hows this work?



for weeks i have heard "the experts" say that the economy is in the worst position since the great depression.

failure of loans blamed on the 'people who bought more house than they could afford.'

congress passes a 700 billion dollar bail out for big "investors". we the taxpayer pays this bail out.

exxon today, posts it's second record profit quarter,surpassing last quarters record profit.

so redistrubition of wealth is ok when it is the multinational corporation and it's stockholders removing the money?

so much for trickle down economics

The 700 billion should be distributed to everyone who has payed federal income tax, then we as tax payers can fuel the economy.

I'm glad your asking "Hows this work" Because the basic conception of your question is wrong.

tulecanyon said:
for weeks i have heard "the experts" say that the economy is in the worst position since the great depression.

failure of loans blamed on the 'people who bought more house than they could afford.'

The failure of the loans was two sided, first they were purposely packaged in such a way as to seem affordable to the less educated or money and investment savvy. In other words poor people were duped by college educated loan and investment experts. I won't go into the financial aspects of this as to how these criminal loan sharks were using a system established By Barny Frank and a very liberal banking board who came to power in the Clinton years.

congress passes a 700 billion dollar bail out for big "investors". we the taxpayer pays this bail out.

This statement is true enough on it's surface. But the bailout was also primarily aimed at the mom and pop investors who had 401k etc.... that were leveraged or invested in the stock market as well. Ultimately the money hasn't actually even been earmarked as of this writing with both sides of the Isle trying to wait until a new administration can decide where best to apply this band aide.

exxon today, posts it's second record profit quarter,surpassing last quarters record profit.

Although Exxon is a publicly traded company, they stand to make $0 from this bailout. BTW their income profit margin contrary to popular misconception doesn't come from there stock value, but rather by the market shares of Oil and it's volatile price fluctuations.

so redistrubition of wealth is ok when it is the multinational corporation and it's stockholders removing the money?

So here is where the premise of your question just goes off the deep end. I suspect it is just some Democratic fluff which you are parroting. But as for redistribution of wealth. We live in a country that was built upon "Freedom" and the "Free Market" So what is it about taking money from my pocket against my will and putting it into yours that you see as ok ? Where I grew up which was a free and democratic America, we called something like this theft. I've worked very hard for all my life to get ahead only to have a revolution of lazy give me freebie kids come along and rob me of my American dream in order to finance theirs. Which really just cracks me up. I'm closing up shop and selling everything, putting all 23 of my employees out of work. I refuse to continue generate a revenue stream for a lazy gimme generation. Now you people who voted for your redistribution of wealth, wait and see how many more unemployed get added to the gravy train as a result of other small business owners deciding it's no longer worthy the headache to support the rest of America because their too lazy to get out and earn their own dream. Congratulations on your win Democrats, just remember you asked for this.

so much for trickle down economics
So much for socialism

put a lot of sub text between the lines.
guess that is the problem with you, a simple question elicits one bizarre statement after another.

first, i am not a democrat
two, hows that political capitial thing working for you this morning

tulecanyon said:
put a lot of sub text between the lines.
guess that is the problem with you, a simple question elicits one bizarre statement after another.

first, i am not a democrat
two, hows that political capitial thing working for you this morning

Sorry you feel attacked I never stated I thought you were a Democrat. I did state I thought you were parroting IE Repeating something the Democrats have been passing around as fact. I'm also sorry you fail to understand the subtleties of my argument. But then we can't all be Libertarians ! :icon_scratch:

must be difficult to breath up on that high hourse of yours.

just because i ignored your lame position, does not mean i did not understand.

and just because you declare my question, "wrong" doesn't make it so.

tulecanyon said:
for weeks i have heard "the experts" say that the economy is in the worst position since the great depression.

Tule, I think it's worse than any 'great depression'. ALL the numbers are far bigger.
AND, there are a cople other wildcards involved such as diminishing petroleum, religious friction, drought and problems with harvest, nuke proliferation, etc.

THIS time around is far WORSE than ever before.

failure of loans blamed on the 'people who bought more house than they could afford.'

Yah, that's a cheap shot, I agree.Joe Plumber just wants a home for his wife and kids.
He'll sign on the line no matter what the price is, if an agent says the payments will be affordable.

congress passes a 700 billion dollar bail out for big "investors". we the taxpayer pays this bail out.

That $700b just went to keep a flock of foreign loans at bay so they wouldn't shut us down immediately. Which they still could do!

exxon today, posts it's second record profit quarter,surpassing last quarters record profit.

Yah, Yah, Yah! We ALL can't be in the oil biz!
OPEC guys already surpassed what they made last year, too.
Hindsight always easier than foresight!
Ten years ago I wish I woulda knew everybodies SISTER was gonna get tattoos!
I wouldn't be trying to paint houses, now!

so redistrubition of wealth is ok when it is the multinational corporation and it's stockholders removing the money?

so much for trickle down economics

Ah... don't worry about the labels so much.
They just keep tossing them out until one of them catches people's fancy.
All taxation is theft!
It's just too difficult to run a govt without money!

Good luck on those gray hairs!
Mine r doin' just fine, thank you!

Personally, we are experiencing the end stages of capitalism. Capitalism ends when one controls all the money and assets. Either way, you can't have freedom without capitalism and you cant have capitalism without freedom.

The feds can run the show without our income tax. It would be nice to pay those taxes voluntarily, or on donation principles.

My vote is for 'The Postman' scenario after their attempt at socio/fascism collapses.

But I think the horses would hit the stewpot much earlier.

Pretty much a moose, without horns.

Yah, that's it, Roadquest...

I'm stuck in a romantic fantasy of gloom and doom here under my rock watching DVD's on the widescreen. ;D

If I could just find a crystal ball that works, a Ouijah board without a glitch or even
That spoke clearly.​

Then I'd have the solution and no worries! ;D

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