Hospital charges $9,000 to bandage cut middle finger, report says

Not unaffordable for tons of people, I know lots of poor folks that are dancing in the streets because for the first time in their lives they don't have to choose between eating or buying meds, or being able to even see a doctor. you cannot please everybody, somebody will feel the crunch, I'm elated that people of all classes can now get some kind of health care, it may not be great, but it is working better than say Canada's health system where you can wait a half a year or longer to see a specialist.

Excuse me but.............................................:sign10:

The way I see it,the ones that can afford it are the ones 1..On welfare,foodstamps etc so obby care is basically free for them. 2..Can afford it,as in make enough to cover the cost.

Lets see what happens to the guy in between the two,he gets bent over.I know my was going to cost 700 bucks a month,they can take it and stick it.

plenty of folks on disability that don't get welfare that are on it, and tons more minimum wage workers are on it that don't make enough to barely survive that make to much to get welfare or food stamps, so those folks are benefitting from it, like I said somebody will feel the crunch, and that will be the middle class, simply because the working poor have no cash, and because the so called upper class rich folks have so much cash, they can't tell the difference. only real gripe they have is the mandates of being forced to buy a product they don't want or need, and I agree the mandates are...well the bad word filter will *** what I've got to say about the mandates.


Hate to burst your bubble but poor will still be responsible for their deductibles. How do you think they are going pay $5000 to $6000 in copays...?

Be sure to keep politics out thread...

Just an aside.....If I could have kept all the premiums and insurance costs, and medicare that was deducted from my bottom line over the last years of my working career, I could have paid the $75k medical bills I stumbled over this past winter.....but no, I hadto pay so everyone else who sought care received it.....Neede to change, but the present way will rove faulty and not work as all other plans have....Gary

that very well may be Gary, to be honest everybody I've spoke with doctors included really don't know much of anything.
A friend that I help navigate the state exchange was supposed to get comprehensive dental coverage He seen a dentist whom scheduled his work, when the dentist submitted the forms to UHC for prior approval they ( UHC ) flat out denied that my friend had any coverage. so on his behalf since he has some competency issues I acted as his advocate, in asking the lead secretary about where and to whom they submitted the forms to and after an hour on the phone with UHC I determined the dentists office was submitting the forms to the wrong address at UHC, was being submitted to the private insurance divisions address when it should have went elsewhere, after they resubmitted to the right place all was approved, that and the dentist could contact the 200 plus new patients to tell them they indeed have coverage.
that's what is messed up so bad, if even the docs don't know the right info and some Joe schmoe off the street has to do the leg work to fix it, then without being political its time for impeachment..because this mess is a disaster.
/rant off


It's still not going to work. Several years ago, 2000 through 2008 I believe, my daughter worked at a large hospital. She worked on the maternity floor. The illegal immigrants and the poor came there to have their babies. The illegals very seldom paid a cent toward their health care. No insurance, no money; but got about the same care as all of the other patients. A lot of the poor paid what they could, when they could; but most of the illegals acted like it was their 'right' to have free health care. Who paid these people's medical bills? We, the taxpayers paid for it. Who is going to pay for the new health care? Same as always, the taxpayers are going to pay; except it's going to be much more out of the taxpayers' pockets now. And the deductibles? Same thing. The poor don't have the money to paid the deductibles. That's going to increase the taxpayer's burden. I predict, as many others have done, that this debacle will be a large part of why there's going to be a revolt by the taxpayers; and quite possibly the beginning of the end of the USA.

folks I've talked to don't have deductibles so I don't know. is Canada's system fair ? I don't know how it works but I guess I can read up on it.

Its 80/20 or 70/30 depending on plan. They are copays, $9000 bill on 80% plan they owe $1800 of the bill on 70% they owe $2700 of bill

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