I nearly died Saturday morning! ??Continuing saga of my run of bad luck.


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2013
East Tennessee
Primary Interest:
Sorry that I am just getting around to telling you all about this but I am still trying to wrap my' head around it! At around 6:10 AM Saturday morning, I nearly died, am lucky and thankful to God that I am still here and can post. After finally getting our' new refrigerator in the house, the doors back on it and the freezer drawer back in, plugging it up and then after taking a short break, I sent my daughter and grandson for Pizza and soda for all 8 of us here. It was about 11:15 PM Friday night when they got back, we all ate and I watched another episode of Miami Vice on the computer. Went to bed about 1:00 AM Saturday and must have rolled over onto my' right side during the night (I always sleep on my' left side to avoid acid reflux). The next parts are hard to describe as I believe that I was almost Comatose from lack of oxygen and I still can't get my' head around what all happened. All I know is, that I sort of woke up with a loud blaring sound and other sounds going off in my' head, seeing colors and different lights either in my' mind or my' vision (don't know which) and I was choking and could not breathe. Due to eating the Pizza and drinking soda so late and being on my' right side, I experienced a bad case of acid reflux and aspirated it into my' lungs. The acid reflux had cut me off from getting oxygen and I believe that I was nearly Comatose when I actually awoke choking to death. I bolted awake and literally stood up in the bed and then ran for my' bedroom door for help but could not make it. I stood just before the door trying to hack (cough) up the acid reflux from my' lungs and finally was able to get a little out and was able to get a little bit of air. Once I was able to get a little bit of air in my' lungs, I was able to hack (cough) up a little more of the acid reflux and then more and more as I was able to get more air into my' lungs. Once I was finally able to breathe, I went and sat back down on my' bed to recoup from what had just happened. At 6:15 AM, my middle daughter came and knocked on my' bedroom door and asked me what was going on. She got up in the middle of the night and was watching a TV show on the Internet and I told her what had happened. I was leery about going back to sleep but I was so exhausted from what had happened, I laid back down and dosed off for another hour then got up.

I can't really explain what I heard or what I saw when I apparently awoke that morning choking to death but it was not fun and was real scary. I wonder if I actually went into convulsions and this is what happens when someone experiences convulsions or an epileptic seizure or did I actually have one foot here in this world and the other on the other side!! I don't really know and wonder if a Hypnotist could put me under to help me find out. I can say without a doubt, I do know what someone goes through when they choke to death and it is not pleasant by any means!

I don't know if this was just one more thing in my continuing saga of my run of back luck but if so, I sure hope that it is finally done with! I know that we all must die and we do so when it is our time. I just hope and pray that God will allow me more time on this earth because my daughters and grandchildren depend upon me and I worry about what would happen to them if I was to die now or very soon.


Thank goodness you are alright now. If the Lord wanted you - you would have gone silent last night. He has plans for you.

God Bless

I think this is a case of GERD.

The PIZZA set it off.

And I have some recommended "fixes" for you.

#1. Avoid ALL things that contain any "yellow" or "orange" spices. etc.
#2. Avoid ANY tomato based items at least 3 hours or more before bed.
#3. Do not eat certain foods that seem to "upset" your stomach before bed.

I could go on... but these are MY top three.

There are many "triggers" for this.
Do not over eat as well.

Read up on GERDS here...

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This can be very dangerous . Sounds more like a " Bile Reflux " than acid reflux.{ GERD } Bile, the very sour yellowish liquid is an acid to help with digestion. Your stomach has a coating to protect it from bile , but your esophagus & lungs do NOT. Bile will cause damage to these, if allowed to continue. I suggest seeing a Dr. !!

Wow, I'm so glad you awoke from that even though it scared you so bad! Glad you are here on earth for another day as well. Maybe almost aspirating is what woke you up so you could clear your lungs. Take care.

Damn it Frank.... Get to the doc!!!! We/you discussed this when you were here. You got several problems that need to be addressed. Next time you call me you better have an appointment date. ASAP also. Now get'er done buddy.... We're NOT done MDing together yet.

Frank you really have to get the diet under control simple as that. Not what you want to hear from a reply but having a brother that was in a coma for three days because of a pea in the lungs and having an acid reflux problem myself for years to the point where it was a concern that the acid was in fact starting to irritate the esophagus I went on the advice of the specialist and had a operation to repair the damage from the years of self damage. Well I was a strapping 205 and lost 46lbs in 12 days from that operation and I still had heart burn for another 20 yrs until I cut out the acid producing foods. That being said its easier to do something with the diet than doing something like going under the knife as I was only in my late 20's when I had the surgery, note we had a friend that was in his early 70's and he never saw the exit doors of the hospital after going under of the knife to repair the acid problem.
So what seems to help is stay away from or seriously reduce the intake of the foods that cause the problems. Here's a read of what can cause problems
http://bottomlinehealth.com/surprising-foods-that-can-upset-your-stomach/ The one thing that I have been using since having gone the route of medication (acid blockers) that just about did me in is the simple 1/4 tsp of non-alum baking soda in a small glass of water. Take some before meals and after, it helps reduce the acid to the point where a person can function without the acid riding up into the throat. But the thing is trying to cut out the fried, spicy, fatty, coffee, sugars, one just throws up the paws and says what's there left?

Hope you get this under control soon.

Prilosec OTC or the generic version has done wonders for my acid reflux... I am glad you are all right...scary when you can't catch your breath...

Prilosec OTC or the generic version has done wonders for my acid reflux... I am glad you are all right...scary when you can't catch your breath...

Question: Have you taken them for more than 14 days? Prilosec Uses, Dosage & Side Effects - Drugs.com

I'm going to say probably and you are not the only sucker that has thought this is the wonder drug that cures the problem and it does but only should be taken for the short term.

Being there - done that, 3 1/2 yrs on the stomach medication for blocking the formation of stomach acids, result no absorption of the B vitamins, a total upset of the body, going totally anemic, among other things. Ya they work for the short term repair, not to be taken for the long haul, some lab coats will tell us the truth but most don't.

You have LPR, same as I. Your lower and upper esophageal sphincter aren't working properly. You find yourself clearing your throat quite often, sore throats, feeling of a lump in your throat, various upper respiratory problems,and in extreme cases lung intrusion. I tried everything. Finally for me I realized it was an extreme case of anxiety and nervousness. You don't even realize it. Try to relax buddy. Trust me.

In the past I had three events where I went to the ER. I thought I was dying. Once I was shivering so badly I got into a hot tub. Then I had a lucid moment. It's 2:30 in the morning and I'm in a bath tub. What's with that! I had my wife take me to the ER.

They gave me morphine and what they called the GI cocktail. After 45 min or so I felt ok. I don't know what was in the cocktail but it was a wonder drug for me.
On the 3rd time I didn't want the morphine just give me the cocktail. Later they removed my Gaul bladder. I don't miss it.

My gas doc also put me on Prilosec. it's been about three years. I an reminded that I need to call him and see if this is forever or not.

Question: Have you taken them for more than 14 days? Prilosec Uses, Dosage & Side Effects - Drugs.com

I'm going to say probably and you are not the only sucker that has thought this is the wonder drug that cures the problem and it does but only should be taken for the short term.

Being there - done that, 3 1/2 yrs on the stomach medication for blocking the formation of stomach acids, result no absorption of the B vitamins, a total upset of the body, going totally anemic, among other things. Ya they work for the short term repair, not to be taken for the long haul, some lab coats will tell us the truth but most don't.

Thanks for the link. It is similar to the information I've been given. I have taken prilosec for about three years. The drug is generally well tolerated. I haven't had any problems yet and I do consider the drug to be pretty amazing especially considering the damage that was happening to my pancreas and stomach.
I don't have any of the problems I used to get and I can eat or drink anything w/o effect.
I go through regular blood works to watch for problems.
Every drug has problems for some people. I's great if only taken short term but some illnesses are for ever.

For the love of Pete! Frank! Scare the Bee Gees out of us! Glad your ok!

As Brad said go get checked out so you know what your dealing with, while you can still fix it.
Things change as we get older. I take tums, and elevate the head of the bed a little.

Thank you PepperJ, you just solved a mystery for me. Hubby is on iron, and B12, he has been taking omeprazole for 3-4 years. Now it makes sense, and I will bring it up with his doc.

For the love of Pete! Frank! Scare the Bee Gees out of us! Glad your ok!

As Brad said go get checked out so you know what your dealing with, while you can still fix it.
Things change as we get older. I take tums, and elevate the head of the bed a little.

Thank you PepperJ, you just solved a mystery for me. Hubby is on iron, and B12, he has been taking omeprazole for 3-4 years. Now it makes sense, and I will bring it up with his doc.

That's what happens it just slowly sucks life away as we know it, as the B's go, then without them one gets an iron deficiency, then the shakes, headaches are also a common side effect from the meds. Don't get me wrong I was in love with them I could throw 12+ hrs a day bending over and not a burp. It took an emergency visit to convince me that what I was taking was killing me. So now a 1/4 tbs of non-alum baking soda in a glass of water and it's all good.

The Dr.'s won't prescribe this as it not worth anything in eyes and pockets of the big pharmas and lab coats. It's just what Grandma used to use when the heart burn was troubling the family..

Hi Huntsman-

Can you try this?

Drink Four pints of Tap water every day for the next five days.
Cut back on the coffee and tea.
If you start to feel a huge improvement on the fourth day, start adding sugar and salt in the correct quantities for saline solution.
Please give this a try. It's the WHO recommendation. Most of us don't come near that amount.

Very curious as to how you get on, if you try it. I will explain why then. I had similar going on- and this worked for me.


Man Hunstman! I'm Glad your doing Better.

Back in my Drinking days I suffered from Heartburn /refulx , I quit drinking some 12 years ago & things got better ,
, I'm also a Ball of Nerves , A bit OCD W / much worry & Anxiety.
Anyhow I take Prozac been so off & on for 15 years , soon after I quit drinking I noticed I would get Bad Heartburn when taking the Prozac so I started taking OTC Tagment & still do everyday for 10+ years 1,000 mg a day split in 2 doses.

Then about a month ago I took a vitamin and it felt like I had something stuck in my throat also had a little minor pain in my chest when coughing or Swallowing after a few days of that went to my PC & he said I likely had re-flux ... but I have only felt heartburn only 3-4 times in 10 years , Had an Upper Ensoflogram (bad spelling but u know what I mean).
Come to find out I have a Small Ulcer in my Stomach .. Who Knew? Was given Omeprazole 40mg once a day been taking that for about 2 weeks now , still feel the same , my diet sux (mostly Sugar/Sodas & Cheese ). Still no pain tho, that's Good.

TMI maybe but just wanted to let you know 'I feel ya' .

Seems things can only get better for you from here on out.
Still Praying for ya.
Best Wishes.

P.S. STRESS Is what is the Root of my issues IMO.
We just need to learn to eat right & Be Happy.

Man Hunstman! I'm Glad your doing Better.

Back in my Drinking days I suffered from Heartburn /refulx , I quit drinking some 12 years ago & things got better ,
, I'm also a Ball of Nerves , A bit OCD W / much worry & Anxiety.
Anyhow I take Prozac been so off & on for 15 years , soon after I quit drinking I noticed I would get Bad Heartburn when taking the Prozac so I started taking OTC Tagment & still do everyday for 10+ years 1,000 mg a day split in 2 doses.

Then about a month ago I took a vitamin and it felt like I had something stuck in my throat also had a little minor pain in my chest when coughing or Swallowing after a few days of that went to my PC & he said I likely had re-flux ... but I have only felt heartburn only 3-4 times in 10 years , Had an Upper Ensoflogram (bad spelling but u know what I mean).
Come to find out I have a Small Ulcer in my Stomach .. Who Knew? Was given Omeprazole 40mg once a day been taking that for about 2 weeks now , still feel the same , my diet sux (mostly Sugar/Sodas & Cheese ). Still no pain tho, that's Good.

TMI maybe but just wanted to let you know 'I feel ya' .

Seems things can only get better for you from here on out.
Still Praying for ya.
Best Wishes.

P.S. STRESS Is what is the Root of my issues IMO.
We just need to learn to eat right & Be Happy.

The last two lines say a lot and the last line especially. The good news is that you already know that your three main food groups on their own suck.

When the stress levels rise the comfort food groups are the thing we all tend to reach for which only adds to the problem in the first place, it's a vicious circle.

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