has anyone actually read the 23 proposals about guns?

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Talk about an invasion of privacy, the government does it all the time under the guises of national security. At Ft. Meade in Maryland sits a federal agency known as the National Security Agency. And what do you think they do? They record every piece of electronic communications in the US. Last time I was there they had 10 acres of memory underground and that was years ago. Frank

View attachment 729223

Rebel, here is a link for you to look at: if you would like to. I am in the middle of hanging some interior doors right now, so I will post this real quick and get back to you soon.
Communist Party USA: Go, Obama, Go!

Talk about an invasion of privacy, the government does it all the time under the guises of national security. At Ft. Meade in Maryland sits a federal agency known as the National Security Agency. And what do you think they do? They record every piece of electronic communications in the US. Last time I was there they had 10 acres of memory underground and that was years ago. Frank

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ALL b/c of 9-11; PATRIOT ACT, I think...

It's been said socialism is just a stepping stone to communism......

how come we dont here anything from the chinese?im sure many of them would have alot to say,if
only they had the right .

Hitler communist - I hope your joking?? That is just hugely factually incorrect - he was a huge anticommunist. You obviously have never studied anything about WWII ? Hitler and the nazi party were huge anti communists and wiped the communist party in Germany (which was very strong prior to WWII) off the map. He put communists right up with the poor Jewish people on his hate list.

Similar to FDR in the US, hitler instituted a number of social programs as Germany was in the middle of a depression worse than the US. It was not any more socialist than any other country and private companies like Mercedes, Volkswagen, Messerschmitt, Krupp, IG Faben were incredibly powerful in the country.

Any country that regulates businesses and has some means of wealth redistribution through social programs can be said to be socialist. Every country in the world is "socialist" to one degree or another. The question is how much, not if they are or not.

I've made my living in about the most capitalist industry out there - the stock market. And even I believe that some oversight of business is neccesary and that some type of social safety net is a good thing. I would be very surprised to hear that anyone would disagree.

Rebel, Do you not think the death panels in the health care bill are a form of communism?

Rebel, second sentence. "Communism is a further development or "higher stage" of socialism.

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