I recently purchased a Finnish Winter War medal off of the internet and was wondering if it is indeed authentic or just a replica. I'm a novice when it comes to collecting medals but it was a very cheap find so I decided to take a shot in the dark on it. All I know is that the medal is from Finland and was awarded to soldiers who fought against the Soviets in 1939. Im a little on the fence about whether its authentic though as the ribbon seems new (though it could be a replacement ribbon to an authentic medal I suppose) and the medal itself just seems to be a little odd. I don't even know how so but something seems off, but maybe im just paranoid when it comes to collecting medals
The medal is magnetic if that helps determine its authenticity, any help or additional details on the medal would be much appreciated, thanks!

Sorry the pictures are low quality and flipped, I have no idea why that happens sometimes

Sorry the pictures are low quality and flipped, I have no idea why that happens sometimes