I have found the Lost Adams Diggings Sno-Ta-hay Canyon


Full Member
Jun 2, 2010
I found the Lost Adams Diggings also known as the Sno-Ta-Hay Canyon and can prove so by showing the map of the area left behind by Adams himself after being rescued by the Calvery, Adams drew for the Army Surgeon that treated Adams. I know this is a very bold statement but I can prove this with the map made by Adams and an overlay of an aerial view map that shows every landmark on the map and what was mentioned by Adam's discription and is located in the direction of where the Adams party was headed when last seen by the public heading in that general direction. This area fits to a tee. The canyon is real just north of the canyon there is also a burial ground in the northern area of the same canyons about three miles from the area where the gold is located. This hidden canyon is in the perfect spot that meets the discription of the Adams party survivors who returned and Adams discription of where it is located. I know exactly where this canyon is and would be willing to take anyone there who can prove they don't have gold fever and want to use part of their share of the gold we recover as partners to help preserve the area . I will partner with the right person who is willing to take me there using their vehicle or preferably by plane where we can land near the area and walk in from there. I have secured the mineral rights and can add on partners who are willing to help work to preserve the area and help preserve the area just north known as the canyon of the chiefs where for thousands of years Apache Chiefs were the only to be allowed into the area where they would die or be taken to when they died. The area was fiercly protected by the Apache warriors for years. I know where this place is and will need to verify those people who are interested and willing to drive me there. I will put them on the claim and we can add twenty acres of land per person added to the claim. I want to leave as soon as possible and live in Northern California where you will pick me up to take me to the area. I'm partially physically disabled and can't drive there myself. The maps I have are just too perfect and overwhelming as to the exact match of the map drawn by Adams himself that he gave to the surgeon. Those candidates I choose will pay costs and expenses to travel to the canyon, must own a dependable vehicle and or preferably airplane. Once we are there we can recover the gold that is still there including the coffee pot full of nuggets if it is still there as well that nobody has yet provided proof they have found this as well. I know where every landmark is located and was discribed by Adams himself as well as Gotchear and Snively who also was the only other person to survive the attack on the Adams party by the chief who told the party to stay below the falls and they failed to do as the Chief stated whch is why the Adams party were attacked as admitted by Adams himself. My main purpose is to not only recover the gold as a partnership but to use part of the gold profits to preserve the area where the Valley of the Chiefs that compares to the Valley of the Kings and is of tremendous historical value and we will preserve for future generations, the Apache and in a way so everyone wins. The canyon itself is not a sacred place where the gold is located, however the area north of the canyon of gold is very sacred grounds that we will not go onto or give the location to anyone other than the current leaders of the Apache Tribe related to the great chiefs who are reported to be buried there by survivors and Apache lore. Those interested can email me at [email protected]

So show us some five pound nuggets! lane23

Why are you not contributing anything finacially? Yes you did the work of finding the spot. Why not ask family?

"Those candidates I choose will pay costs and expenses to travel to the canyon, must own a dependable vehicle and or preferably airplane"

I tell you what. I'll come pick you up tomorrow in my Jeep. YOU pay for gas and your own food, bring your own tools and tent, and I'll even let you keep any gold you find. All you have to do is list me as a partner in the find. Deal? You can't lose. I'll email you.

I have a feeling the "Lucky" person that you choose, may never be seen again, or his vehicle/plane.

this would make a great doc, or film

Wow! :o That's an amazing story filemaker01 and sounds like a great opportunity to possibly find a lost cash of gold. First thing tomorrow morning I'm going to drive my Ferrari to the airport, fuel up my private Lear Jet and fly right down to Sno-Ta-Hay Canyon.

Now, if for some reason I don't get there by 11am PST,
feel free to look for the gold without me! :tongue3: :laughing9: :tongue3:

After careful consideration, I personally feel the area where the Lost Adams is located, may be a death trap of sorts. Whoever has claimed to find this area in the past, and at least one person is verified by me personally, seem to not come back out or vanish for whatever reasons. The area is also according to legend to be an ancient Apache Chief burial grounds and may still contain a significant amount of gold. The area known on the map drawn by Adams himself has been dug out and is a very large area, at least forty feet deep and the size of at least four to six football fields. We have decided not to expose the location until further investigation can be done. I personally would not go into the area under any circumstances alone or without a small army of people who can handle firearms and are prepared for the worst case scenario and able to contact law enforcement who may take a while to respond if at all. Desolate death trap!

Just to mention, in reply to some of the posts responding to my post. First, I would never go into a desolated area without filing a plan with whatever agency governs the area. This includes flight plan, camping and fire permits, proper claims, legal paperwork and contracts. As I mentioned before, the area may be a very dangerous area to go into alone or in small numbers. Whoever does go into the area should bring firearms in my opinion and be prepared for the worst case scenario. Safety is always first in any expeditions and a proper plan should always be filed with the proper agencies governing the area you prospect, anywhere. Always know where you are going and always let others know where you are going. Have timelines set in case you don't show up personally on time when expected so that a missing persons report can be filed if you don't show up or vanish. Prospecting can be very dangerous and there isn't a treasure of any value worth one's life or limb. People do know of very rich areas and keep them secret for whatever personal reasons. I'm personally doing all I can to investigate to see if the area is in fact a sacred grounds or close to any sacred burial grounds as the legend states. Know who you are going with and always file a plan with family or friends. If anyone is interested in making a documentory or helping me to secure the area legally, with the intensions of helping to preserve the cultural and historical value first and foremost, then please feel free to contact me. These things take time and proper planning. Greed is not allowed, anyone with gold fever need not apply. Please take this seriously before making any inquiries. Thank you for taking me seriously as well. Real treasure hunting must be taken seriously and safety is always number one.

I'm getting excited about this one. I am willing and able to provide security including a perimeter defense system. All i need is you to bring lots of that good Calif medical Mary Jane you been toking on.

Maybe the reason people don't come back from this area is because a drug cartel is growing weed there? :laughing7:

haha... Ok Dr Jones. Tell Shorty I said hi.

Some people shouldn't be allowed on the internet... 'nuff said...

Well guys, i wouldn't laugh him out of here. There are a few things that make this story very believable. I live in Pinetop, Az. I have been investigating this myself. I am related to a man that Is the son of the first Lutheran Missionary to teach the apache tribes here christianity. He is 82 years old. He is named after Chief Alchesay who was his godfather. The ways of the apache then was very strict. Gold was from god to them. holy. I have talked to him about this and he has heard that there is much truth in it. #1 reason i was intrigued was the simple fact Adams tried to find it again til the day he died. #2 i have traced the landmarks on his maps and descriptions that are far too accurate to have been made up. Now as another part of the story goes one guy adams sent out was close to it. He found the bones and saddles of the men put into the crevace. This place is somewhere between Mnt. Baldy and the border of New mexico. Mnt. Baldy is not far from where i live. The problem with exploring and finding this place is the same reason why i may be giving up the hobby of metal detecting. Everything is fenced off or on Apache land which requires permits and if there is mud some jack ass ranger will give you a $300 ticket for going thru it. The only way would be by plane to locate it then go about getting permits. Unfortunately this isnt the land of the free anymore. its the land of the fences and fat government pockets. I have a friend with a plane crazy enough to do it so if your interested let me know .

"....with the intentions of helping to preserve the cultural and historical value first and foremost, ......" "Greed and gold fever ......not allowed".
Yep, I bet your mailbox is FULL of replies from eager TNet folks, wanting to endanger their lives, so that they can find gold, to use to "to preserve the cultural and historical value " of the area, instead of bettering their own lives. Because afterall, at only 1200+ an ounce, I can't think of anyone that would want to be "greedy" and keep it for themselves.

Oh and Just so you know, the Apache here dont care about sacred grounds anymore. Just sacred Cheap beer and money. Most of their history is lost due to ignorance. And those pictures of the indian with the tear because of littering? Complete crap. They Litter their land so much it looks like the slums of mexico. Very few are still the dignified people of their ancestors. I have no doubt in my mind the Gold is there but im sorry it will probably never be found Due to Reservation laws. We find it they will take it. Now if it isnt on reservation land we will talk.

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