- Dec 30, 2013
- 7
- 3
- Detector(s) used
- Garrett Ace 250
- Primary Interest:
- All Treasure Hunting
Hi guys! This is my first post to treasurenet. I absolutely love this site! I have been following the site for many years now. Today, I went to a flea market/fall festival in Central Indiana. While walking around, I saw a small sword that caught my eye. Often time, I will see swords and they look like cheap movie props. This one looked noticeably different. It is roughly 20 inches long and the blade is approximately 14 1/2 inches. On the top of the knuckle guard there is a star carved into the circle (at the base of the blade.) It has the word T -E -X-A-S carved around the star. I assume this is the lonestar of texas. At the base of the blade, there are a few identifying marks. One states "B&G CO" and the other states "TEXAS CS CRU?NANCE ARTILLARY." When I began examining the sword, I wondered if the "CS" stood for Confederate States. I tried to talk to the seller, but he didn't know anything about it. I know swords can be reproduced and faked. Does anyone have any information on this sword or on whether it may be legitimate? I only paid $40.00 for it, so if it is fake it is not an extreme loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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