How to change reinlistment code?

Talk about short term training I was just talking to my nephew on the phone last night and he told me he's going a different route. Said at his college he ran into a woman who got him into a two week training program to be a nurses aid. He says, it is being given right at the nursing home where he would then work. He also said that there's a real shortage of nurses aids so he will be getting like $13 an hour to start, then it goes all the way up to $15 an hour in the first year. That sounds like pretty descent wages to me for two weeks of training. Course that means he'll be wiping butts, but if he don't care, it is good money and they have flexible work hours plus benies. BTW Beer Belly, the way you just described your sitiuation is exactly the way my brother described his to me not too long ago. So I am very familiar with exactly what your talking about, and I don't disagree with anything you said. I whole heartedly agree with one parent staying home to take care of the kids and it makes no difference which one male or female. So I just want you to know I'm in no way looking down my nose at you. I'm just trying to be of some help. I do still think that being in a small business, and being your own boss, is the best answer for you. Being your own boss would allow you to set your own hours. And even though you may not make big bucks to start with, every little bit helps to take the pressure off. And over time, you and the little mrs. would find far more freedom to live your kind of lifestyle as that little business grows. This is after all the age of the internet. your no longer tied to a strip mall store selling to your friends and neighbhors. Now you can sell to the whole world. what may not have sold within a 300 mile radius of your home, can now be sold world wide to the people of Mongolia.

The.Boomer said:
...Now you can sell to the whole world. what may not have sold within a 300 mile radius of your home, can now be sold world wide to the people of Mongolia.

I don't want to rain-on-your-parade, but online sales has become very difficult as of late. There are so many online rip-off artists operating now-a-days it's unbelievable. (You can read the eBay forums- for many examples.)

I sold on eBay for more than five years, and after expenses averaged several thousand dollars a month+. I didn't make a million bucks online, but I was able to quit my fulltime job. I attended every China Expo in Vegas during that time. The Chinese factories can produce whatever you want- at very attractive rates (you know: buy low-sell high). My first big problem occurred when lead started showing-up in Chinese-made products. My second problem was the online rip-off artists (i.e.- product not received / product damaged / numerous false claims, etc). The final nail in the coffin was eBay raising their rates sky-high.

Anyway, I will agree that if both the online buyer and seller are operating honestly, there is (hardly) a better way to do business! Just be very careful, BeerBelly.

Although I do continue to have a very small presence on e-bay AB, you have to broaden your horizons. There are tones of companies that will host even commercial web sites for very little. Even T-Net here will allow that up to a certain degree. I ( my Wife) have our own site that we sell through, without even owning anything and it costs very little. Even if you want to go through the whole auction kinda web sites there's more of them than you can number without googles help. ;D :wink:

For anyone who is facing employment problems the best written books to help with that are the Owlhooters Manuals one and two by Karl von Mueller writing as Deke Gladson. He always sponsored people for going out on the road and becoming independant of the time-clock. He lists the true stories of people that he met that had made that happen and how they had done it. Some of those things are no longer possible and others are only possible on the road. Read both volumes and take notes while you do of ideas you have and then pick one and pursue it. Obviously the best time to do something like that is while you are still employed but you can't deny that poverty is a great motivator. exanimo, siegfried schlagrule

Hey Boomer,
Funny you mentioned the CNA thing, thats what my wife does! Salaries here in Vegas nursing homes start out around $10.00 to $11.00 and seem to stay there. (actualy it does go up a little, but my wife tells me about CNA's that have been working for 15 years and still get $13.00 to $14.00) The attitude seems to be, "you're lucky you got a job with us, quit asking for the raise we promised you cuz you aint gettin it." The pay is a little better at the hospitals, ($15.00 to $18.00) but those positions are dificult to get. My wife usualy takes care of anywhere from 12 to 16 residents a day, and it's a tough job. Although a lot of the CNA's seem to be trashy ghetto people, I have respect for the position as if it's done corectly it's a very tireing, demanding and stressful job.
I'm thinking more along the lines of X-ray tech. The starting pay is decent, I'll just have to find the right school. I think the medical field is somewhat recession proof compared to other indusries, so I'm pretty sure that's the direction I'll be looking. I've considered I.T. but the field is so saturated here it's unbelievable.
Thanks for the info Siegfried, hopefully that book is available at the library, I'm gonna try to track it down.

most of the exanimo press books were paper covers and look like comic books without the bright colors and pictures. they didn't hold up well. The online booksellers sometimes get copies from estates. Original prices were five bucks each and now you are lucky to find them for ten bucks each. good luck, siegfried schlagrule

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