my bad luck


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2004
Shelbyville or any yard where the owner will let m
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My streak of bad luck is still alive and going strong.
What is it this time, right?
A month ago i went to see my doctor about my blood pressue ( very high ) and she noticed a spot on my face close to my ear. She asked how long had it been there, 2 years and asked if she could do a biopsy on it, sure, go ahead.
A few days later she called with bad news, it was a cancer clled basil cell. Only good news was that it is a slow growing cancer and easily removed with outpatient surgery.
Last friday i had it taken off with a 2 hour surgery and the surgeon is sure he has gotten all of the cancer, but now i look like frankenstein with the stiches in my face.
Hope everyone is doing good and finding lots of great finds....

i'd say that was good luck,not bad,glad your ok :thumbsup:

dang it hope every thing turns out ok

The spot was in a place where the doctor could notice it, and it was caught relatively early.

sounds like GOOD luck to me....

I agree, good luck!

Sorry for your troubles, but I'm glad they caught it before it turned into a big problem.

There are things a lot worse than stitches. I'm glad you're alright.

A little discomfort and a little of your time just gave you more time! That is good luck to me!!! Glad it's gone and glad you are up and about!

Allen, I had that same procedure on the back of my neck when a mole started to bleed during the night. They normally get it all and you won't have any problems with it after the surgery. Don't sweat the small stuff. Take care.

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