Found at Coin Beach DE, Old or new?


Jr. Member
Jul 30, 2014
New York
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I found this ?piece of ceramic? After spending 2 hours on the beach. The coin is just there to show size. The piece is light and has smooth edges. It's not polished but dull, and feels almost like a chalk consistency. Any idea on how to tell if its old or not? I was hoping to find a coin but this rolled in with the surf right near the inlet about five minutes before I had to leave.

I found a beautiful blue and white piece after a storm about 8 years ago in Ocean City and kept it, but misplaced it when I moved. When I locate it I'll post that too, now that I've discovered this cool forum! Thanks for your input in advance!

Ahhh so it's old just like me... Lol. Thanks for the reply Unclemac! Was there anything specific that made you determine that? I'm new to beach hunting so I'm trying to learn as much as I can.

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Found my missing piece


Wow I think I am old... Found that lovely blue and white piece I found in ocean city md around 73rd st years back...had it with my shells. It turns out my memories bad...Here's a picture of it, no blue to be found, wishful thinking lol. Any thoughts on this piece?old like me? Or older?:dontknow:

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