I am looking for a old church site.


Gold Member
Dec 30, 2012
Canton Ohio Area
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Presently using Deus 2's & have Minelabs, Nokta's Tesoro's DEus's Have them all . Have WAY to many need to get rid of some
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All Treasure Hunting
The church is no longer there. Down below where the church was is a small cemetery. You can see some of the grave stones in a few of the pictures, I took one of my drones land took some pictures of the area hoping to find a indention or a flat building area. No luck . I could find nothing of it on Lidar also. I think tthere is a old road leading up to where the chuch was . i will go there and try and follow it . Does anyone know of where i could find information on the church ?

Thanks in Advance


I am a member there in most of them . But i will check on the town it is close to . Thanks :)

In what town was the church? What was its name and denomination?
Don in SoCal
Don it was not in a town. It was out in the country above an old cemetery.

Old maps of the area would be where I'd start. Schools and churches were usually noted on maps even when not much else was.

Robert the oldest map of the area I have is 1874
Not on there

Don I understand what your saying, I do not want to give some others on this site it's location. If this makes sense. There is just rumors of it is all i have heard, I can find no print on it. Down below where the church was supposed to be is a cemetery.

Don I understand what your saying, I do not want to give some others on this site it's location. If this makes sense. There is just rumors of it is all i have heard, I can find no print on it. Down below where the church was supposed to be is a cemetery.
good grief, don't think folks will run to your area for an old church site, this is a really good forum to get help and I've found that folks here generally want to be helpful but need info when folks post for help, the more info you post, the better help you can get.. With that info, I was going to research it for you, then share results. Anyway, to begin, may want to try this site, for my area I'm able to pull up several old maps for townships within counties I hunt, ranging from mid 1800s through 1915 (again for my area here in Michigan), if the church doesn't appear on the oldest, it may not have been around then, so seek out a later map. Maps in my area designate churches with a small building and cross on top. I use these old maps all the time to pick out good detecting sites. link- https://www.oldmapsonline.org/en/Canton Good luck.

Is this the old Marietta Graveyard?
Marietta is close to Canton Ohio where you may live.
Great location for Civil War artifacts!


Good luck to you. Always exciting to find a new place to detect. What are the birth and death dates on the stones?

Don, ne dediğini anlıyorum, bu sitedeki diğerlerine yerini vermek istemiyorum. Eğer bu mantıklı geliyorsa. Duyduğum tek şey bunun söylentileri, üzerinde hiçbir yazı bulamadım. Kilise olması gereken yerin altında bir mezarlık var.
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