Feb 26, 2005
The Netherlands

this guy's name is nick habermehl from the netherlands

i can be reached by email on [email protected] or [email protected]

the website has been down a couple of days ago because of server problems at the service provider

at this moment the website should be up again

but if you still find difficulties to reach it, please let me know, so i can do something about it

once you have reached the site you can navigate through it by clicking on the compass and ten click "go to"

unfortunately i havent had the time to update the content of the website; the wreck stories

i do have a lot of new info but that's just on my computer, not yet on the website

hopefully someday i can make time to update it

if people has questions, don't hesitate to mail me




Jul 16, 2006

VOYAGE NR: 0001.1

Op 2 April 1595 vertrokken namens de 'Compagnie van Verre' de schepen AMSTERDAM, HOLLANDIA, MAURITIUS en DUYFKEN met totaal 249 opvarenden aan boord van de rede van Texel.

Later zal blijken dat deze tocht één van de beroemdste Nederlandse reizen aller tijden genoemd zal worden. Hij heeft in de geschiedenis dan ook een eigen naam gekregen: 'de Eerste Schipvaart'. Het was de eerste keer dat een Nederlandse vloot naar Azië voer en terugkeerde.

Na 4 maanden werd voor het eerst land aangedaan in de Mosselbaai aan Afrika's Zuidkust, om zich aldaar te 'ververschen', terwijl door het lange verblijf in zee en de slechte voeding in hevige mate de scheurbuik op de vloot was uitgebroken. Hoewel men er in slaagde de voorraad levensmiddelen en water aan te vullen, nam toch opnieuw in zee de ziekte weer zeer toe.

De Zuidkust van Madagascar werd daarom aangelopen en ongeveer 2 1/2 maand op verschillende punten vertoefd. Op een eilandje in de Gaga Baai werden o.a. 'zoovele schepelingen' begraven, dat het de naam ontving van 'het Hollandsche kerkhof', in het geheel had men reeds 70 man verloren.
De reis werd 13 December voortgezet, maar de zwaar doorstaande ZO moesson deed de slecht bezeilde schepen zoveel Noordwaarts afdrijven, dat besloten werd andermaal Madagascar aan te doen en zich wederom te 'ververschen'. Half Januari 1596 ankerden dientengevolge de schepen onder het eiland St. Maria op de NO-kust en verbleven een maand aldaar en in de iets Noordelijker gelegen Antongil Baai.

Op 12 Februari werd van hieruit de oversteek naar Java begonnen. Aanvankelijk werd met Westewinden goed Oost gehaald, maar daarna zoveel tegenspoed door stroom en wind uit het ZO-en ondervonden, dat men pas na ongeveer 4 maanden het eiland Engano bij Sumatra's Zuidpunt in 't zicht liep. Na kort oponthoud hier en in de Semangka Baai in Straat Soenda, bereikte men op 27 Juni eindelijk, na bijna 15 maanden reis, de Bantam Baai op Java's NW-Punt en hiermede het eigenlijke doel van de tocht.

Ongeveer 4 1/2 maand werd hier vertoefd, specerijen werden ingekocht en een handelsverdrag met de vorst van Bantam afgesloten, ondanks de tegenwerking van de daar gevestigde Portugezen. Niet altijd was echter de verhouding met de Javanen even vriendschappelijk, want bij een bezoek aan de Vorst werden de Houtman en nog 8 anderen gevangen genomen en pas na geruime tijd tegen een grote losprijs weer vrijgelaten.

Na een kort bezoek aan het nabijgelegen Jacatra, waar later Batavia zou verrijzen, werd nu Java's Noordkust langsgezeild, daarna Toeban en het eiland Madoera aangedaan en toen na enig rondzwerven bij het eiland Loebock (Bawean) geankerd. De schepen werden ondertussen twee maal overvallen door Javanen, waarbij aan beide zijden veel slachtoffers vielen.

Bij Bawean gaf het scheepsvolk te kennen, dat het de reis naar de Molukken niet wilde voortzetten, maar 'huistoe wenschte te gaan'. Noodgedwongen stemde het opperbevel hierin toe en daar door de vele sterfgevallen de schepen niet meer behoorlijk bemand waren, het totaal der overlevenden, waaronder nog verscheidene zieken, was tot 94 geslonken, werd de lading van de AMSTERDAM van 100 last, over de andere schepen verdeeld en dit reeds zeer lekke vaartuig daarop verbrand.

Half Januari 1597 werd nu de terugreis aanvaard. Nog een maand vertoefde men op verschillende punten van Bali's Zuidkust en begon daarna de overtocht naar Zuid-Afrika. Na 2 maanden liep men hier, ter hoogte van Natal, het eerste land in 't zicht, de HOLLANDIA geraakte daar van de andere af, doch had het geluk zich een maand later bij St. Helena weer bij hen te kunnen voegen. Bij St. Helena in de Atlantische Oceaan werd geprobeerd verse voorraden in te nemen. Er lagen echter Portugese schepen die dit verhinderden.
Zonder verdere wederwaardigheden werd daarop half Augustus het vaderland bereikt, nadat men 29 maanden afwezig was geweest en 160 man en één der vier schepen verloren had. Wel had men op deze reis nuttige ervaring opgedaan wat de vaart zelve op Indie betrof,maar ten opzichte van het hoofddoel, de 'negotie', woog het behaalde voordeel bij lange na niet tegen het ondervonden nadeel op.

De tocht zelf mag geen succes zijn geweest, het volbrengen ervan was het startsein voor een ware wedloop op de Oost. In het jaar na de terugkeer vertrokken er zes Nederlandse vloten naar de Oost. Nog geen vijf jaar later, in 1602, werd de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie opgericht.

Bibliography and Sources:

Bruijn, J.R., Gaastra, F.S., Schöffer, I. Dutch-Asiatic Shipping In The 17th and 18th Centuries (3 Vols). The Hague, 1979, 1987

Mollema, J.C. De Eerste Schipvaart der Hollanders naar Oost-Indië. 's-Gravenhage, 1936

Mollema, J.C. De Nederlandsche vlag op de wereldzeeën. Ontdekkingsreizen onzer voorouders. Amsterdam.

Posthumus Meyjes, R. Geschiedkundige Atlas van Nederland. De eerste reizen der Nederlanders, naar de bijbehorende kaart en aangeduide landen en eilanden. 's-Gravenhage, 1924

Boer, M.G de. Van Oude Voyagiën. Amsterdam, 1923, 1979

Commelin, Izaäk. Begin ende voortgangh van de Nederlantsche geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagnie. Vervattende de voornaemste reysen bij de inwoonderen derselver provinciën derwaerts gedaan. Amsterdam, 1646

Dam, Pieter van. (ed. by F.W. Stapel and C.W.Th. van Boetzelaer.) Beschryvinge van de Oostindische Compagnie. 's-Gravenhage, 1977

May 26, 2002 email: [email protected]

Number Name Particulars
0001.1 AMSTERDAM Set on fire near Bawean, 11-01-1597
0006.1 MAAN Capsized near Dover while firing a salute, 1598
0018.1 BLIJDE BOODSCHAP In Valparaiso the Spaniards laid an embargo on this ship, 17-11-1599
0020.1 HOOP Lost with all hands, sailing from Hawaii, 24-09-1600
0021.1 LIEFDE Lost near Japan, after it was confiscated by the Japanese, 1600
0022.1 POSTILJON Lost with all hands in the Pacific,
0023.1 TROUW In Tidore the Portuguese laid an embargo on the ship and killed almost all crew
0024.1 EENDRACHT Deserted and set on fire because of unseaworthiness at S. Clara I. in June 1599
0025.1 HENDRIK FREDERIK Ran ashore near Ternate and then sold to the Sultan of Ternate, February 1601
0045.1 HAARLEM Left behind at Patani as unseaworthy, September 1603
0086.1 ENKHUIZEN Ran aground off Halmaheira Island, 1607
0095.1 EENDRACHT Destroyed by fire on the coast of Coromandel, 1610
0099.1 MIDDELBURG Burnt in action before Malacca, 18-08-1606
0100.2 NASSAU Burnt in action before Malacca, 22-08-1606
0110.1 CHINA Riding at anchor off Ternate in 1608, the ship was lost due to bad weather, July 1608
0113.1 WALCHEREN Riding at anchor off Ternate in 1608, the ship was lost due to bad weather, July 1608
0114.2 ZIERIKZEE Ran aground and was lost at Cabacella (Mocambique), 26-05-1607
0115.2 GELDERLAND Lost making its way out of the harbour of Vlissingen, July 20th 1607
0122.1 AREND Captured and burnt by the Spaniards off Manilla, 25-04-1610
0131.2 MEDEMBLIK Wrecked near the Maledive Islands
0136.1 BRAK Sailed aground near Macassar and was lost, 07-08-1613
0144.2 RODE LEEUW MET PIJLEN Because of unseaworthiness abandoned and set on fire, August 1615
0149.1 GROTE AEOLUS Capsized near Makian, 31-01-1613; 15 survivors
0151.1 DUIFJE Ran aground near Surat and was lost, 17-07-1617
0154.1 RODE LEEUW Coming from Manilla lost near Japan, 31-01-1613
0159.3 ORANJE Lost in the Indies, 02-10-1614
0168.1 KLEINE AEOLUS Foundered on the rocks of Engano I. , coming from Coromandel, 25-08-1616
0169.2 MIDDELBURG Lost near Surat, 19-07-1617
0175.1 NASSAU Ran aground in the river Andragiri, 19-09-1615
0183.1 GROTE AEOLUS Burst in the battle of Manilla, 16-04-1617
0184.1 JAGER Capsized near the reef of Armigon
0188.1 GROTE ZON Lost in the battle of Manilla, 16-04-1617
0192.3 TER VEERE Blew up in the Battle of Manilla, near Wittert’s Island, 16-04-1617
0196.1 EENDRACHT Capsized off Bantam, May 1620
0197.1 HOORN Destroyed by fire in Port Desire, 16-12-1615
0200.1 BANTAM Burnt at Batavia, 24-03-1627
0202.1 TROUW Thrown on the beach near Kalongan, 31-12-1624
0213.1 TIJGER Wrecked on the shore of China, September 1622
0221.3 HERT Wrecked on the African coast, 21-06-1622
0226.1 HOORN Caught fire and blown to pieces, 80 miles west of Sumatra, 14-12-1619
0229.2 ZEELANDIA Wrecked on the west coast of Sumatra, 1619
0234.2 EENDRACHT Wrecked on the west coast of Ambon, 13-05-1622
0235.2 GOEDE FORTUIN Lost near Sucatara, crew and cargo were saved
0247.1 GRONINGEN Lost on a return voyage from Siam or Japan, 1627
0248.1 MUIDEN Destroyed by fire near the coast of China, 1623
0255.1 BRUINVIS Wrecked in the river Andragiry, September 1622
0257.1 HEILBOT Lost between Amboina and Batavia, 1621
0261.1 HARING Ran ashore near Arakan, 1628
0268.1 HAAN Lost near Batavia, 20-05-1628
0269.1 VALK Wrecked near Formosa, 19-07-1623
0277.2 VREDE Wrecked near Hirado, September 1631
0284.1 WOERDEN Lost north of Formosa, 1630
0288.1 KLEINE ERASMUS Lost near Japan, 1634
0294.2 NAARDEN Wrecked near Boa Vista, 1623. Its destination was Surat
0299.1 AREND Lost near Cape Mauritius
0303.1 GRIFFIOEN Lost near the Moluccas, 1625
0316.1 KAMEEL Lost on "Boompjes-eiland", nowadays referred as Barikat Rock, 17-02-1630
0323.2 ALKMAAR Wrecked on the roadstead of Texel, 05-07-1625
0324.3 SCHOONHOVEN Wrecked on the coast of Portugal, 22-01-1626
0327.1 BEVERWIJK Wrecked on the coast of China, 22-09-1631
0330.1 OUDERKERK Lost near Amoy, China, while fighting the Portuguese, 12-10-1627
0331.1 SLOTEN Lost in the river Chincheu on the coast of China, 07-10-1633
0333.1 DOMBURG Burnt in the river Chincheu
0339.1 BROUWERSHAVEN Ran aground and was destroyed by fire on the coast of Formosa, 28-06-1633
0343.1 KEMPHAAN Ran ashore at Cochin China, 22-10-1633
0348.1 DUBBELE AREND Lost near Mauritius, 1630
0350.1 VLIEGENDE DRAAK Wrecked on the Needles of Wight, 23-10-1627
0351.1 CAMPEN Wrecked on the Needles of Wight, 23-10-1627
0353.1 TERSCHELLING Blown up near Negapatnam, fighting the enemy, 14-04-1630
0355.1 WIERINGEN Blown up near Malacca, fighting the Portuguese, 02-06-1636
0361.3 SCHIEDAM Lost on "Boompjes-eiland", February 1633
0363.3 WAPEN VAN ENKHUIZEN Blown up off Sierra Leone, 18-10-1628
0368.1 KLEINE DAVID Destroyed by fire on the coast of the Coromandel, 11-02-1630
0372.1 BATAVIA Wrecked on the west coast of Australia, 04-06-1629
0378.1 ZOUTELANDE Wrecked at St. Antao, 24-03-1629
0380.1 BROEKERHAVEN Destroyed by fire in the river Chincheu, 22-10-1633
0382.1 OOSTZANEN Blown up near Djambi, Sumatra, fighting the Portuguese, 05-04-1630
0384.5 WALCHEREN Blown up near Djambi, Sumatra, fighting the Portuguese, 05-04-1630
0385.4 GOUDEN LEEUW Wrecked on an unknown reef near Borneo, 1634
0386.2 VIANEN Destroyed by fire in Strait Sunda, 14-11-1629
0403.1 KATWIJK Wrecked in the Bay of Tarpia, 07-10-1633
0404.2 GROOTEBROEK Wrecked on the coast of Cochin China in 1635 after being captured by the Portuguese
0410.1 NOORDWIJK Wrecked near the river Patrapa, 19-02-1637
0418.1 UTRECHT Ran ashore and was burnt in Strait Doerian, May 1641
0423.5 DELFSHAVEN Bursted because of carelessness in Batavia, 12-11-1633
0432.1 BREEDAM Wrecked near the "Duizend eilanden", north of Batavia.
0443.1 ZWAAN Wrecked near the Pescadores, 26-02-1637
0453.2 'S GRAVENHAGE Burnt by the Portuguese off Goa, 04-01-1638
0456.1 RAROP Wrecked on a reef between Colombo and Negombo, 01-01-1640
0460.3 VLISSINGEN Set on fire by the Portuguese off Goa, 04-01-1638
0467.1 KEIZERIN Ran ashore in the Bay of Padaran, Vietnam, 29-10-1636, on a voyage from Taiwan
0468.1 OTTER Wrecked upon a reef of Buton, coming from Banda, 1643
0473.1 DUIF Wrecked in the Indies, 1650
0478.1 VALK Wrecked near Pulicat, 13-10-1638
0486.3 HOORN Wrecked, sailing on the shallows off Brouwershaven, 1637
0494.1 RIJNSBURG Lost in action against the Spaniards near the Philippines
0495.1 VALKENBURG Foundered on the rocks, east of Banka, June 1647
0496.1 MAAN Ran ashore at Solor Island in the Flores Sea, 10-04-1642
0497.1 ZON Lost in the Pescadores, 31-12-1639
0499.1 WIJDENES Blown to pieces in the Indies, 07-07-1643
0503.3 AEMILIA Ran ashore at Taiwan, 21-06-1639
0508.1 ROEK Lost off Amboina, 15-02-1645
0515.1 FRANEKER Lost in action against the Portuguese off Malacca, 18-01-1642
0517.1 HERT Wrecked in the Pescadores, 1643
0522.1 ZIERIKZEE Wrecked on a reef off Goa, fighting the Portuguese, 06-12-1639
0524.1 KONING DAVID Wrecked on the sout east coast of Madagascar, 29-08-1639
0526.3 HOF VAN HOLLAND Wrecked off Sierra Leone, 14-07-1639
0528.8 HOLLANDIA Ran ashore on Lombok, 27-12-1642
0534.1 ROB Wrecked in a storm when ready to leave Texel, 05-01-1640
0537.1 BRAK Wrecked in the river Ganges, 10-08-1648
0541.4 AMBOINA Scuttled in bad condition in the Philippines, 09-11-1647
0542.1 NEPTUNUS Ran ashore on the coast of Coromandel, 03-10-1643
0550.1 GULDEN BUIS Lost south of the Isle of Champello, 1641
0558.2 MARIA DE MEDICI Lost south of the Isle of Champello, 26-11-1641
0567.1 BERGEN OP ZOOM Wrecked on a reef south of Celebes, 04-03-1650
0574.1 LILLO Wrecked on the roadstead of Batavia, January 1657
0578.1 HAAN Lost off Negombo, 1651
0579.2 HEEMSTEDE Burnt in Bengal, 09-10-1650
0580.1 LUIPAARD Wrecked on a reef, south of Celebes, 04-03-1650
0583.4 MAASTRICHT Lost, sailing from Malabar to Batavia. August 4, 1642
0588.1 BRESKENS Lost in a sea battle in the Bay of Tigaol, 01-08-1646
0589.7 FREDERIK HENDRIK Wrecked on a reef in Strait Banka, 08-01-1648
0591.1 DELFSHAVEN Wrecked near Majoe (Sumbawa Island), 1653
0594.1 VISSER Lost in a sea battle in the Bay of Tigaol, 01-08-1646
0597.1 ZWAAN Wrecked on a reef in the Pescadores, 27-10-1644
0610.1 ZEEMEEUW Lost east of Batavia, 1653
0611.1 HARING Broke up on a reef near Amboina, May 1656
0612.1 EILAND MAURITIUS Wrecked on a reef leaving the Cape, 07-02-1644
0620.1 OVERSCHIE Wrecked on the coast of Coromandel, 21-12-1653
0624.1 MAKREEL Sank in Sunda Strait, 1656
0625.1 SCHELVIS Burnt off Bassaora, 05-01-1646
0628.1 AAGTEKERKE Wrecked on a reef near Celebes, 04-03-1650
0636.1 JUFFER Wrecked on a reef south of Celebes, 04-03-1650
0641.1 BRUINVIS Blown up by the Spaniards on Maginado, 20-01-1658
0642.1 JONKER Wrecked off Wangkang, 21-10-1647
0644.1 TONIJN Ran ashore on the Isle of Sapudi and was set on fire by the crew, 12-09-1646
0665.1 HULST Lost near Nusa Untelue, coming from Solor, 19-07-1656
0668.1 JONGE PRINS Ran ashore near the Isle Pandy, 23-05-1655
0670.1 KOE Lost on the coast of China, 20-07-1652
0675.1 POPKENSBURG Lost between Coromandel and Ceylon
0679.1 GRIFFIOEN Sunk, 16-11-1663
0682.1 WITTE DUIF Wrecked on the coast of China, 1650
0694.1 SPERWER Lost, sailing from Taiwan to Japan, 16-08-1653
0697.2 NOORDMUNSTER Wrecked in the "Sluise Gat" when leaving the Wielingen, November 1648
0701.1 ROBIJN Lost near the Arabian coast, 11-10-1653
0705.1 TROUW Wrecked in a storm on the coast of Hitoe, 1659
0708.1 POTVIS Wrecked on the coast of China, 1650
0709.4 TIJGER Wrecked on a reef south of Celebes, sailing from Batavia to Ambon, 04-03-1650
0720.1 SMIENT Wrecked sailing from Batavia to Taiwan, June 1653
0722.1 MORGENSTER Wrecked in a gale outside the Persian Gulf, 08-10-1653
0725.1 TAIWAN Wrecked near Taiwan, 09-08-1654
0726.3 SCHIEDAM Lost off Arsapour, 19-10-1654
0736.10 ZUTPHEN Wrecked on the "Vlaamse Banken", 06-05-1651
0739.1 GOEDE HOOP Lost near Amboina (Novo Tello), 13-07-1654
0740.2 REIGER Blown up by its own powder off Pulicat, 19-10-1654
0741.4 DELFT Lost with all hands near Taiwan, 03-10-1652
0746.1 WAPEN VAN BATAVIA Attacked by 8 Malabar pirates, the master blew up the ship, 1653
0754.1 VLEERMUIS (GULDEN) Wrecked on the reefs of the "Vuile Eiland" in the Pescadores, 26-09-1655
0756.1 ZWARTE VOS Wrecked on the river of Cambodia, 01-01-1657
0758.1 HAAS Wrecked on the reefs of the island Roti near Timor, 22-04-1661
0759.3 DIAMANT Wrecked on the island Schouwen, December 1652
0760.3 LASTDRAGER Wrecked on the reefs of Bluemull Sound near the Shetland Islands, 02-03-1653
0761.1 WINDHOND (WITTE) Wrecked at Boompjes Islands near Batavia, 30-05-1658
0765.1 AVENHORN Wrecked in a heavy storm at Pipely (Balasore), 22-10-1662
0781.1 LAM (WITTE) Wrecked on a reef at Taiwan's north coast, 28-10-1654
0783.5 VREDE Wrecked on a reef at Taiwan's north coast, 28-10-1654
0785.1 TULP Lost off Madagascar, 02-12-1656
0786.1 LELIE Riding at anchor off Texel the ship was wrecked during a storm, January 1654
0789.1 BOTERBLOEM Lost at Tanate (north of Macassar), March 1660
0792.1 ZWARTE BUL Wrecked and lost with all hands between Batavia and Japan, 1659/1660
0815.3 KONING DAVID Sunk at Pegu (Burma), April 1661
0817.2 LEEUWIN Wrecked near Macassar, 24-12-1664
0819.1 KOUDEKERKE Blown up in a battle against the Chinese off Formosa, 16-09-1661
0821.1 GOES Run ashore at the coast of Quinam, 07-03-1661
0833.2 VERGULDE DRAAK Wrecked at the west coast of Australia, 28-04-1656
0834.1 MAARSSEN Wrecked at the roads of Taiwan in a hurricane, 11-09-1656
0836.2 WEESP Wrecked on the south shore of the Andaman Islands, 28/09/1661
0837.2 DOLFIJN Wrecked in the Bay of Gale, 15-05-1663
0843.1 HERCULES Wrecked in the Bay of Gale, 21-05-1661
0844.2 TERSCHELLING Wrecked in the Bay of Bengal, October 1661
0851.1 WACHTER Wrecked at Palembang, 11-11-1659
0852.1 EMMELOORD Wrecked at the island Damman (?), 1663
0857.1 URK Wrecked in a battle against the Chinese, 17-08-1661
0859.1 MOLEN Wrecked on a reef at Ceylon, March 1658
0870.1 HASSELT Sailing to Arakan the ship was wrecked, 1665/66
0883.1 GEELMUIDEN Wrecked, sailing to Canton in 1659
0892.1 HARP Wrecked on 25-06-1660 (off Taiwan?)
0893.1 IMMENHORN During a battle against the Chinese the ship was wrecked, probably in 1661
0895.1 KORTENHOEF Attempting to relieve Fort Zeelandia at Formosa the ship was wrecked, 16-09-1661
0903.2 HECTOR Wrecked in a battle against the Chinese, 1661
0912.1 'S GRAVELAND Wrecked during a voyage from Nagasaki to Batavia, 1663
0915.2 ZIERIKZEE Sunk off Macassar, 1668
0919.9 WALVIS Wrecked on a reef at Salayar, naer Celebes, 07-01-1663
0921.1 PARKIET Wrecked off Bimelepatnam, 09-11-1665
0927.1 VOLLENHOVEN Wrecked off Mishima Islands, 26-08-1663
0930.1 ANKEVEEN Wrecked off the coast of China, 22-02-1663
0949.1 NACHTEGAAL Wrecked off Ceram, 09-02-1665
0964.1 PEPERBAAL Wrecked near Japan (Mashima Islands), 26-08-1663
0970.1 WATERHOEN Wrecked at Amboina in 1672
0973.1 WAPEN VAN ZEELAND Wrecked on a voyage to China, 16-09-1663
0974.1 SLOTERDIJK Wrecked at Cape Verde in June 1662
0976.1 NIEUWENDAM Wrecked between Bima and Macassar, 01-10-1670
0979.1 KANEELBOOM Wrecked on a voyage between Bengal and Batavia, 18-11-1670
0982.1 ELZENBURG Wrecked off Bimelepatnam, 09-11-1665
0983.1 HOOGKARSPEL Wrecked between Tonkin (North Vietnam) and Japan in 1670
0987.1 JONKER Wrecked on the rocks of "Hytanse" Islands on 17-12-1667
0993.1 PURMERLAND Wrecked at Macassar because of an explosian in the gunpowderroom, 09-08-1668
0998.1 WESTWOUD Wrecked at Bengal, 16-04-1673
1014.2 RODE HERT Burnt off Decima in Japan, 07-07-1665
1026.2 RIJNLAND Burnt at Batavia after an explosian in the gunpowderroom, 05-05-1666
1027.2 KENNEMERLAND Wrecked on Stour a Stack in the Outer Skerries, Shetland I., 20-12-1664
1028.3 ACHILLES Wrecked on a voyage to Japan, 1669
1039.1 GOUDEN LEEUW Wrecked at one of the Tiger Islands in the Gulf of Tonkin, 1674
1040.1 WITTE LEEUW Wrecked at the Orissa coast , 03-11-1670
1041.1 ZWARTE LEEUW Wrecked in 1671 coming from Bengal
1042.3 ZEEPAARD Wrecked west of the Shetland Islands
1050.3 OOIEVAAR Wrecked in the Ganges in Bengal, 30-07-1668
1054.2 DIEMERMEER Wrecked, sailing to Malacca, on a reef near Banka Island, 06-06-1670
1059.1 VICTORIA Wrecked on 02-05-1669, when sailing from the Bay of Swally
1060.1 LIEFDE Wrecked at Baios de Padua, coming from Persia, 05-07-1668
1069.2 BUIENSKERKE Wrecked near the isle of Galle (Bengal), 08-08-1671
1080.1 VREDENBURG Burnt and was wrecked at Poulo Timaon, 07-06-1670
1082.1 GEIT Wrecked near Macassar, 04-08-1668
1086.1 SCHOLLEVAAR Wrecked at the coast of Africa, about 9 miles north of the Cape, 31-05-1668
1089.1 DELFLAND Ran ashore at Boulogne, 14-02-1668
1118.1 GRUNDEL Wrecked east of Cape "Hangklip" at the East African coast, 20-02-1673
1126.3 LOOSDUINEN Wrecked in the Ganges, 20-09-1672
1130.1 ZEELT Missing after departure from the Cape in 1672
1132.1 POLANEN Wrecked at Tuticorin, 29-04-1670
1140.1 HUIS TE NOORDWIJK Wrecked at the Damar Islands, 24-01-1683
1142.1 SCHERMER Wrecked in Banka Strait, 04-06-1671
1145.1 MOLENAAR Wrecked at Tuticorin, 22-02-1682
1170.2 DAMIATE Ran ashore east of Madura Island, 31-08-1677
1175.2 WAPEN VAN VLISSINGEN Wrecked on the Goodwin Sands, 26-11-1670
1183.2 OSDORP Wrecked in the river Ganges, 05-12-1674
1185.2 UITDAM Wrecked at the island Fortuin near Sumatra, November 1677
1192.1 CULEMBORG Wrecked in a storm off Formosa, 02-08-1672
1196.1 PAGADET Ran ashore east of Madura Island, 31-08-1677
1208.1 KRANESTEIN Wrecked off Sao Tome, 1674
1224.1 LOERI Wrecked off Colombo, 15-12-1677
1234.1 RHENEN Wrecked off Sao Tome in 1674
1235.2 ZOETENDAAL Wrecked, 50 miles east of the Cape, 23-08-1673
1239.2 GOOILAND Sank at Palembang (southern Sumatra), 28-09-1682
1241.4 WAPEN VAN HOORN Lost near England, February 1673
1250.1 ZIJPE Blown up at the roadstead of Batavia, 1690
1251.1 BODE Wrecked on a reef near "Thousand Islands", 13-09-1684
1263.1 SNOEPER Capsized near the Maldive Islands, 1674
1286.1 HUIS TE KLEEF Wrecked near the "Thousand Islands" during a voyage to Palembang, 01-09-1684
1288.1 ZWARTSLUIS Wrecked at Coromandel, January 1680
1296.2 ZWEMMER Ran ashore and was wrecked at Colombo, 05-01-1680
1299.1 WESTERVELD Wrecked in the Ganges in Bengal, 23-05-1679
1303.1 AARDENBURG Sank near Buton, near Celebes, August 1685
1312.2 KROONVOGEL Ran ashore and was wrecked at Alkmaar Island near Batavia, 11-02-1686
1313.1 SINT LAURENS Wrecked at the Cape Verde Islands, 1676
1315.4 STICHT VAN UTRECHT Burned at Batavia, 29-01-1677
1337.1 LANDMAN Burned in the Bay of Gale, 19-23-1679
1362.1 ELISABETH Wrecked in 1685
1369.1 HORSTERMEER Wrecked in the South Atlantic, 1677
1384.5 HUIS TE VELSEN Wrecked on a reef off Ternate on 22-05-1682
1387.4 DEN BRIEL Wrecked at Arrakan at the north Myanmar coast (Burma) on 20-10-1681
1389.3 CEYLON Wrecked between the Cape and India in August 1680
1401.1 NAALDWIJK Wrecked on the Ganges in Bengal, 1668
1419.1 WAVEREN Destroyed by fire near the Andamanen (between Bengal and Batavia), 20-12-1689
1433.3 GELE BEER Wrecked west of Sumatra, 1684
1457.1 HUIS TE NEK The ship was wrecked in 1683
1484.2 STRIJEN Wrecked in the mouth of the Ganges, January 1686
1490.2 WESTBROEK Wrecked in Sunda Strait in 1697
1502.6 PRINS WILLEM HENDRIK Wrecked in Banka Strait on a voyage to Siam, 18-09-1686
1513.2 PRINSES MARIA Wrecked on the Sorlings, 1686
1516.1 BRONSTEDE Wrecked on the roads of Semarang (east of Batavia), 21-08-1697
1538.6 HENDRIK MAURITS Wrecked at Ternate in 1689
1541.1 NOORD(STER) Wrecked at Klippenpunt about 15 miles west of Cape St. Francis, 16-01-1690
1552.1 TAMEN Wrecked at Ponte Pedro in 1691
1559.2 DEN HELDER Wrecked in the river Ganges in 1690
1570.1 TOBIAS LEIDSMAN Wrecked at Hangklip (Shetland Islands) on 29-11-1688
1603.4 HONSELAARSDIJK Wrecked on the roads of Batavia in 1698
1622.5 HUIS TE ZILVERSTEIN Wrecked on the 'rif van de Bril' at Macassar on 29-03-1697
1626.2 BORSENBURG Wrecked on the roads of Surat, 07-05-1697
1632.1 TROMPETTER Taken by the French off the Scottish coast and was burned, 1692
1649.5 GOUDESTEIN Wrecked at Ligoor (Siam), January 1699
1658.1 DAGERAAD Wrecked west of Robben Island in December 1693
1665.1 GOUDEN BUIS Wrecked at St. Helena Bay, December 1693
1666.1 KERS Ran aground between Batavia and the Cape, March 1697
1671.5 RIDDERSCHAP VAN HOLLAND Disappeared after departure from the Cape, 1694
1681.1 SPARE Lost, coming from Japan, 04-11-1698
1705.1 SWAAG Wrecked west of the isle of Pinancro (Binongko?) on 21-03-1704
1730.1 SOLDAAT Wrecked at Surat on 20-09-1700
1745.2 KONING WILLIAM Wrecked at the Flemish coast, 22-07-1696
1761.4 MOERKAPELLE Wrecked on the sands of the river Palembang, southeast Sumatra, 1703
1771.1 HUIS TE KRAAIESTEIN Wrecked, three miles off the Cape, 27-05-1698
1797.3 WATERMAN The ship set out for Persia in August 1702, but it never returned
1826.2 SCHELLAG Sunk on the roads of Batavia, 21-11-1700
1828.2 ZANDLOPER Capsized and sank at the coast of Trincomale, 1701
1829.2 BAMBEEK Wrecked at the Malacca coast (Cape Rochado) on 01-01-1702
1869.4 MERESTEIN Wrecked at Jutteneiland, Saldanha Bay, 03-04-1702
1931.1 RENSWOUDE Wrecked at Ameland on 13-12-1703
1959.1 MONSTER Departed for Japan on 30-06-1708 and was lost
1992.1 HOGESTELT Taken by three French ships and burnt on 13-04-1706
2012.5 KATTENDIJK Wrecked in Sunda Strait in April 1709
2037.1 NAGEL Burnt in the Saldanha Bay on 28-05-1709
2038.1 KROMSTRIJEN Lost on a voyage from Bengal in 1709
2086.4 OEGSTGEEST Lost at Grisee (village located north of Surabaya) in 1719
2090.1 GELUKKIG UUR Sank due to leakage, Batavia, 1720
2094.5 THEEBOOM Lost in Banda in 1711
2099.5 HUIS TE NIEUWBURG Lost after departure from Ceylon in 1710
2122.2 BAARZANDE Lost on the coast of Mozambique on 09-06-1711
2132.7 DONKERVLIET Lost after departure from Macassar in April 1718
2147.3 ZUIDDORP Wrecked 40 miles north of the Murchinson river at the west coast of Australia, 1712
2151.5 LIEFDE Lost at the reef Miouw of the Shetlands, 1711
2153.1 WEERESTEIN Lost at the Shetlands, 1711
2166.2 ARION Lost in 1714 at the Paracelles on the way from Japan
2186.3 RIJNENBURG Lost on a reef of the Shetlands on 15-03-1713
2245.4 GAMRON Burnt off the coast of Ceylon, 15-11-1721
2282.1 GEEN RUST Burnt at the Cape, 03-10-1717
2290.4 BRUG Wrecked on the river Ganges in 1718
2307.1 MEEROOG Wrecked on a voyage to Japan, in the 'bocht van Corea', August 1719
2346.1 SLOT VAN KAPELLE Lost on a voyage to Japan, 9 miles north of Amoy, 1719
2349.1 CATHARINA Wrecked on a voyage to Japan, in the 'bocht van Corea', August 1719
2357.2 RISDAM Sank on a voyage from Siam to Batavia in 1726
2372.3 LOOSDRECHT Ran aground at the island of Wight, 21-01-1719
2411.2 TER NISSE Wrecked at the coast of Eijerland, 04-01-1720
2413.1 GOUDA Wrecked at the Cape on 15-06-1722
2422.1 VALKENBOS Lost near Japan, August 1722
2442.6 ZANDENBURG Officers and men left the ship on 16-03-1721, ± 80 miles west of the Sorlings
2463.5 ARENDSDUIN Lost in 1724
2475.2 LAKENMAN Wrecked at the Cape on 15-06-1722
2477.1 AAGTEKERKE Ran ashore near Plymouth in December 1721
2484.5 RAADHUIS VAN ENKHUIZEN Lost at departure on 22-12-1721
2485.2 ZOETIGHEID Wrecked at the Cape on 15-06-1722
2492.1 SCHOTSE LORRENDRAAIER Wrecked at the Cape on 15-06-1722
2494.3 ROTTERDAM Wrecked at the Cape on 15-06-1722
2495.6 STANDVASTIGHEID Wrecked at the Cape on 15-06-1722
2499.1 APPOLLONIA Lost on a voyage to Japan, close to the China coast, 29 July 1724
2521.6 OUWERKERK Wrecked near Japara (north of Semarang) in 1728
2547.2 METEREN Wrecked on the coast of Africa, near the Olifantsriver, 07-11-1723
2555.1 FORTUIN Lost between the Cape and Batavia, 1724
2566.8 BARNEVELD Lost on the sands between Grevelingen and Dunkirk, 14-02-1724
2583.5 MEERHUIZEN Wrecked 60 mls of Bimlipatam, on a voyage from Coromandel to Batavia, 29-10-1730
2598.4 WENDELA Wrecked on the island Mitrif, 20 miles of Benkulen (w-coast of Sumatra), 25-02-1735
2600.1 SLOT TER HOGE Wrecked at the island of Porto Santo on 19-11-1724
2605.1 FEIJENOORD Wrecked at the Saldanha Bay on 01-07-1736
2608.1 VICTORIA Wrecked at the Cape on 21-05-1737
2609.1 AKERENDAM Wrecked at the island of Rondoe, at the coast of Norway, 08-03-1725
2622.1 AAGTEKERKE Lost between the Cape and Batavia, 1726
2623.2 RAVESTEIN Lost at one of the Maldive Islands on 08-05-1726
2630.2 ASTREA Wrecked near Plymouth on 09-10-1725
2634.1 VELSERBEEK Lost between Padang and Bengal in 1727
2650.4 MARGARETA Sunk on 29-09-1733 at Indramaju
2680.1 ZEEWIJK Wrecked in the Houtman's Abrolhos at the west coast of Australia, 09-06-1727
2689.7 NOORDBEEK Lost between Ternate (off Halmahera Island) and Bima (Sumbawa Island) in 1730
2692.4 SAMARITAAN Wrecked at the coast of Malabar on 21-05-1729
2709.5 LUCHTENBURG Wrecked at the Wielingen on 17-11-1727
2711.2 SAKSENBURG Wrecked near Cape Agulhas on 08-01-1730
2724.3 STABROEK Wrecked off the Cape on 03-07-1728
2726.3 NIEUW HAARLEM Wrecked off the Cape on 04-12-1728
2728.1 MIDDENRAK Wrecked off the Cape on 03-07-1728
2729.3 ADELAAR Wrecked on the reefs of Barra Island near Scotland in March 1728
2747.5 BORSSELE Wrecked on a voyage from Persia to Batavia at the Malabar coast (Mangalur) in 1731
2769.6 JOHANNA Wrecked on the river Ganges in 1730
2780.4 STADHUIS VAN DELFT Wrecked in Sunda Strait on 22 August 1731 on a voyage to Surat
2782.1 BUREN Wrecked at the Noorderhaaks on 29-12-1729
2796.2 KNAPENBURG Lost on its way to Japan in 1731
2842.6 RIJKSDORP Coming from Amboina the ship was wrecked on 01-06-1734 in the Golf of Boni
2875.6 BARBESTEIN Wrecked at Gale on 23-10-1735
2877.2 SLOT TER HOGE Wrecked at Ilha de Mayo on 19-06-1732
2886.4 SUSANNA Wrecked at Rembang in 1737 because of leakage
2912.7 VALKENISSE Wrecked at Bantam in September 1740
2922.4 BLIJDORP Wrecked at the Cape Verde Islands on 07-08-1733
2951.3 ALBLASSERDAM Wrecked near the Chinese coast on its voyage to China, 14-07-1735
2970.8 SPIERING Wrecked at the island of Watubela near Banda, 10-03-1740
2977.3 ANNA CATHARINA Wrecked at departure on 03-02-1735
2978.2 'T VLIEGEND HART Wrecked at departure on 03-02-1735
3016.2 HILLEGOM Wrecked at departure from Texel, 13-02-1736
3019.3 LOOSDRECHT Ran ashore on Goodwin's Sand, 19-02-1736
3021.3 MEERMOND Stranded on Goodwin's Sand, 19-02-1736
3055.4 RIDDERKERK Wrecked at Conati in Persia in 1743
3102.7 STEENHOVEN Wrecked on a voyage to Banda in 1741
3151.2 STREEFKERK Missing since 22-09-1740 at the island "Cureduvo at Calpetty"
3173.2 ROOSWIJK Wrecked at Goodwin's Sand on 09-01-1740
3174.4 VIS Wrecked "behind the Waterplaats" at the Cape on 06-05-1740
3233.4 BETHLEHEM Stranded at the Flemish sandbanks off Oostende on 29-12-1741
3243.4 HOFWEGEN Exploded on the roads of Batavia, 01-09-1746
3248.3 WATERVLIET Ran ashore off Calais on 05-05-1742
3267.3 KASTEEL VAN WOERDEN Lost after striking a rock, 9 miles from Pamanukan (Samarang), east of Batavia, 1744
3273.3 RUYVEN Wrecked on the Ganges, 11-09-1745
3275.1 HOLLANDIA Wrecked at the Sorlings on 13-07-1743
3279.1 VERWACHTING Lost on a voyage from China to Surat in 1744
3299.1 NIEUW VIJVERVREUGD Exploded in 1746 on the roads of Batavia
3300.2 LEEUWERIK Wrecked near Macassar in 1748
3337.4 NIEUWERKERK Wrecked, east of Binongko Island (Sulawesi), on a voyage from Batavia to Banda, 1748
3349.9 PATMOS Wrecked on a reef "na de Smalle Baai" on 27-10-1752
3360.3 MAARSSEVEEN Exploded on a voyage from Banda to Batavia in 1748 at the east coast of Salayar
3376.6 NIEUW WALCHEREN Wrecked on the roads of Surat on 24-05-1748
3385.1 OUD BERKENRODE Wrecked "in the Bight of Anjer" on 04-12-1747
3386.7 HOGERSMILDE Wrecked on a return voyage from Surat to Batavia, 08-06-1751
3389.5 VLISSINGEN Lost between patria and the Cape, 1747
3397.2 HUIS TE PERSIJN Wrecked on a return voyage from Japan in 1748
3399.3 REIGERSDAAL Wrecked off the Cape, 25-10-1747
3421.2 ZEELANDIA Wrecked in the Indies on 31-12-1756
3433.1 SCHUILENBURG Wrecked on a voyage from the Cape to False Bay in 1756
3437.1 AMSTERDAM Ran ashore between Hastings and Beachy Head on 26-01-1749
3490.3 KLEVERSKERKE Lost in 1761 between southeast Borneo and southwest Sulawesi, due to Celebes
3521.2 SCHAKENBOS Wrecked in Manipa Strait (between Buru and Seram Islands, Moluccas) on 17-02-1752
3530.1 AMSTELLAND Ran ashore at the island Sylt, 18-09-1751
3567.1 DE DRIE HEUVELEN Wrecked on a reef sailing from Banda, 1758
3568.5 OUWERKERK Wrecked in the Indies in 1758
3571.1 WIMMENUM Exploded after being attacked by "Angrians" off the Malabar coast, 1754
3576.2 BLOEMENDAAL Wrecked off Surat in 1756
3577.3 DIEMEN Wrecked north of Sumbawa in 1756
3582.3 BREDENHOF Foundered on a reef off the coast of Mozambique on 06-06-1753
3593.4 VOORZICHTIGHEID Ran aground and was wrecked at the Cape, 08-06-1757
3598.1 VOORBURG Wrecked off Bengal in 1756
3620.5 ELSWOUD Wrecked at Ceylon in 1756
3640.4 OOSTKAPELLE Wrecked off the Coromandel coast in 1758
3692.2 STADWIJK Lost during a voyage to Japan in 1759
3705.4 HAARLEM Seized by the French in 1758 off Pondichery in India, later on the ship was wrecked
3711.5 HERCULES Wrecked during a voyage to Timor in 1763
3723.1 ZEELELIE Wrecked during a voyage to Banda in 1764
3739.3 ERFPRINS Ran aground and was wrecked near Calais on 16-10-1758
3769.5 MARIENBOS Wrecked in a heavy storm near Ceylon, 27-03-1762
3778.5 SPARENDIJK Wrecked in a heavy storm near Ceylon, 27-03-1762
3799.5 GETROUWIGHEID Ran aground and was wrecked in the Bay of Goa in 1762
3802.1 MEERMIN Ran aground and was wrecked at the Cape on 09-04-1766
3806.3 RHOON Wrecked in a heavy storm near Ceylon, 27-03-1762
3824.3 AMELISWEERT Lost during a voyage to Surat in 1764
3831.2 OOSTERBEEK Ran aground and was wrecked at East Java, 1765
3838.5 AMSTELVEEN Wrecked on 05-08-1763 off the Arabian coast
3866.4 GIESSENBURG Wrecked in 1766, just north of Buton Island (southeast Celebes), sailing to Banda
3904.4 PIJLSWAART Caught fire and exploded in a thunder-storm near Batavia, 24-02-1765
3929.1 LINDENHOF Sailing to China the ship was struck by lightning and exploded, 1766
3945.4 VROUWE PETRONELLA Wrecked at the Ganges during a voyage to Bangal, 11-01-1768
3949.1 ZONNESTEIN Wrecked during a voyage from the Cape to Batavia, January 1768
3970.2 VREDENHOF Wrecked, sailing to Japan in 1768
3972.1 HERTOG VAN BRUNSWIJK Ran ahore between Navekarre and Kalpitya on 31-08-1769
4024.2 JONKVROUWE KORNELIA JAKOBA Sank at the Jannegat on 27-10-1772
4031.2 GANZENHOEF Wrecked during a voyage from Japan to Batavia in 1770
4047.7 LYCOCHTON Struck by lightning and burnt, 1771
4064.6 SCHOLTENBURG Wrecked, sailing to Ceylon, 09-01-1772
4069.4 LEIMUIDEN Ran aground off the Cape Verde Islands, and was wrecked, 27-01-1770
4072.3 WALENBURG Ran ashore off Portsal at the coast of Bretagne and was wrecked, 12-01-1770
4077.5 WALCHEREN Wrecked in the roadstead of Surat in 1773
4100.1 VREDEJAAR Got missing between patria and the Cape, 1771
4118.3 GEINWENS Wrecked off Punto Gale in 1776
4152.4 JONGE THOMAS Wrecked in Table Bay at the Cape, 01-06-1773
4156.6 BLEISWIJK Wrecked in the Indies in 1777
4216.6 ASCHAT Wrecked in the Indies in 1776
4266.2 BEEMSTER WELVAREN Sank off Indramajoe in 1778
4290.4 HUIS TER MEIJEN Sank in the Indies in 1785
4299.3 FOREEST Burnt in the Indies in 1783
4302.2 DELFSHAVEN Wrecked in the Indies in 1780
4320.3 EUROPA Wrecked on a rock off Indramajoe, a few kilometers east of Batavia, 23-07-1784
4333.2 VROUWE JOHANNA MARGARETHA Wrecked in the Indies in 1783
4345.2 COMPAGNIES WELVAREN Wrecked, sailing from Batavia to Ceylon, 1783
4347.4 JONGE HELLINGMAN Ran aground and was wrecked at sand-banks off Bengal, 12-09-1780
4350.4 BOTLAND Wrecked in the roads of Colombo, 04-01-1783
4365.2 DOLFIJN Exploded in the roads of Batavia, 27-06-1784
4367.3 PATRIOT Wrecked off Madurai in Southern India, 1786
4373.3 JUNO Wrecked in 1780 sailing to the Cape
4380.1 TROMPENBURG Wrecked in the Indies in 1788
4383.5 HERSTELDER Wrecked in the Indies in 1783
4386.5 KATWIJK AAN DEN RIJN Wrecked in Simon’s Bay in 1786
4387.5 MERCUUR Sank in the Indies in 1782
4406.2 OOSTEREEM Ran aground at Goodwin's sand and was wrecked, 21-01-1783
4422.2 VROUWE EVERHARDINA Wrecked during a voyage to Japan in 1785
4428.2 ZEEDUIN Wrecked, sailing from Batavia to the Cape, 1785
4456.4 LAM Wrecked in the Indies in 1789
4466.1 MIDDELWIJK Wrecked, sailing from Batavia to China, 1788
4476.1 NEERLANDS VRIJHEID Ran aground and was wrecked off the English coast, 14-12-1784
4513.4 GANGES Ran aground and was wrecked at Padstow in Cornwall, 02-02-1786
4517.4 TRITON Wrecked in the Indies in 1792
4523.8 'T LOO Sank in the Indies in 1790
4535.4 MERENBERG Ran aground off Crookhaven in Ireland, 02-11-1786
4563.1 BELVLIET Wrecked in the Indies in 1789
4621.3 JONGE FRANK Sank, being at anchor in the roads of Batavia, 1789
4647.1 STERRESCHANS Ran aground at the Cape and was wrecked, 20-05-1793
4658.2 CANTON Wrecked in the South China Sea, 1790
4672.2 BATAVIER Ran aground and was wrecked in the Indies in 1793
4677.1 INDUS Burnt down in the roads of Batavia in 1794
4682.2 VALK Wrecked at the banks off Yarmouth, 27-02-1791
4686.2 NEGOTIE Wrecked and went to pieces off Texel, 26-11-1790
4692.2 ZAANSTROOM Ran aground off Barfleur in France on 28-02-1791
4744.4 DRAAK Struck by lightning and burnt down in the roads of Batavia, 1796
4755.1 HERTOG VAN BRUNSWIJK Wrecked off Batavia in 1795 or 1796
4780.3 KRAAI Wrecked in the Indies, ±1800
4788.1 ZORG Ran aground off Boulogne and was wrecked, 07-11-1795
5050.1 ALKMAAR Left behind in the Bay of Antongil (Madagascar), 1604
5064.1 WESTFRIESLAND Ran ashore on the coast of Madagascar, 1606
5077.2 MAURITIUS Lost on the coast of Guinea, (with the cargo of a Portuguese prize-ship). 1607
5099.1 WAPEN VAN AMSTERDAM Lost, sailing through the Amelander Gat, September 1613
5100.3 WITTE LEEUW Burnt in a fight with a Portuguese carrack off St. Helena, 13-06-1613
5105.2 BANDA Foundered on a reef in a hurricane near Mauritius, 06-03-1615
5107.2 GELDERLAND Ran ashore in a hurricane near Mauritius and was lost, 06-03-1615
5108.3 GEUNIEERDE PROVINCIEN Ran ashore in a hurricane near Mauritius and was lost, 06-03-1615
5168.2 GOUDA Lost in a storm near Madagascar, 18-03-1625
5170.2 MIDDELBURG Lost near St. Helena after a fight with 2 Portuguese carracks, 1626
5203.5 DORDRECHT Burnt at 4º 33' North, April 1630
5212.1 DEVENTER Lost off Texel, October 1631
5221.1 NIJMEGEN Lost near the Borkumer Rif, August 1632
5255.4 PRINS WILLEM Ran ashore in Sunda Strait, off Varkenseiland, 02-01-1637
5275.2 ZWOLLE Wrecked off Texel, 1639
5346.4 HAARLEM Wrecked in Table Bay, between Robben Island and the mainland, 1647
5448.2 AVONDSTER Wrecked in the Bay of Gale (Ceylon), 02-07-1659
5491.3 ARNHEM Wrecked at Brandao, east of Madagascar, 12-02-1662
5492.3 WAPEN VAN HOLLAND Wrecked in the Indian Ocean during a storm at 25/26º South, 10-2-1662
5493.3 GEKROONDE LEEUW Wrecked in the Indian Ocean during a storm at 25/26º South, 10-2-1662
5497.5 PRINS WILLEM Wrecked in the Indian Ocean during a storm at 25/26º South, 10-2-1662
5498.1 ANJELIER Wrecked at Terschelling.....
5515.2 MAARSSEVEEN Wrecked in the battle of Lowestoft against the English, 13-06-1665
5517.9 ORANJE Burnt in the battle of Lowestoft against the English, 13-06-1665
5523.1 AMSTELLAND Wrecked east of Terschelling, 25-10-1665
5528.1 MUSKAATBOOM Wrecked in a storm near the Cape, February 1665
5536.2 KALF (WITTE) Wrecked in the Vlie, 1666
5547.5 WAPEN VAN AMSTERDAM Wrecked south of Iceland, 19-09-1667
5553.3 WALCHEREN Wrecked near the Faeroe Islands, September 1667
5768.4 AZIE Wrecked on 17º North (north-west of Malacca)
5774.5 TIDORE Wrecked at Ameland, 27-09-1683
5782.4 AFRIKA Wrecked in the Indian Ocean during a storm, 23-04-1684
5812.2 STAVENISSE Wrecked at Terra de Natal, 16-02-1686
5865.1 KAPELLE Wrecked near the Shetland Islands, 1690
5867.1 PIJLSWAART Wrecked near the Shetland Islands, 1690
5870.5 LAND VAN SCHOUWEN Wrecked near the Shetland Islands, 1690
5873.6 WAPEN VAN ALKMAAR Wrecked near the Shetland Islands, 1690
5899.3 WATERLAND Sunk after an attack by the French at 45º North (Bordeaux), 12-09-1692
5900.1 GOEDE HOOP Wrecked in Table Bay in 1692
5904.2 HOOGERGEEST Wrecked at the Cape, 10-06-1692
5962.5 BANTAM Wrecked off Vlissingen, 03-12-1697
5973.2 WADDINXVEEN Wrecked at the Cape, 24-05-1697
5975.4 OOSTERLAND Wrecked in the Table Bay, 24-05-1697
6034.3 VOETBOOG Wrecked off Pernambuco (Sulawesi), 29-05-1700. Cargo valued at fl. 233.251
6049.2 BOOR Missing between Batavia and the Cape, 1701
6152.1 HAZELNOOT Sunk in the Spanish Sea, 1706
6183.3 CONCORDIA Lost near Mauritius, 1708
6184.1 ZUIDERBURG Lost near Mauritius, 1708
6243.1 BENNEBROEK Wrecked in Struys Baai, east of Cape Agulhas, 1711
6246A.2 SLOTEN Lost after departure from Ceylon, December 1710
6247.3 ZANDHORST Lost after departure from Ceylon, December 1710
6389.2 OUDE ZIJPE Wrecked at Mauritius, 1717
6508.1 BLEIJENBURG Wrecked between Batavia and the Cape, 1722
6510.4 RAADHUIS VAN MIDDELBURG Wrecked near Mauritius in 1722
6512.4 RIJNESTEIN Wrecked near Mauritius in 1722
6513.5 SAMSON Wrecked on 08-01-1722 at 26º 15' South
6521.2 AMSTELVEEN Wrecked on 08-01-1722 at 26º 15' South
6522.1 HUIS TE FOREEST Wrecked near Mauritius in 1722
6541.2 SCHONENBERG Wrecked near Angola, 1722
6644.1 AGATHA Lost at 31º South, 1725
6649A.2 THEODORA Lost at 31º South, 1725
6652.6 VOORBURG Lost at 31º South, 1725
6755.2 'S GRAVELAND Wrecked, with a cargo worth f. 361.882, between the Cape and patria, 1729
6837.3 MIDLOO Wrecked at Terschelling on 28-09-1732
6901.1 GROET Wrecked between Batavia and the Cape, 1734; cargo worth fl. 325.331
6991.2 IEPENRODE Wrecked at the Cape on 21-05-1737
6992.3 FLORA Wrecked at the Cape on 21-05-1737
6993.2 PADDENBURG Wrecked at the Cape on 21-05-1737
6998.3 BUIS Wrecked at the Cape on 21-05-1737
6999.3 DUINBEEK Wrecked at the Cape on 21-05-1737
7000.6 GOUDRIAAN Wrecked at the Cape on 21-05-1737
7002.1 RODENRIJS Wrecked at the Cape on 21-05-1737
7003.1 WESTERWIJK Wrecked at the Cape on 21-05-1737
7019.4 REIGERSBROEK Wrecked off Zeeland, smashed against the Westkapelsedijk, 1738
7040.2 BOOT Wrecked in the Channel between Goudstaart and Dartmouth, 08-11-1738
7054.5 KROOSWIJK Wrecked between Bengal and the Cape, 1739
7063.3 VAN ALSEM Lost between Ceylon and the Cape, 1739
7066.5 LANDSKROON Lost between Ceylon and the Cape, 1739
7085.2 KERKZICHT Wrecked between Batavia and the Cape, 1739?
7086.6 KLARABEEK Wrecked between Batavia and the Cape, 1739?
7087.2 SINT LAURENS Wrecked between Batavia and the Cape, 1739?
7088.1 KASTEEL VAN TILBURG Wrecked between Batavia and the Cape, 1739?
7089.2 VENENBURG Wrecked between Batavia and the Cape, 1739?
7102.2 LANGEWIJK Lost between Batavia and the Cape, 1740
7115.2 HILVERSBEEK Exploded off the island Flores (one of the Azores), 28-06-1741
7130.1 AMSTERDAM Wrecked off the Shetland Islands, 1742
7134.1 ANANAS Ran ashore off Calais, 17-10-1742
7136.1 OUDE ZIJPE Ran ashore off Zandvoort, 19-09-1742
7138.2 ENKHUIZEN Lost between the Cape and patria, 1742
7139.2 ABBEKERK Wrecked between the Cape and patria, 1742
7142.1 HORSTENDAAL Ran ashore between Calantsoog and Huisduinen in the Buizegat, September 1742
7145.6 WESTERBEEK Ran ashore off Fero on 02-09-1742
7170.4 MARIA ADRIANA Missing between the Cape and patria, 1743
7178.2 DRECHTERLAND Wrecked between the Cape and patria, 19-05-1744
7182.5 HOFVLIET Wrecked between the Cape and patria, 19-05-1744
7203.3 STRIJEN Missing between Batavia and the Cape, 1744
7225.2 HEUVEL Missing between Batavia and the Cape, 1745
7238.4 NIEUWLAND Missing between Batavia and the Cape, 1746
7257.4 DIEMERMEER Wrecked off Guinea, 1747
7274.3 DOMBURG Missing between Batavia and the Cape, 1747
7275.2 VRIJHEID Missing between Batavia and the Cape, 1747
7277.1 ROOSWIJK Missing between Batavia and the Cape, 1747
7350.1 WAPEN VAN HOORN Sunk off Cape Finisterre, 28-01-1752
7371.1 GELDERMALSEN Wrecked on Geldria's Droogte, 10-01-1752
7429.2 HARTEKAMP Ran aground and was wrecked , sailing off Bengal, 1754
7430.2 WITSBURG Ran aground and was wrecked , sailing off Bengal, 1754
7470.2 LUCHTENBURG Missing between Batavia and the Cape, 1756
7471.3 NIEUWVIJVERVREUGD Exploded and wrecked off Shetland Islands, 1756
7472.1 PERSIJNENBURG Missing between Batavia and the Cape, 1756
7502.3 NAARSTIGHEID Set on fire at Delagoa Bay because of unseaworthiness, 01-07-1757
7503.6 SPANDERSWOUD Caught fire and burnt completely at Texel, 23-12-1757
7505.5 AKERENDAM Sank due to leakage on 21-05-1758
7530.5 BEVALLIGHEID Missing between the Cape and patria, 1759
7553.2 BUITENZORG Wrecked of Texel, after having been unloaded in 1760.
7643.3 VISVLIET Lost between Bengal and the Cape, 1763
7648.1 BRONSTEE Lost between Batavia and the Cape, 1763
7663.3 RADERMACHER Lost between Batavia and the Cape, 1764
7664.2 SLOTERDIJK Lost between Batavia and the Cape, 1764
7738.2 VROUWE ELISABETH DOROTHEA Wrecked between Petten and Callantsoog, 27-11-1767
7784.3 NIJENBORG Wrecked between Batavia and the Cape, 1769
7808.5 VROUWE PETRONELLA MARIA Wrecked between Batavia and the Cape, 1770
7810.2 ENKHUIZEN Wrecked between Bengal and the Cape, 1770
7811.1 VAILLANT Wrecked between Bengal and the Cape, 1770
7842.2 RIJNSBURG Wrecked, sailing from Batavia to China and Bengal, 1772
7883.5 DUINENBURG Wrecked between the Cape and patria, 1773
7889.3 VROUWE MARGARETHA MARIA Wrecked in 1773 on its way from Batavia to Bengal
7955.5 NIEUW RHOON Beached at the Cape in 1776
7977.3 DUIVENBRUG Wrecked off the Canary Islands, 15-05-1777
7989.2 OVERHOUT Ran ashore near Egmond aan Zee and was wrecked, 31-08-1777
8015.1 EENDRACHT Wrecked between Batavia and the Cape, 1778
8026.5 WOESTDUIN Wrecked off Zeeland between "de Noorderassen en Deurloo", 24-07-1779
8033.2 ABBEKERK Wrecked between the Cape and patria, 1779
8034.1 VREDENHOF Wrecked between the Cape and patria, 1779
8045.2 MENTOR Ran on a reef off Cape Agulhas and was wrecked, 05-01-1780
8050.1 ZEEPLOEG Wrecked, sailing from China to the Cape, 1780
8064.1 CONCORDIA Sunk by an English privateer off the Azores, 24-05-1781
8073.1 MIDDELBURG Burnt down in Saldanha Bay, 21-07-1781
8075.2 DANKBAARHEID Taken by the English in Saldanha Bay on 21-07-1781. In 1782 wrecked in the Atlantic Ocean.
8078.3 INDIAAN Missing between the Cape and Mauritius, 1781
8097.4 HOOP Went to pieces off the Cape, 30-06-1784
8101.3 BRESLAU Wrecked off Boulogne, 11-11-1784
8124.1 HARMONIE Wrecked, sailing from Batavia to the Cape, 1784
8127.2 OVERDUIN Wrecked, sailing from Batavia to the Cape, 1784
8132.3 BREDENHOF Wrecked, sailing from Batavia to the Cape, 1784
8136.1 BREDERODE Sank off Cape Agulhas, 04-05-1785
8178.3 VREDE EN VRIJHEID Wrecked between Batavia and the Cape, 1786
8201.1 AVENHORN Wrecked at the Cape, 1788
8207.1 MARIA Ran aground and went to pieces in Plettenberg Bay near the Cape, 25-08-1788
8218.1 ADMIRAAL DE SUFFREN Wrecked with a cargo valued at fl. 1.008.000 in the South China Sea, 1788
8246.1 DRIETAL HANDELAARS Wrecked off the Cape, 1789
8269.2 ROTTERDAMS WELVAREN Wrecked between Batavia and the Cape, 1789
8287.3 SLOT TER HOGE Wrecked between Batavia and the Cape, 1790
8337.2 GOUVERNEUR FALCK Wrecked between Batavia and the Cape, 1792
8338.2 DRIE GEBROEDERS Sprang a leak and was beached at the Cape, June 1792
8339.3 BARBESTEIN Wrecked between Batavia and the Cape, 1792
8353.2 ZEELAND Wrecked in Table Bay, 22-05-1793
8363.1 DEMERARY Wrecked between Batavia and the Cape, 1793
8386.2 SURSEANCE Captured by the English off St. Helena, June 1795. Later the ship was wrecked
8394.1 ZEELELIE Captured by the English off St. Helena, June 1795. Later wrecked off the Scilly Isl.
8402.1 HOOP Wrecked on Dassen Island,1734



Fogo dis nie die skip van wat ek soek, maar miskien kan jy vir my die info kry ne?
Ek soek vir die "Neptune 1787, Caribee, Kaptein Spranges" Cheers meneer, 99*



Nou weet jy, my taal is swak vir n` Englesman maar miskien van enig van julle twee mense my hulp ne? Cornelius ek het vir jou alreeds gevra van die skip ne`? Ek moet probeer om iemand in die Nederlands of Holland vind om die info vir my te kry! As een van julle weet laat vir my tel! Dankie, later 99*

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