
Sr. Member
Feb 9, 2019
Western Europe
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Had a major bucket lister on the weekend. I dug my first Roman silver coin.:hello2: Digging a denarius of any kind has been on the top of my bucket list ever since I moved to Europe over a year ago and I always thought I would never find one given my current luck but even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while.

Its a denarius of the emperor Elagabalus and dates to 218-222 AD making it my new oldest silver coin by around 1677 years:headbang:
IMG_6812.jpegIMG_6786 2.jpegIMG_6785 2.jpeg

I also got another unidentifiable Roman bronze coin (unless you can see something I cant.)

As well as a bunch of other assorted relics from around 1700-1900

Thanks again Mackaydon and Crusader for the help with the ID

Upvote 21
That is truly awesome. Congratulations on your first Roman Silver Coin! :notworthy:

congrats on your first Roman Silver.

wowo!!1!! congrashulations on your fiorst vbuck!!!(!(!(!!( those are hard to find??!? I only have three of those mysefl, epicnj jobr11! :occasion18: :BangHead:

Congrats, maybe you opened the flood gates.

That bronze is a scrappy, all you can tell is that it looks 4th C.

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