"GLORY DAYS" for Ol' timers thread... let's have fun & share..!


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2013
Middle TN. area
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White XLT Spectrum E-Series
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Metal Detecting
Howdy folks.... Limitool here (Brad). I just thought it might be fun for many of us old timers to share some Old Glory Days endeavors and accomplishments. So where does "old timers" begin...? Let's say a minimum 50 years of age, close and/or OLDER. I'll be 69 this summer. We'll let some youngsters chime in also :icon_thumleft: (feel free!). So what do I mean by Glory Days....?

I'm referencing to ANYTHING you did that stood out from peers and others at the time of your accomplishment. It may not mean anything now but did at the time! This could be an athletic record when in school or later in life.,,? It might be a beautiful car or a "street car" you built...? It might be one hell of an accomplishment dealing within a work environment...? It might be a community endeavor you helped or lead in...? Maybe you made one hell of a shot while hunting...? Maybe it's the most amazing thing (1 in a lifetime find) you detected and dug..?

And I'm sure many folks can think of MANY other examples also that would "hit" your Glory Day moment. I just thought it might be fun to share what many of us old timers did earlier in life to today and share with each other. So if YOU have an endeavor that hit "YOUR GLORY DAY" memory or others let's share. AND NO IT'S NOT BRAGGING..... IF YOU DID IT...!!!!! Let's have some fun. One of mine......

In 1969 as a freshman in H.S. I lowered the school record for the two mile run from 11:08 to 10:52. I was 4'-11" tall, 95 lbs at the time. I lowered that time a lot before graduation. Who else has a "Glory Day" memory...?

Now almost 48 hrs later and not one person can remember an old Glory Day moment in their life. Now I KNOW not all of you folks lived such boring lives...! Many if not all of us have had a Glory moment that stood out for each of us as an individual. There not to be judged by any of us... only you...!

Glory days....well....I remember I was at one time lean and solid, but the 6-pack is now a pony keg, and the buns of steel?....you are familiar with Tempur-Pedic. (mattress) I could go on, but would rather not.

Glory days....well....I remember I was at one time lean and solid, but the 6-pack is now a pony keg, and the buns of steel?....you are familiar with Tempur-Pedic. (mattress) I could go on, but would rather not.
Well sir.... that's a start...! And to your point I too could claim the same darn thing. But let's not dwell on the "now" (not good) but on the past and share. But I do agree with YOU... 100%. Next..?

Everyone is going to feel differently according to their history/life experiences.
For me the Glory Days would be defined as all the past times in my life that were great and I didn't know it when it was happening.
Often times we keep trying to think back and when we do that's when you discover that when you were at the top of your game you didn't know it, you didn't see it, and maybe took it for granted.
As you get older things change, and a lot of things change in a way you may not like at all. For instance you find it harder to lose weight, your hair just decides to give up and leave on top, old accidents and pains you laughed off and slept off- they're back now and they aren't leaving.

Yes, I remember good times now that happened in the past. Of all things I wish that time could be reversed and I could go back to then with the wisdom, mindset, and appreciation of life that I have now. I would have said a lot of things to a lot of people and let them know I loved them, that I appreciated them and let them know they were important to me.
You can't go back in time though, you can't correct past mistakes or bad decisions. What you can do is realize that you are alive today, and hopefully you're an improved version of yourself. Tomorrow is a great day for applying what you learn today, and what the further back past taught you.
How many of us can honestly say we have no regrets? How many can claim we have made no mistakes in life? Look around you- look at all the selfishness, the greed, the anger, and hate. You can see it, you can feel it.
So there is a good template of how not to be. Not to your friends, your family, and surely not to yourself.
The Glory Days are right now, if you let them happen and if you are brave enough and bold enough to admit you are a human being that is not perfect and never will be. Let those you love know it.. not later tonight. Right now.

Well put Rob.... And I too agree wholeheartedly. I'm living in my Glory Days now also. Your example is just another way of viewing the meaning. Good job. I guess my mind went to something I used to do easily or with a good effort that today I couldn't come close to achieving or envision doing now.

Like back in the day..... There I was in 1979 playing drums in a rock band every weekend for 4 hrs. per night. While I could probably beat out 1-2 songs the way I used too.... I'd NEVER hang in for 4 hrs. Hell I go to bed now when I used to start my night...!!!!!

Well put Rob.... And I too agree wholeheartedly. I'm living in my Glory Days now also. Your example is just another way of viewing the meaning. Good job. I guess my mind went to something I used to do easily or with a good effort that today I couldn't come close to achieving or envision doing now.

Like back in the day..... There I was in 1979 playing drums in a rock band every weekend for 4 hrs. per night. While I could probably beat out 1-2 songs the way I used too.... I'd NEVER hang in for 4 hrs. Hell I go to bed now when I used to start my night...!!!!!
1978/9-where does one begin.
Glory days?
Hell bent on self destruction, would be a mild statement.
69 demerits on the driver's license.
Just finished going through my 4th vehicle.
Went to a physical rehab facility for 6 months.
Family had a life expectancy contest on me, my oldest brother gave me 6 months.

1978/9-where does one begin.
Glory days?
Hell bent on self destruction, would be a mild statement.
69 demerits on the driver's license.
Just finished going through my 4th vehicle.
Went to a physical rehab facility for 6 months.
Family had a life expectancy contest on me, my oldest brother gave me 6 months.
Hope your oldest brother didn't bet the farm....? You better join Robs mindset... NOW is your Glory Days. I too went through a "wildchild" period but during the mid 80's. Very lucky to have come out on the other side of those times intact.

Limitool, for many of us, there were certainly moments of greatness, but that was it...just a moment here and there.

1988 World Championship for predator calling I came in 3rd after competing against the late Murry Burnham and the late Jim Dougherty, who were the GOATS of the predator calling world. Doesn't mean diddly to anyone else, but it was a moment I'll always remember.

Childless English couple across the road in my youth hosted English lads in summer for a week or so,
My task was to take them fishing which is quite different there.
Killing and eating part of our catch really differed!
They fished in England.
Having learned the particular water we worked they still relied on my finding fish. Then how to catch them.
For which I was assigned a nickname.
Never thought to stay in touch but doubt they forgot the fishing anytime soon..

For worthwhile leave a mark type?
Teaching a friend at risk of being held back again for his inability to read , how to read.
Took around ten minutes(?) on his garage steps. And why our education system had failed him I don't know.
Years later when living distantly but during my visiting his high school (crashing a dance) he reminded me. And thanked me again while telling me how it related to his eventual going into partnering in a family business and handling needed office stuff while his brother did the other.

Limitool, for many of us, there were certainly moments of greatness, but that was it...just a moment here and there.

1988 World Championship for predator calling I came in 3rd after competing against the late Murry Burnham and the late Jim Dougherty, who were the GOATS of the predator calling world. Doesn't mean diddly to anyone else, but it was a moment I'll always remember.
Good job.... And that's what I'm talking about. YOUR moment.... "here and there"...! And your right (99% of mine) don't mean diddly to anyone else neither. But that was quite a feat at the time sir and I'm sure you smile at the memory. I bet many of us have memories like yours that make us smile. Some might be on a larger scale and many might be on a lower scale.... but their the same to US. And I remember Jim Dougherty....! Good job. I'll share another later today and a couple of names you might have heard of..... Brad

Childless English couple across the road in my youth hosted English lads in summer for a week or so,
My task was to take them fishing which is quite different there.
Killing and eating part of our catch really differed!
They fished in England.
Having learned the particular water we worked they still relied on my finding fish. Then how to catch them.
For which I was assigned a nickname.
Never thought to stay in touch but doubt they forgot the fishing anytime soon..

For worthwhile leave a mark type?
Teaching a friend at risk of being held back again for his inability to read , how to read.
Took around ten minutes(?) on his garage steps. And why our education system had failed him I don't know.
Years later when living distantly but during my visiting his high school (crashing a dance) he reminded me. And thanked me again while telling me how it related to his eventual going into partnering in a family business and handling needed office stuff while his brother did the other.
Darn releventchair.... Now that is a good "Glory Day" memory you have. And it made quite a difference it seems. Great job and another "twist" on what a Glory Day for an individual can be. Glad you shared sir.... Brad

"Glory Days"? You mean stuff you did that you wouldn't want your parents or kids to know you did? 😏 🤣 🤣 🤣

At my age (close to yours), I try to make every day a "glory day." A lesson I've learned (and re-learned many times) from my dogs: Live in the moment. 😁 IOW, these ARE (or should be) our "glory days". 😉 😁

I wonder how long it'll take for this thread to devolve into Munchausian braggadocio....
🤔 😂

"And then there was the time my coil crapped out, so I cobbled one out of the rusty coathanger I'd just dug, and wound it with the lock of Willie Nelson's red hair (that I always carry for just such emergencies) soaked in Geritol (for the iron). But as luck would have it, I must have done something wrong because the only metal it would detect is 24K gold, and this field was stinkin' with it.

Dejected, I threw away the fifty pound sack of large cents and silvers I'd dug earlier in the day. Then I called my wife... Morgan Fairchild--and told her I'd be late for dinner..."


"Glory Days"? You mean stuff you did that you wouldn't want your parents or kids to know you did? 😏 🤣 🤣 🤣

At my age (close to yours), I try to make every day a "glory day." A lesson I've learned (and re-learned many times) from my dogs: Live in the moment. 😁 IOW, these ARE (or should be) our "glory days". 😉 😁

I wonder how long it'll take for this thread to devolve into Munchausian braggadocio.... 🤔 😂

"And then there was the time my coil crapped out, so I cobbled one out of the rusty coathanger I'd just dug, and wound it with the lock of Willie Nelson's red hair (that I always carry for just such emergencies) soaked in Geritol (for the iron). But as luck would have it, I must have done something wrong because the only metal it would detect is 24K gold, and this field was stinkin' with it.

Dejected, I threw away the fifty pound sack of large cents and silvers I'd dug earlier in the day. Then I called my wife... Morgan Fairchild--and told her I'd be late for dinner..."
And then..... you woke up and tried to go back asleep. I can only wish I had that dream...? Of course I'm talking about the "large cents. slivers and stinkin' field of 24K gold. :laughing7:

"Glory Days"? You mean stuff you did that you wouldn't want your parents or kids to know you did?"..... Well not exactly

"I wonder how long it'll take for this tread to devolve into Munchausian braggadicio...." ...Well I hope not. Only things that were important to you and that you were proud of at the time and willing to share.

I too went through a "wildchild" period but during the mid 80's. Very lucky to have come out on the other side of those times intact.
Didn't we all? I've often said the miracle in my life is that I survived being a teenager.

Didn't we all? I've often said the miracle in my life is that I survived being a teenager.
Well glad to hear you survived that period. I was way past teenager age in mid 80's but developed an attitude from hell after some life circumstances occurred. I was in early-mid 30's then. For 3 years I lived my life like I had a death wish and I always found a taker to take it out on. This was easily done hanging out in bars, pool halls, having money and being a small man and taking NO crap. Glad I "grew up" and calmed down some.

Glory days should be about things that you accomplished and are proud of. But those 3 years of my life were NOTHING to be proud of. But I was a very good teenager and only missed 1 day of H.S. in 4 years.

Back to Ol' Glory Days moments folks.... Who's proud of a moment in time or endeavor...?

"I wonder how long it'll take for this tread to devolve into Munchausian braggadicio...." ...Well I hope not. Only things that were important to you and that you were proud of at the time and willing to share.
Yeah, but you know how time can... embellish recollections and stories. (Like that 6" 9" 12" 3 ft. fish I caught at camp that year...) 😁

Yeah, but you know how time can... embellish recollections and stories. (Like that 6" 9" 12" 3 ft. fish I caught at camp that year...) 😁
Well I'm hoping most of us won't do that and not embellish an actual accomplishment. Just something that was important to them way back in the day.... that's all.

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