Found a point


Silver Member
Jan 5, 2016
NW Arkanslaw
Detector(s) used
Minelab Equinox 900 / Garrett PropointerAT.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I haven't done hardly any metal detecting in the last 4 months or more due to what has turned into a nasty divorce and expensive custody battle, a flood and a tornado hitting house. Anyway last night we had some heavy storms come thru and I found a large broken point that surfaced in my front yard. That motivated me to get out of the house to take a walk to clear my head and see what else I might find. Luckily I did end up finding this beauty along the creek bank.

I hope you all have been well. Sorry again that's it's been so long since I logged in.


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Upvote 22
That's a great find buddy! :occasion14:

Here's what you need to do...

I thought it was hilarious that his new girlfriend was a blowup doll. :laughing7:


Nice find. If there's one thing I have learned over the many many many years - everything has a way of working out!

Nice point that I hope is a sign that things are looking up for you, brother.

Well, "Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?" Good to see you're shaking off that cluster of disasters, and getting out there. Nice point!

I love you guys and I will be back in full swing eventually.
It's just going to take a while.

Nice looking point! I have had some similar drama in my life in the past, sometimes it can seem like it may never end. There is nothing quite like detecting or artifact hunting to clear the head even if it is for a short hunt. I hope things turn around for you soon.


Best way to get over heart ache is to find a new heart throb...

Nice find on that point! Sorry to hear it's been a rough stretch. Keep your head up. You just gotta make it through the winter to the spring and I think things will start to look up. Keep on getting that fresh air and exercise. Sounds like you've got the right idea.

Excellent find during tough times. Stay strong and wishing you the best!

Nice job on finding the point, and good luck in your personal life.

I haven't done hardly any metal detecting in the last 4 months or more due to what has turned into a nasty divorce and expensive custody battle, a flood and a tornado hitting house. Anyway last night we had some heavy storms come thru and I found a large broken point that surfaced in my front yard. That motivated me to get out of the house to take a walk to clear my head and see what else I might find. Luckily I did end up finding this beauty along the creek bank.

I hope you all have been well. Sorry again that's it's been so long since I logged in.

View attachment 1776243

Dang good point buddy. I love finding those points in NWA. I find them quite frequently when I’m out detecting up there. I found one last time I was out civil war relic hunting.

Very nice find!
I would love to find relics like that! :thumbsup:

Getting out breathing some fresh air is good. Clearing your head is even better. Finding that point is the icing:hello2:

Beautiful point, and I will join with the others in encouraging you to press on with your life.
Praying for you and your family this evening...

Great job on the point that's a sign things will get better my friend hang in there

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