hi banking california


Gold Member
May 26, 2009
Sailor Flat, Ca.
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
SDC2300, Gold Bug 2 Burlap, fish oil, .35 gallons of water per minute.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
So, fellow Califonians how many of you got your letters from the dfg...got mine today the day after we just secured written permission to a claim that has visible puddles of mercury you can believe me or not but we, have complete access for the next year and a half :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright: :thumbsup: :headbang: :tongue3: so................................i guess were hi banking pleaaasssseeee in this new thread lets no talk about how theyre gonna ban hi banking someday anyways lets talk about our plans and equipment and if it happens our new interactions with the wardens rangers etc. by the way i tried to look up "California hi banking regulations" i got nothing other than my strored links to this site :icon_scratch: :dontknow: so who knows what?i wish they would at least give me a pro rated refund on my permit fee just on priniple :tongue3:

wow,so the posts got a little heated so they were pulled huh, kruger i wasnt trying to start crap and i dont know you so im sorry i insulted you back i am a hard working man and you and i have shared some common life experiences id wager i will stick up for myself though and in this media its easy to expel alot of words with alot of confidence.truth be told im a decent person and the kind of guy that wont pass a car on the side of the road that looks like it needs help, i watch out for my neighbors and if someone drops something in a parking lot i run to help them.im over polotics and just want to keep mining and prospecting like ive done for more than the last decade. now that i have a family and want to stay in gold country i have to deal with all these rules if im gonna keep mining, but, i am gonna keep mining.i guess we broke rules so they pulled our posts but, am i supposed to rely in the gov only to respect my freedom of speech?

Yea I guess,sorry I jumped ya.I am not one of those that wont say anything on here I wouldnt say to your face though.We dont need that.Ease up, I dont think I was off your topic though.How much have you done to combat this "LAW"?We need to stick together :wink:P.S because I was a bad boy I can not get Private messages.

i wish they were"pools" really theres blobs of it like the size of marbles. and shiny silver cracks in the bedrock. we r gonna have to get a retort.and yes there is gold in it.there enough ther that we didnt want to suck it into the dredge for fear out blowin it out the end pullin fine gold with it.i have been to alot of spots and found some old stuff, but, this spot has stuff everywhere iron tools shovel heads pick pieces,theres a cam axle rod thing that seems to be from an old winch its 10ft long and weighs atleast 400lbs theres an adit on the hill above that has rails and an ore cart.if that clues you in on the remotenss of this spot. :tongue3:

i talked to the geologist at the forest service in placerville this morning.She was very helpful and answered most my questions and is going to talk to some other people at the forest service to try and answer the questions she couldnt answer.the regs are pretty vauge as far as what you can and cant do thats why they have the n.o.i. and p.o.o. process, because they kinda handle things on a case by case basis.i am going to meet with her again later in the week. I gained alot of info and im not gonna get long winded in this post so if anyone has any questions about the kind of operations you can do on forest service land let me know and ill pass on any info i have.

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