I found 3 golds in one hunt!


Full Member
Jul 8, 2012
Rockford Illinois
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Beep and Dig Harbor Freight 9 function detector.
Whites Coinmaster DB/4
Whites Coinmaster Pro
Tesoro Vaquero
Garrett AT Pro
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Today I took my new detector to a local park and found 3 gold items in one hunt! I got a 14k claddagh ring, a 14k tiny woman's sapphire ring (maybe part of a 2 ring combo). I also got the badge and stone part of a class ring (no luck finding the rest of the ring yet).


here is a video of the hunt.


Upvote 24
Can't beat that! Congrats!

Beautiful gold ring trifecta! Toss those in the treasure chest! :blackbeard: Arg!


Just curious as I have dug hundreds of low tones and never found gold, how many junk targets do you dig to get one gold ring?

man you wouldn't believe my junk bucket sometimes lol. One thing that helps me is that I have learned where the ring hotspots are in my town. I have spent 4 hours plus digging only canslaw and tabs and finding no gold. Today's hunt was about 3 hours and I dug about 100 holes with very little clad. This was an unusually productive hunt though. I would have to guess that the gold items have about 1000 junk targets in between them normally. I get this number because I usually get tired after about 100 holes and I find gold maybe every 10 hunts or so. If you watch the video you will see that I didn't cover much ground and my strategy for this hunt was obvious. I was searching a tight perimeter around the basketball court. I didn't even finish half of the court in those 3 hours.

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What a hunt ! Congrats on all the gold for your treasure chest !

Congrats on the finds! Thanks for the video & showing your test kit.

Thanks for sharing, great video too

Nice finds, maybe your ring got hit by the lawnmower the rest of it could be pretty far from where you found it.

triple sweet! it is the sweet surprise when you have been digging so much trash to find that the "just another pull tab or slaw" you just dug is actually gold. congrats, the persistence pays off and it did!

Sweet finds, and thanks for the strategy tips on hunting the basketball area, I'm going to use that technique ASAP

Nice gold finds congrats! The class ring probable met the lawn mower, you may find the rest of it yet!

Nice golden finds there ! The fever must be strong in you !!

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