will give similar tones and VDI.

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Good presentation on V3i and gold nuggets. Appreciated his technique for testing.

I found this presentation interesting.

Using the V3 in Correlate for Gold Rings

After programing the V3I in many different settings for gold jewellery i finally come up with using correlate & coin & jewellery.

Well you would think by using 22.5 single frequency you would be on a good thing with gold jewellery. The problem is it just goes bananas on trash. The readout on your screen is showing you a good pattern with the camel humps or the 3 bars Your main objective is finding gold with the least amount of trash.

When you are detecting non ferrous say gold with non ferrous aluminium & you are getting a good reading on both targets then its no advantage.

That’s where the V3I comes into its own with its multi frequencies mode small gold has a distinct footprint than small aluminium. Small gold has a larger volume small aluminium trash has a lot less. 22.5 will be the same readout on both. The 2.5 kHz will show you a total different picture.

Telling the difference of a small target from a not a tiny target in respect to 22.5 good target 7.5 some discrimination & 2.5 tells you volume.

Correlate using 3 frequencies is best used to dig all targets that give you a repeatable ping Correlate takes the strongest frequencies to 7.5kHz. Where as high conductive targets are looking at the 2.5kHz. reaction and the 7.5kHz. reaction, low conductive targets are looking at the 7.5kHz. To the 22.5 kHz.

So i use 3 frequencies coin & jewellery correlate mode having your span first off at one with frequency offset at +5 At 1 you will be able to get a lot of low conductor gold rings but almost all aluminium tabs will not respond. At 2 on the span you will increase the gold ring acceptance. But you start to increase your rubbish. Its a matter of using your frequency offset into the minus and plus -5 to +5 look at it setting span as your ruff setting & the offset as your very fine setting. Span & offset till you get best settings.

One other thing. I use my disc. starting at - 35 through to vdi 19 your Nickle, Recovery around 35-45 gain & sensitivity Resolution at 1 which gives you a lot of info on your target.

gain cut back so you are in grass roots depth settings like filters is up to you which ever suits your area.

One other thing is coils. You need a very small footprint to be able to get the best results in getting through the trash. I have the 4X6 shooter which is very good in heavy trash but the 5.3 concentric with the cone just gets a little bit deeper and is far better as the gold gets smaller. I have recently acquired a Mars 7 inch lions coil dd which is an incredible coil for depth, sensitivity seperation and pinpointing.

Here is a range of gold ring vdis 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 17 18 19 23 25 27 28 32 34 35 39 41 51 52 62 75 Pull Tabs. 18 21 22 28 30 35 36 38 39 41.

Once finishing the grid pattern i have on the ground i move back to the start and introduce my second program which starts at 20 through to 75. It takes a lot of time but you can go home with a clear mind that you have covered the area to the best of your ability.

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