hopes cave


Oct 26, 2009
grandview plaza junction city kansas
Detector(s) used
whites xlt
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

A quick search, Hope Cave, Kansas pulled up a lot of info. The Readers Digest version. The cave was located 6 miles South and a mile West of Hope, Kansas. This was only 3 miles North of the Sante Fe trail. The cave was big enough so that a horse could be led into it. It was long enough that when a fire was lit near the entrance, smoke could be found 3 miles north., There was a report of a man who went in a came out several days later, 20 miles away. It was reported that erosion eventually filled the entrance.

And yes there is mention of gold being buried by more that one party. Was it ever found? Who knows.

Sounds like something that would make good research for the winter. You already have the approximate location.

It is about halfway between Herington and Carlton.

Good Luck!


i went out to where the location of this cave is supposed to be located at and it's 5 miles from hope not 6 miles.
any way went out there and asked around and everybody i talked to said it was part of a cattle feed lot.
and the cave is basicaly gone they filled it in.

Some things to remember, 100 years ago it probably was 6 miles away. More than likely, it is mentioned on some of the plat maps of the property. Those are usually available for viewing at the county court house. Copies usually are not too expensive, couple dollars a sheet. Use the info from the old plat maps, overlay to a current may or aerial photo and pinpoint better. One of the hardest things to make disappear is a hole. Remember the part about smoke visible several miles away? Almost all caves have more than one opening. If it was a 5 minute job to locate it, you could buy tickets and take a tour. A little leg work, a cover story, research paper for college? Checking accuracy of plat maps as perceived versus drawn? Use your imagination and do not give up so easy. It must be right in your back yard. During the winter, when there is a light covering of snow on the ground you would be amazed what snow or lack of, will show you about what is underground.

Talk to some of the oldest people you can find, they would love to visit with you! Have a few pictures of the terrain, an aerial photo or 2, the names of the landowners of record in the area, etc.

Keep at it, winter is not too far away and it would be a great research project for the when it is too cold outside to dig little holes.

Keep us posted.



yes thats what i have been doing i have gotten some maps and have talked with some of the older residents in that area and the one that told me i was a mile off from the site forgot to tell me if it was on the left or right side of the road all he said was there was a feed lot there.

but the other day i was looking on line at satalite pics of that area on the other side of where i was looking and what should i see. well it looks like a cave going to look online where i got the one maps and see what else i can find on that area.

Grew up in Kansas and did a lot of caving all over Kansas, OK, and MO. There is no recorded cave in Kansas that is as long as your story suggests. The local Karst does not support it. :'( The longest cave I know of is near El Dorado and it is roughly 2 miles or so long and wet. Have fun did you ever find out anything?

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