I need help identifying a helmet I recently purchased (I assume it's from WW2)


Jun 9, 2018
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All Treasure Hunting

Looks Romainien

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Swiss m18 of some variety, may have to check it for markings. See this thread: http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/what/273265-military-helmet.html
Thank you very much! It does seem to be a Swiss M18 but I have no idea what variant of the M18 it is. It has a "K" inside of it which from what I've read is short for Carl Kyburz, the producer of the helmet but otherwise doesn't appear to have any more markings of any sort.
If anyone is able to identify the variant that this one is I would be very appreciative

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So it does seem to be a Swiss M18 helmet, but I haven't got any idea as to what variant of the M18 it is. The only markings I can seem to find are a "K" on the inside of the helmet which is supposed to represent the name Carl Kyburz, the manufacturer of the helmet. If anyone can identify the variant that this helmet is, I would greatly appreciate that

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I'm not sure if this would help any but it does have a helmet cover that is consistent with the M18/40 camo pattern I've seen on Google but it doesn't fit the helmet super well (perhaps maybe from shrinkage?) and I'm not sure if they are matching (Model variant of the helmet with this specific cover for the M18/40) or if they were just simply were sold together. Either way I hope this will help at least a little bit

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I believe that this may be an M18/43 due to the fact that it has a matte black paint on it. The 43 variants were previous models that were withdrawn to have a new sawdust mixed matte black paint job applied to them so that leads me to believe it's a 43 model but if anyone can help me confirm or deny this I would be grateful

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