Well i never called any one a troll.. For i do not even know what they mean by troll ..

I am not contradicting my self #1 was to tell Garrett we might like a detector from them like the 20 -60 … post#2 That post meant that if Garrett knew that enough of us from the Treasure forums would post about it they might think about what they already know harder.. post 55 about the same as 16.. ……….. 55 they know about it As to write a letter to Garrett there is no need if they want to do it they will if not they will not…………………………………………………….. But from now on i will not be a OP i will just answer some one's question if i know the answer to much hassle from one's ….. Like i am confused do not know what i am talking about ….. I will let all you english language majors work it out between each other …

Again, you seem very upset, maybe even distraught.

We are all here to help you get through this. Please let us know what we can do to help.

If we don't have each other to work through these troubled times and stressful issues, who then can we really count on?

Minelab is very smart bringing out a low price point entry level metal detector like the innovative Go Find series. Garrett has the Ace series at Walmart and I would guess most those users would move up to the AT Series when they are ready to upgrade.

It is a known fact that when a consumer starts off with a entry level product that they like, when they are ready to upgrade, they will stay with the same manufacture most of the time.

Bounty Hunter rules in sales because of product placement in the national chain department stores and sporting goods stores that carry the Bounty Hunter series. When a Bounty Hunter user decides to move up, they must decide which manufacture to go with.

With Minelab entering the entry level market, it shows they are ready to grow by leaps and bounds. Having a quality entry level product comes with many headaches, i.e. production and distribution problems and shortages, customer returns, staffing, etc.

Minelab's customer base for their medium and high end machines will grow exponentially because of the Go Find series.

All you folks that are snowbound making fun of Minelab's new Go Find series ... Minelab will get the last laugh!!

All arguing aside...... A comment was made about Garrett, coming up with something like the new Minelabs. This surely will happen. Calm down take a deep breath and research Garrett back as far as possible. You'll see that for years Whites or one of the others would come up with the next greatest detector that'll find it all & cook your breakfast too. Then a short time later along comes Garrett with the same thing but with a twist. In the old days Garrett had his "Charles & the boys gang to promote his machines. So everyone thought WOW! The "pros" are using them they must be the one to have. If I'm not mistaken there were some articles in the THing mags pushing the limit on calling Garrett a thief of others ideas. So......... I would assume in less than a year you'll have a Garrett almost like the new Minelabs.

BTW Does anyone know if Jimmy Sierra still uses Garrett machines?:tongue3:

I refrain from posting neg comments on other forums but always someone on Garrett's bashing them. Check out Beau's problems with his minelab on his Facebook page and all the comments about $1000+ machines being throw away machines after problems start with them. No one treats their customers like Garrett. Good luck when the weather breaks and swing what you want but I'll defend my Garrett machines when someone wants to come on the Garrett forum and stir up crap just to get a thread started. Good day everyone.

Minelab is very smart bringing out a low price point entry level metal detector like the innovative Go Find series. Garrett has the Ace series at Walmart and I would guess most those users would move up to the AT Series when they are ready to upgrade.

I see you own an ATX. I'm hoping you have done a real world user assessment on that machine. I'm very interested in hearing about it.

Is it all it's cracked up to be? Are you happy with it, or disappointed?

I see you own an ATX. I'm hoping you have done a real world user assessment on that machine. I'm very interested in hearing about it.

Is it all it's cracked up to be? Are you happy with it, or disappointed?

Hi G.I.B.

Yes, I have express the Good (ultra deep seeking), Bad (weight), and Ugly (design) with the ATX on the Find's Treasure Forum (New Garrett ATX Metal Detector)

You can read all comments from everyone, including what I have experienced with the ATX (same user name as TNet)

Be nice if you post anything because John-Edmonton is the Moderator of the forum :)

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It violates TN rules to post links to other treasure forums.

Geez Louise ppl are getting a little off course. Keep on and TH is going to put somebody in the corner

It's incredulous the amount of venom that runs through the various detector camps. I've been in this hobby for 14 months. I have three detectors. I love this hobby. I love going hunting with other detectorist. It's about the hunt and what we find in the ground. Old , new , relic or coin it's meant to be fun.

If it's just two of us or a group , it doesn't matter who is using what brand. Sharing in the joy of another person's find or your own is what makes this such a joyful hobby. What brand or how much another person spends on a machine is irrelevant. If you purport yourself as an adult then act like one.

It's incredulous the amount of venom that runs through the various detector camps. I've been in this hobby for 14 months. I have three detectors. I love this hobby. I love going hunting with other detectorist. It's about the hunt and what we find in the ground. Old , new , relic or coin it's meant to be fun.

If it's just two of us or a group , it doesn't matter who is using what brand. Sharing in the joy of another person's find or your own is what makes this such a joyful hobby. What brand or how much another person spends on a machine is irrelevant. If you purport yourself as an adult then act like one.

I think you are taking the talk a little too serious. This is no different than Ford/Chevy/Dodge debates. Some people will only drive one brand. Some people people will drive anything available. We all like to give each other a hard time about what the other drives. That doesn't mean there is "hate" or "venom" in the comments.

There is by some..

OK Keppy, since you have the ability to reads the thoughts and minds of people posting on here, please educate the rest of us here, who has been spewing the hate towards any brand?

OK Keppy, since you have the ability to reads the thoughts and minds of people posting on here, please educate the rest of us here, who has been spewing the hate towards any brand?
I am talking about hate towards others…

I have never understood the manufacturers, nor the detectorists desire for a machine that folds down to such a small size. I have driven some pretty small cars, yet every detector I have owned has fit in every vehicle I have owned.

Do they focus on this aspect of design because the performance aspect has hit a wall technology wise?

Personally I would not buy one. The detector I use now is really good. I don't need a gimmick. And I feel that buying one would tell the company that I agree with this particular aim in product design. It is almost like they intended it to look like a cheap toy. That coil? Really?

I am not bashing the company, I would love to try some of the high end machines like an Etrac or a CTX.

I like to see companies move forward in their designs and technology, but I think maybe technology is as far as it can go in this field so they are resorting to things like this to sell units. I could be wrong, I have been many times before.

I would hate to see Minelab turn into Tesoro.

Detectors that fit in carry on bags shafts and all on planes would be good thing.

I would bet all the detector companies will have something similar over the next couple years.

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