Global Warming is Freezing Me


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Jan 26, 2005
Sand Springs, OK
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I sat here today and stuffed my face with all the usual Christmas fare while I watched about 8" of global warming falling and covering the yard. We prepared dinner for 16 and only 8 showed up due to the weather. We are having a blizzard with periods of white out conditions. Yessirree 8" of snow and still falling. The weather man said this is the first time our area has had blizzard warnings since 1928! I hope Al Gore is freezing his nutz off tonight. What a bald face lie and scam! On the other hand this is only the second white Christmas I have seen in my lifetime in this area. Beautiful out. Monty

Agreed! I was born, grew up, and currently live in the northern midwest plains and just last week it was 25 degrees BELOW zero (at night) without the windchill. Global warming my ass. 4 inches of snow last night...expecting another 12-15 by saturday morning and loving every snowflake.


Look at it on the bright side. You still have half the food left. :D

No snow here but we're having below normal temps. I'm begining to like global warming. :laughing9:

Merry Christmas

Monty said:
I sat here today and stuffed my face with all the usual Christmas fare while I watched about 8" of global warming falling and covering the yard. We prepared dinner for 16 and only 8 showed up due to the weather. We are having a blizzard with periods of white out conditions. Yessirree 8" of snow nd still falling. The weather man said this is the first time our area has had blizzard warnings since 1928! I hope Al Gore is freezing his nutz off tonight. What a bald face lie and scam! On the other hand this is only the second white Christmas I have seen in my lifetime in this area. Beautiful out. Monty

HAHAHAHAH monty!!! youre so funny!
take some pics!!!! all i got here... is white sand and 79 outside! :laughing9: merry christmas to
you and your family!

Tried to dig my car out this morning. I have 4-wheel drive in my Durango but I had two wheels spinning a lot before I finally eased out. That Hemi isn't too great for finess and easing anywhere! Finally got it out and got the windshield cleared of about two feet of snow on the front part of the car. It was knee deep all along the side of the car due to drifting. Drove some of the roads and it was packed solid with snow, but no problem with 4-wheel. I didn't have any place in particular to go so I just drove a bit and looked at the snow. It was pretty, but outside the temp was 17 and windchill of about 7. Pretty nippy. The grandkids that made it in had Santa's visit last night, ho ho ho. Had a ball watching them open their presents. Christmas really is for kids. Grandpa made out pretty good too. A watch, a new wallet, and a pair of gloves along with an OU sweat shirt. My 5 year old grandaughter is so funny. She wanted a snuggy and a dinosaur that bites! She has been chasing me around the house with her new dinosaur! I asked her what her favorite present was and she said, "My lip gloss"! I asked her why and she said " Because that's the first thing I thought of"! That wasn't even a gift, it was for her chapped lips! Anyway, it's turkey and the trimmings again today and probably for the next few days. Can't complain because I know there are those who are doing without. We are blessed. Merry Christmas. Monty

It did not snow here last night but it frosted so hard it looked like it had....freezing fog pretty much all day....brrrrrrrrrr chilly for global warming! Glad to hear you had a nice meal with loved ones! Lookin forward to more hugs in May! ;D

Gee, a blizzard in the middle of winter? Wow, you're right guy, wow you're smart, global warming must be a scam! I mean, it's like 60F here in Eastern Europe (Prague), I'm not even gonna wear a jacket today fishing, brr!!

The Midwest is the new North Pole, since the Arctic Circle is melting.

Sell your home now before the glacier hits it.

czech, you know nothing about weather here in the USA apparently. This is the coldest and worse snow storm ever recorded in this area since they started keeping records. 'Nuff said. Monty

We had 2 feet. I'm about 15 mile south of Manassas VA and that was a least a record for December and might have been a record for the amount of time the snow fell. Yep I don't know how much more of this global warming I can take.

It's actually called "Global Climate Change", and it's amazing that you can live in the effects of the current weather storm and still deny it.

Outside your windows is a tiny piece of the picture, characterized by weather extremes, not an average increase of a few degrees, which can't really be felt locally.

Buy a snowblower, eh?

I see we have one of those people who claims that no matter the weather, it is "global warming". Oh that's right, we had to stop calling it "global warming" when the warming stopped :dontknow:... Now it is "climate change",,,,hmmmm the climate has been changing ever since there has been a climate. Nothing new here, move along.... The perpetrators of the fraud are alive and well :icon_scratch:!!

I m surprized Al the Gore is selling Sham WoWs with all the melting we are to expect. Small picture small brain

texastee2007 said: said:
Gee, a blizzard in the middle of winter? Wow, you're right guy, wow you're smart, global warming must be a scam! I mean, it's like 60F here in Eastern Europe (Prague), I'm not even gonna wear a jacket today fishing, brr!!

DON'T be a snot to Monty please. Thank you.

Oh, I'm not being snotty, just pointing out he has no idea what he's talking about is all, which is OK though, I forgive him. And yes, I'm an American citizen, thanks so much!

Yep you Must be right Monty

due to Global Warming it rose to
Average Temp for this Time of year Here.
First Time in the Last 3 weeks
we Havn't been 10 or more Degrees Below Normal. :tongue3:

dropping 10 or more degrees again tomorrow
until ???

Today 42 Tomorrow 32 Tuesday 25 wednsday 30
for highs.

Thursday, Friday, saturday SNOW SNOW SNOW

Everyone Please Get your aerosol Out and Start Spraying it Now,
Remove your Catalitic Converters And Drive , & Please
Turn on every light in your house & Cut down every Tree you see !


GPURS said:
I see we have one of those people who claims that no matter the weather, it is "global warming". Oh that's right, we had to stop calling it "global warming" when the warming stopped :dontknow:... Now it is "climate change",,,,hmmmm the climate has been changing ever since there has been a climate. Nothing new here, move along.... The perpetrators of the fraud are alive and well :icon_scratch:!!

I never called it Global Warming. That gives the Neanderthals "license" to deny it every time the temperature goes down, or it snows.

I didn't believe this myself until I read a SciAm article years ago, in which the authors demonstrated with statistics that Global Climate Change manifested itself in more radical weather swings.


Don't wish to argue in this Thread Because I Don't think
this was the Purpose of it,
considering where it is...

But Global Climate Change has happend Since
the earth was here.

Who could have been Polluting the Enviroment
Back then ?

Climate change is due to the sun ?
Who is Steering & Changing the Climate
on the sun ?

This is getting tedious, but let's look at your reply:

But Global Climate Change has happend Since
the earth was here.

Yes, scientific evidence has told us that; however, faith-based '4000-year old earth' followers don't assert that.

Who could have been Polluting the Enviroment
Back then ?

Bad logic; You are suggesting that only pollution changes the environment; in fact many factors do, and the inverse suggestion is that therefore 'pollution' doesn't change the environment.

Climate change is due to the sun ?
Who is Steering & Changing the Climate
on the sun ?

The sun factor is totally independent of earth-based activities, but of course, can be additive or subtractive.

I'm watching the Steelers now...........

Hey - what happened to my signature? Get Moderated out?

Bum Luck said:
Hey - what happened to my signature? Get Moderated out?

signatures only appear on first posts in topics,
because some signatures are novels,
or very large off topic pictures :tongue3:

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