Got a sweet deal on a 540 pro pack


Bronze Member
Jul 26, 2012
Poconos, Nw.NJ & Delaware Valley
Detector(s) used
XP Orx Deus II, 9” coil
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
I briefly owned the Vanquish 440 but soon sold it. I didn’t like it as much as I thought I might. I was revisiting the idea of the vanquish and started looking at deals for a used 540 pro pack. I wound up winning the bid on a brand new 540 pro pack for $310 and $15 shipping. Just couldn’t pass that up. So I’m keeping the 5”x8” coil on which suits my relic hunting in often iron rich sites. It’s super lightweight with the V8 coil. The wireless headphones, backlight, 5–tones, high / Low Iron bias, adjustable Iron volume, more disc segments are great added features over the 440. The 12” coil for field hunting is excellent to have too. All together, it’s quite a fine detector which I got at a fantastic price. I’m really looking forward to using it this weekend. I will post mm I’m

I must say I didn’t expect to be so highly impressed, having previously owned a vanquish 440. I really like the 540 especially with the 5x8 coil. I also had an equinox 600 and while I know it had a performance edge I like the V540 more.

I must say I didn’t expect to be so highly impressed, having previously owned a vanquish 440. I really like the 540 especially with the 5x8 coil. I also had an equinox 600 and while I know it had a performance edge I like the V540 more.
Good to hear you like the 540. You got a great deal! Its the first and only machine I ever owned. I started out using a Whites M6, I borrowed while I was learning (learning to dig big holes anyway). The 540 has been a lot of fun and has produced a lot of great finds at the same time. When looking to buy a machine, it was suggested by others that I start with the equinox 600 and then trade up to an 800. The Vanquish machines seemed more my speed and the 540 PP offered the best deal for the money. Its powerful, goes deep and really hollers when you're over a good target. Attached a few pics of favorite finds this year.


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Good to hear you like the 540. You got a great deal! Its the first and only machine I ever owned. I started out using a Whites M6, I borrowed while I was learning (learning to dig big holes anyway). The 540 has been a lot of fun and has produced a lot of great finds at the same time. When looking to buy a machine, it was suggested by others that I start with the equinox 600 and then trade up to an 800. The Vanquish machines seemed more my speed and the 540 PP offered the best deal for the money. Its powerful, goes deep and really hollers when you're over a good target. Attached a few pics of favorite finds this year.
Congrats on the goodies!

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