Green Horn here


Dec 4, 2023
Detector(s) used
equinox 900
Hi everyone. Luckily, I'm not the only bad shot. A buddy of mine lost a few arrows too.
Having wanted a metal detector for years, with arrow and broadhead prices on the rise I figured it's a good year to pick one up. In my defense... she was alerted and jumped the string. My buddy on the other hand? Luckily he was just missing targets in my yard. b/c yikes!
I'm a diver too, so I'll get some experience on land. In a year or so pick up an underwater unit.
If anyone wants to mentor a newbie in the Dutchess County or Finger Lakes regions of New York for a day let me know. I'll be getting some permission to some properties soon.
Good luck all,

...If anyone wants to mentor a newbie in the Dutchess County or Finger Lakes regions of New York...
Welcome Aboard! Take a look at FORUM: NEW YORK for information (i.e., clubs, etc.) directly related to your state.

Welcome !
Jon from s/e Michigan 8-) :cat: :occasion14: :headbang:

I used my detector to look for lost arrows but never found any. Lost 3 in pasture grass and I figured aluminum arrow would be easy. Nope!
Welcome from IL

Hello from AZ! I moved my sailboat from Milwaukee to the Cheasapeake in '91. Motored the Erie Canal (no masts allowed!) from Oswego to Albany. Upstate NY is Beautiful! Welcome to the biggest and BEST treasure forum in the world! You will find your niche here! ╦╦ç

Hello from AZ! I moved my sailboat from Milwaukee to the Cheasapeake in '91. Motored the Erie Canal (no masts allowed!) from Oswego to Albany. Upstate NY is Beautiful! Welcome to the biggest and BEST treasure forum in the world! You will find your niche here! ╦╦ç
Thank you

Hello from downstate ny
I used my detector to look for lost arrows but never found any. Lost 3 in pasture grass and I figured aluminum arrow would be easy. Nope!
Welcome from IL
Haven't been out to look yet. I have a real good idea where my own ended up and I run the fixed blade annihilators so I think mine will be a quick recovery. Likely tomorrow. I'll let you know

A diver huh? That's something I'd like to learn.
Hands down the most relaxing thing I've ever done. I'd recommend everyone try it. If you're at all uneasy in the water I'd seek Scuba Schools Int'l(SSI) for certification. Did my open water cert' through them and some additional cert's through PADI. I hope you get to try it!

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