Florida cache


Silver Member
Oct 31, 2006
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White's XLT
A few years ago, a man named James Loscheider found something like $3million dollars in some kind of case, and turned it in to authorities in Florida. I remember his name because he was once an officer in the church denomination I favor. I never heard the outcome of this case, whether he ended up with any of the money. Anyone here know? I did an Internet search and nothing turned up.

MIAMI (10-08) - A minister discovered 4.5 million dollars in
suitcases, duffel bags, 2 safes and various other containers on
a Florida roadside, and now he wants to keep it. But the U.S.
Customs Service claims it belongs to the taxpayers because it
is most likely illegal drug money.
Under Florida Law if property found is not claimed by the rightful
owner within 90 days, the finder gets to keep it. James
Loscheider wrote a letter to U.S. Customs stating that since he
alerted the authorities to the whereabouts of the money, he
should be entitled to the money or the reward. The case is still

I found this here



Paul- Thanks, this article, too, is ten years old. You'd think a story like this would come to a conclusion in the last decade! I'm going to contact people I know who knew him and see what became of the story.

I just exchanged emails with a man who worked with Mr. Loscheider back when this episode occurred and he had never heard of it! The man I contacted WOULD NOT LIE ABOUT THIS. I'll have to dig elsewhere.

How's that for irrefutable proof: "It's cash, so it must be illegal drug money and belong to us!

If you find a cache of any size and report it to the local authorities you will never get it all back. The lawyers will get more then anyone in a cache dispute. If you found a $100,000 you'd be really lucky to walk away with a $1,000 a year or 2 later. They will purposely tie money up in court just to keep the amount per hour that they want. In most cases if your not afraid of getting shot then check the papers and look for anyone who "misplaced" the money. Let them tell you what it was in and how much was lost before making a deal without the lawyers. If no one comes forward then keep you mouth shut and spend it a little here and a little there. The lawyers and local authorities didn't find the money so why do they deserve any? Just my opinion. Swizzle

TRUE STORY I have a friend ... (more than one I might add!) ... that found a trench coat that had washed up on a west florida shore some years back, he didn't thank much of it until he felt what he thought was sand packed inside the liner. It turned out to be $10,000 cash in several bundles! Yes he kept it!

The only cash I ever found was a twenty dollar bill floating in the middle of a mud puddle, I had to wade out to get it and yes I kept it!

I mentioned earlier in this thread that I know a man who worked with Mr. Loscheider but had never heard about this. He sent me an email this morning, after contacting other people who still work with Mr. Loscheider. Apparently, the Florida authorities determined that the suitcases full of money found were drug money, so no reward was forthcoming. In the words of my friend, "Jim still has to work for a living." Wouldn't you love to know where all that money ended up?

You guys ever hear about a story of a chest full of spanish gold escudo scoins in grassy key, FL in the 60's? There was also a story about a man doing construction work in sebastian beach and he found a chest of spanish coins from 1715!!!


You guys ever hear about a story of a chest full of spanish gold escudo scoins in grassy key, FL in the 60's? There was also a story about a man doing construction work in sebastian beach and he found a chest of spanish coins from 1715!!!

I hear the same story about sombody finding a cache in that area. Also some historian told me about some cache buried in Jupiter inlet area from the survivor of local shipwreck.Today is a county or state park.


They label all found money "drug money" -- no proof on their part needed. I guess my worry would be that the money might be counterfeit, marked by the government or possibly taken in some kind of robbery where the serial numbers had been noted. In which case, you might glimpse me on one of those endless "Lockup" programs they air on MSNBC. :'(

As someone else stated in another post....KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT....SPEND IT S-L-O-W-L-Y....TRUST NO ONE!!!! Small cache's aren't that big a deal. Chances ARE good that it is drug money, but unmarked! Larger caches may have come from a bank robbery or big drug dealer and are a bit more risky. Of course with any found money...it should be washed first. Tie it up in a pillowcase, on a gentle cycle....set flat to dry. Spent slowly, they would almost be virtually untraceable.

Just a matter of common sense. Mr. Loscheider's cache was probably split between the cronies in the office he brought it to....signing papers that it was unclaimed money. I most certainly would look into that aspect. You bet your bippie, it went somewhere....

HH melnatcat

halfdime said:
I mentioned earlier in this thread that I know a man who worked with Mr. Loscheider but had never heard about this. He sent me an email this morning, after contacting other people who still work with Mr. Loscheider. Apparently, the Florida authorities determined that the suitcases full of money found were drug money, so no reward was forthcoming. In the words of my friend, "Jim still has to work for a living." Wouldn't you love to know where all that money ended up?

It certainly did not end up in the budget. I'm sure it ended up in someones pockets. #@%$ers. Lesson learned. Keep cache, keep mouth closed, stuff dough in mattress. Pass a few bucks at a local store where you know the owners. If the SS starts knocking on their door burn the loot. If they don't, start spending, but little bits at a time and watch for signs that the bucks are fake. You don't need to be spending funny money. Serious charges there. Use it for food, home improvements, gas, living expenses. Pay your cc bills in person at department stores. Save your paycheck for retirement and large purchases that need to be made with credit. Its the only way you're going to get to keep any of it. Greedy b@$t@rdo$ use any excuse they can to keep money out of the hands of the little guy.

It certainly did not end up in the budget. I'm sure it ended up in someones pockets. #@%$ers. Lesson learned. Keep cache, keep mouth closed, stuff dough in mattress. Pass a few bucks at a local store where you know the owners. If the SS starts knocking on their door burn the loot. If they don't, start spending, but little bits at a time and watch for signs that the bucks are fake. You don't need to be spending funny money. Serious charges there. Use it for food, home improvements, gas, living expenses. Pay your cc bills in person at department stores. Save your paycheck for retirement and large purchases that need to be made with credit. Its the only way you're going to get to keep any of it. Greedy b@$t@rdo$ use any excuse they can to keep money out of the hands of the little guy

I agree with you. I believe to keep my mouth closed, to do everything you mention here "plus" make an investment overseas, in other country (Costa Rica, Roatan, Panama) buy a lot, a house and stay there.

Amona said:
I agree with you. I believe to keep my mouth closed, to do everything you mention here "plus" make an investment overseas, in other country (Costa Rica, Roatan, Panama) buy a lot, a house and stay there.

Problem there is that you're going to have to get the money out of the country. Cash bag don't fly on an airplane without them getting ahold of it. The search EVERY bag now, and it you brought it on the plane with you they put it through the scanner at the gate. You would have to save your paycheck for the home using the cash for living expenses.

Problem there is that you're going to have to get the money out of the country. Cash bag don't fly on an airplane without them getting ahold of it. The search EVERY bag now, and it you brought it on the plane with you they put it through the scanner at the gate. You would have to save your paycheck for the home using the cash for living expenses

My plan is:

1. If I find a big cache inside USA, I would try to deposit it little by little in the bank and transfer it to foreigner bank (Gran Cayman, Panama, Europe). If I want to stay living here in EU, I do like you said. When you find a cache you have to 'play' with this magic number "$10,000". Do whatever you want without exceed that amount at one time because you will turn on a Red-light in the IRS, buying houses, exotic cars, etc.


Yes I would tell no one..keep it in a safe place...spend it slowly.Bit of a miser anyway so I would find this easy to accomplish.Oh yeah....never tell the Govt......lol.Somebody benefited..i.e. got a promotion,new squad cars,etc....just not the guy who actually found it. EDIT: Thought of a good way..buy cars for cash locally and then sell them on Ebay.

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