πŸ† HONORABLE MENTION Honoring Thy Father and Mother......


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2007
The Motor City
πŸ† Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Extended Sensory Perception, L-rod, Y-rod, pendulum, angle rods, wand.
White's MXT, Garrett Ultra GTA 500, AT Gold, SCUBA Detector Pro Headhunter, Tesoro Sidewinder, Stingray, 2 box-TF900, Fisher TW-6
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
...Should not mean losing your jewelry but that was not the case for this nice gentleman who was helping his elderly folks on Thanksgiving day tidying up the yard a bit before dinner. I answered his ad and we made plans to meet this morning. He explained he didn't know for sure where in the yard it may be and they had bagged 3 bags of leaves. I arrived on site and scanned all 3 bags getting no signal. Then I just started gridding the yard and bam! a clear +42 came thru on my MXT meter with 0 depth and I knew I had it! Probing through the grass revealed this golden beauty shining up at us from the sun's reflection!
He was elated as he came a long distance to meet me and it made his and the family's Thanksgiving more memorable! :headbang:

Congrats on another Honorable Mention! You made their day!

That was awesome of you to do for him. I teach my children that the most important thing in life is how you treat others, and you are a terrific example of that. Well done!

Way to go!!

Teleprospector, Congrat's to both you and the MXT for finding this gentleman's ring. This was a very Good Deed. The MXT Rules. (from and MXT PRO user).

Hello to everyone and thank you for your very kind thoughts and words! :occasion14: :headbang:

great job

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It always feels good to do a good deed and you just made him feel real good. Congrats

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