Having a BALL in the Park! Arrows and All!


Bronze Member
May 24, 2007
Lexington, KY
Detector(s) used
Whites Prism IV / Bullseye II pinpointer
YEEEEHAAAAAA I had to work part of my day off again, but when I got off this afternoon it was GORGEOUS outside! With no pressing appointments or errands to run, no chores to attend to and nowhere I HAD to be, I headed to the park. Well, One of the parks around town. I frequent this one quite often, all the soccer fields and the fair grounds.. even if the fair grounds are locked up. *sigh* Anyway, that's where I spent my afternoon. For a hunt of nearly three hours I had a blast! I made some pretty interesting finds too! Coins of course, pull tabs OF COURSE .. in fact I found nearly as many pull tabs today as coins. Whew! and most all of them were dug, not picked up on the surface. TODAY I DUG.. a LOT.
I found Cell phone parts, not together though, a battery here, a circuit board there. I found a BUNCH of elastic bandage *athletic or ACE bandage* "clips" those little metal tabs with teeth that sink into the fabric of the bandages to secure the loose end when you wrap them around your ankle or knee or whatever. Imagine that, a soccer field and I find bandage clips. Who'd a thunk? <grin>
I also found some bling on the soccer field, or at least at the goal ends of the field. I found a neat little silver "stud" earring at one end of the field, with the back on it. Apparently someone had taken it off and placed it there beside the goal post and then forgot it or couldn't find it. It looks like a little sun face with eyes and a nose. See the pic in a bit. I found some beads, one metal, that's why I found them at the other goal post (other end of the field).. and some coins at either end. I found a GOLD earring in the parking area of that field. It's small but it's 14k !!
Pull tabs Pull tabs Pull tabs!!! Everywhere @#$)(*! Pull tabs! Did I mention that I found nearly as many pull tabs as coins? I *DID*
There was another marble amongst my finds today. As well as a thumbscrew! ? Odd wires and cable fasteners, there was the top of a disposable lighter, rusted! I found this cool numbered tag, looks like something off of a locker or something. I even found one piece of a pair of glasses. And Pull tabs.. more and more F#@#$$O*! Pull tabs!
Back under a bush, next to a tree I poked my detector in to sweep the base of the tree and I felt a bump. A Bump? I got down on my hands and knees and looked back in under the bush.... and there was a face looking back at me! *BLINK BLINK* A face?
Funny, it looked an awful lot like a pumpkin. A Jack'O lantern. NOT! It was a playground ball that had a pumpkin face painted on it. Well right there and then I adopted "Jack" Tom Hanks might have had "Wilson" in the movie Castaway, but now I have JACK! I'll pack him around in the back of my truck everytime I go detecting now, he'll be my somewhat inflated good luck charm. <grin> Hey, He must be good luck, I found a quarter not more than six inches from where the ball was. And a pull tab.. ANOTHER %)%*)#&^(&* Pull Tab!!!
Well I knew it was about time to call and end to today's hunt when I found.. no, not another pull tab.. an arrow! No kidding. An arrow.. I picked up the metal shaft with my detector, it rang out as a nickle.. I'm thinking Oh Great! Another Pull tab!.. I almost didn't dig, but then I saw the notch and part of the fletching sticking out from under the grass. I cut a slit in the grass roots along the length of the arrow, and then gently pulled it out of the dirt. It may not be a broadhead but the business end was still plenty deadly if it hit you. Another prize find. <grin> So with that I headed back to my truck to call it a day, swinging my detector along the way.. and bleep bleep bleep.. @#$)*#! BLEEP! Another !@#)%#)*@~! Pull Tab! SHEESH!!!!
Here's my pics... Enjoy!

Here's everything.. except Jack

10-26-07 001.jpg

Here's Bling! and Stuff

10-26-07 002.jpg

10-26-07 003.jpg

Here's the business end of the Sharp and pointy! and PULL TABS!!!

10-26-07 005.jpg

10-26-07 004.jpg

And finally.. here's my new Buddy.. JACK

10-26-07 006.jpg

I found a total of $3.43 in clad today.. that being 94 coins. I found 92 pull tabs.
Correction: I "DUG" 92 pull tabs! <grin>

Happy Hunting all


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Way to dig em up Frodo! Jack looks like a friendly kinda guy. Congrats on the little goldie!

Thanks Fro !!!
You've helped me :) I used to feel sorry for myself when I dug
a bunch of pull tabs , but after seeing the MOUNTAIN of pull tabs you
dug I feel better ;) ......as the old saying goes , if you think you have
it bad just look around and you'll see someone worse off , and your pull tab count has verified that ;D
Grats on the digs ! ...and I love your posts :)


Man, you did more diggin' than a old dog that forgot where he buried bone.



You could build a Ronald McDonald house with all those pull tabs. ;D WTG on your perseverance and your digs.

Let me get this straight. They make you work 12 hour days sometimes and want you to work on your day off. Sounds like you are being punished for something you did in a previous life. Yes it does. I would be ticked off to have to dig all those modern pull tabs. I think that some men feel that their masculinity is at sake if they don't prove to their girlfriends that they are a real muscle man by tearing those tabs off and throwing them on the ground. I am going to go out Sunday morning even though its in the mid 30's out now (Saturday night).

Well I have an odd shift at work, it's because we run the production line 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Since working around the clock is out of the question, it was determined that the best way to man the equipment and jobs was to divide the coverage up into 4 "crews". Each crew works 12 hour shifts, with three days (or nights as the case may be) and gets three days/nights off. That way everything is covered 24/7. But then we are "encouraged" (forced) to work some overtime to keep up with maintenance and special projects and whatever the hell else takes management's fancy at the moment. I myself am a PM mechanic.. PM supposedly means Preventative Maintenance.. but we jokingly reffer to it as Post Mortem, as usually I'm called to fix something after it's already broken down or died. <rolling eyes>
It doesn't make things any better with the fact that we (our plant) has relatively new management and NEW OWNERS who want things done THEIR way no matter the consequences. As such we have a tremendous back log of maintenance jobs and tasks that would scare most mortal men. But I'm only human, as are the other few maintenance guys in my department (plastics).. the rest of the plant works 8 hour shifts, three shifts a day only 5 days a week. We do what we can when we can and still have to be "encouraged" to come in an extra day every rotation (days off), to help to eliminate or at least reduce the back log of tasks and jobs that need doing. I'll tell you though, 60 sometimes 72 hours a week is too damn much to work! Oh SURE..the pay is good, but if you're too tired to enjoy it what good is it? Of course my better half just LOVES the extra pay.. but in the same breath complains that I don't get to spend enough time with her. Which in itself is starting to make her begrudge my little time I take for this hobby.. metal detecting. Oh SURE.. she likes the money and the bling that I find.. <grin> But she complains that I never or rarely ever find more than ONE earring.. you know matching sets are all the rage with the women folk I understand.. <rolling eyes> I think I should take all the earrings and melt them down, and make a gold and/or silver pull tabs out of them.. put THOSE on a chain and wear them when I'm metal detecting! <grin> Talk about a conversation piece!

Remember to take time to Play!.. and Spend at least SOME of that time with

your significant other. (spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, family?, Pet(s)?)


Happy Hunting All

Very nice finds. I love finding marbles. I never found a blue one yet.

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