First time hunting halves


Jr. Member
Dec 29, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I love watching everyone finds here and inspired me to get four boxes of halves. My teller asked if she could open one box just to se what it looked like, she popped it open after a small struggle with the box, and there was a 1964 Ender! Got them home and, not sure if I have beginners luck but found a George Washington Commemorative, two ‘64’s, six 40%’s, a 2012 Mercury 6 Overlay and a few really good condition coins.
Also went through one box of quarters and found two silver quarters, 1941 & 1945.
Thanks for all the info.

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Yup, I'd call that a good case of beginner's luck! Hope it persists for you. This is a game of chance. Chances are, more you look, the more you'll find. Keep lookin'!

That’s how the hobby gets you hooked. A few good boxes and then skunk city. Lol

That's a very good start. Its rare to find silver in quarter boxes. Among those who do over 100 boxes of halves per year, skunk boxes seem to vary between 66 and 70%. Are you looking for "W" mint 2019 quarters ?

That's a very good start. Its rare to find silver in quarter boxes. Among those who do over 100 boxes of halves per year, skunk boxes seem to vary between 66 and 70%. Are you looking for "W" mint 2019 quarters ?

No just pulling Silver in quarters, what’s the deal with W’s.?

One half box of four was a skunk;

No just pulling Silver in quarters, what’s the deal with W’s.?

One half box of four was a skunk;

Do some searches here about quarters. For 2019, there are five quarter designs with the W (West Point) mint mark. All are collectible and there are quite a few folks here who have threads about them.

Where are people on this Sub located predominately? I’m here in Kansas,wondering if I should have a higher return of silvers in my region

I think people do CRH everywhere but those posting here seem to be more from the Northeast and mid-Atlantic states, or maybe I just notice those more because that's where I'm from and where I'm familiar. The locations from which some people are posting here may not be representative of the geographic distribution of CRHers.

To already have found two silver quarters is very successful! I'd be happy to find that many in 100 boxes of quarters. People do not hunt quarters for the silver but more for the W mint marks.

Hunting halves for silver is extremely hit or miss. I searched 153 boxes in 2019; 101 of those were skunks (meaning absolutely no silver). 6 boxes out of the 153 searched produced 215 (54.7%) of the 393 silver halves I found. We hunt for the rare good box. You are doing quite well so far. The skunks will come - they always find us.

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Great finds for the first time now your hooked


Nice finds, those halves that are in better condition looked that they might be proofs. Good luck with your hunts. Walt

How exciting for you to find such a haul of silver. Hope continued sucess, but just know that was normally NOT what we find. But it will always be remembered as one of your best finds.

I’m picking up some more boxes tomorrow, we will see how my luck holds out! I’m sure I’ll keep you all posted

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