mistergee said:
HE'S BAAAACK.....things have been quiet around here since my son saw him...we had alot of kids over for halloween...then we got a surprise visit from my niece and her husband and thier 2 girls....everything was cool and after we gave them the tour we just kinda hung out...the girls iin the family room and the guys in the living room playin' "call of duty 4" on playstation 3...well my daughter-in-law tells me today that while everyone was around and talkin and playin she looked up the stairs and sees the boy standing at the top of the stairs with both hands holding the rail and looking over at them in the family room....she looked away and looked back and HE WAS STILL THERE :o...i guess he likes company as we only saw him for awhile when we 1st moved in and after that only when we had company...the girls are still alittle spooked but are getting more comfortable as they realize he is doing no harm

Did you get to do some research on the house/land? Sounds like you have a friendly, but lonely visitor. Have you set up any cameras yet (of course, when no one is home)?

Did you get to do some research on the house/land? Sounds like you have a friendly, but lonely visitor. Have you set up any cameras yet (of course, when no one is home)?
no not yet...kinda forgot about it as nothing had happened in awhile and i've been working alot of overtime lately. i do intend to do some research as soon as i can free up some time

OH MAN! Has it really been almost 8 years since I been here? Changes in work and 5 new grandchildren can do that to you I guess.Thought I'd dig up this old thread so I could update you guys on what's been happening around here lately. (Hope your all still around). Don't have much time so I will just give you a brief outline of the main events. Details will follow at a later date.
~While wife and I were on vacation, my son let my best friends son set up a camera in my house in hallway upstairs.
~Awoke from sleep one night and couldn't fall back to sleep. Not unusual as It was a stressful time for me. Was turned on my right side facing away from door. Was wide awake, when I felt bed depress deeply behind my bent legs! It felt as if someone quite large sat down on the bed!
Sorry that's all I can write for now. Wifey is yelling cause company is here. Be back soon

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