
Is that taking in account for inflation... ;D

I had bought GE at $10 and sold it at $15. I think it will go up and down for awhile. There biggest problem is there credit wing. If they got that straight then I would agree with you.

I will not buy stock in any company that profits off the killing of our young military personnel. :(

I commend you on your morals. I like G.E. because of all the government projects headed G.E.s way. everything from updating to a smart grid as well as wind energy sales and service contracts. good luck.

GrayCloud. I can understand your point of view, but.... M&M's makes a pretty penny off the GOV. also, they are in most of the MRE's (meal, ready to eat).

Would you invest in M&M Mars????? I also think GE is trying to profit from killing the Enemy's Young Military Personnel. Just another way to look at it.

PS. this is not an endorsement of GE.

Have fun, and im not trying to start a fight...

No offence taken. I am betting across the board with companies that purify water. G.E. is a leader in this field, with a few Israeli based company. I enjoy all points of view.

Stock investments are just that. An investment in hope of reaping a reward. Unfortunately when looking at the big picture, I do not like what I am seeing. Our Country is being set up for failure and sold down the road... GE is in bed with the current administration in more ways than one. Because of this and other GE actions over the recent years, I choose not to associate myself with them. That is my choice and of course you have the right and privilege to make yours. Just keep in mind, that your fellow Countrymen laid down their lives to give that privilege to you and me.

I hope they build stuff for the government better than they build appliances. Worst product on the planet by far. It make frigidaire look well made and that's sad.

GE Is 'No Longer a Good Investment': Analyst

Published: Friday, 22 Jan 2010 @ 11:32 AM ET CNBC News

General Electric's* quarterly earnings topped Wall Street expectations Friday, as it kept costs in line despite sluggish demand for jet engines, railroad locomotives and other heavy equipment. So should investors be investing in the stock going forward? Dilip Sarangan, research analyst at Frost & Sullivan, shared his analysis.

“Traditionally, it used to be a good investment because of the dividends. But now with what’s been going on in the past 18 months or so, it’s no longer a good investment, nor is it going to be one of the stocks that will grow,” Sarangan told CNBC.

“Compared to a lot of the other Dow components, they’re definitely stinking it up.”

Meanwhile, Sarangan said GE’s [GE 16.11 0.09 (+0.56%) ] energy and industrial sectors are performing well, and the firm's decision to sell NBC Universal and GE Security was a good idea.

“Comcast will definitely do a much better job [with NBC Universal] than GE,” he said.

Warren Buffet bought a whole bunch , way back @$21.
If one trust Warren Buffet's judgement, GE may be a good bet.
Today: $18.95

GrayCloud said:
Stock investments are just that. An investment in hope of reaping a reward. Unfortunately when looking at the big picture, I do not like what I am seeing. Our Country is being set up for failure and sold down the road... GE is in bed with the current administration in more ways than one. Because of this and other GE actions over the recent years, I choose not to associate myself with them. That is my choice and of course you have the right and privilege to make yours. Just keep in mind, that your fellow Countrymen laid down their lives to give that privilege to you and me.

Before I realized how wall street was infected I bought alot of ge.. I sold the stock at a loss for exactly the reasons graycloud mentioned 4 months ago.. Will not even shed a tear for the loss, one of the most un-American companies in the world.

God Bless you Dave44. You, like I put principal ahead of profit. Buying GE stock or supporting AARP is the same as being a traitor to the United States. Why would anyone help support those that are responsible for helping the enemy kill our brave men and women. Look at the history of these two. GE was once a proud upstanding company, but those days are long gone.

Gc. here is a scenario for you. Say this big time CEO,, Who is really a socialist would run a company into the ground, but for protectionist practices by a government to prop it up. Say this CEO also was able to be on a board that gave advice to the heads of state.. Oh but then lets say that the state has decided to give free legal advice, a toll free hotline and the ability to sue any small company out of existence because the plantiff (employee) has the backing of the government while the Employer has no such advocate. Think it would finally help the bottom line of the only business left ,, even if it were state run?
I am sorry to rant, but I am a small business guy. How many people think they are treated unfairly? I don't even have anybody left working for me because I am not sure how far my obligations to having employees might run in the future... I do NOT want to OWN anyone, OR their debts and obligations,, Indentured servitude should be history,, FREEDOM!!!!

Dave I feel your pain. In the past I too have been an employer, but I fear never again. Just cannot see how anyone can go into business in this environment. The deck is stacked and GE has the inside lane. Some may not want to think about it, as the Ford Company today is not the same as when Henry ran it, but they were the GE of pre WW11. Henry was in bed with Hitler same as GE is in bed with obama. Both sold out America.

Yes and many more companies are also betting against American Ideals... So the post is about GE stock.
Yes GE is set to go up fast and furious, it has the government on it's side. Like curly light bulbs? Yes they are very hazardous but the government has mandated we have them.. Like those windmills? Yes they do not work when they are needed the most,, but we push for them really hard.. Like water? Well thank goodness the EPA is trying to make a case that municipalities are causing autism in kids because of the water supply.. HMMMMMM who could we ever get to treat the water further and require that municipalities buy the equipment? Yep GE is definately on the rise and I cannot be part of it.

I have owned GE for twenty years through the price in the hundreds and when it hit 4 bucks a share. I did buy it back at 9 dollars a share and will continue to buy more even at 20 plus dollars a share. I highly doubt that we will ever see GE at 60 dollars a share, but a more realistic figure is in the 25 to 27 dollar a share within the next 18 months. I would buy it today, but don't spend all of your money on it. There are many other stocks out there that will appreciate more than GE.

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