
Silver Member
Jan 8, 2008
we moved here in mid july....the house is only 16 years old....some strange things have been going on...didnt think much of it until the wife and daughter told me they each (at different times) told me they saw a shadow move down the upstairs hall and into my room. thats when i remembered hearing knocking high up on the wall in the family room once in awhile when we 1st moved in. just dismissed it at the time but now thinking about it...that wall has no pipes or anything inside it and we are detached from any neighbors...then one morning while on the computer talking to you guys i heard a loud knocking on the wall next to my head...same wall, no one home, no pipes or anything in the wall. then the other night while sitting in the living room putting my wheaties in the whitman coin book and the thin page in the book that covers the last row of holes started to flow up and down! there was no breeze as the windows were closed, so were the doors, the a.c. wasnt on and noone was around. at first i thought some bug or a mouse had walked up on the ottoman and under the page causing it to move. the whole time i'm thinking of this its still moving. so i put my hand all around it to see if i can feel an errant breeze.....nothing....still moving ??? then i slowly lifted the page....nothing...searched around a couple things on the ottoman...nothing. after i touched it ...it stopped :-\ needless to say i didnt tell the wife about the knocking or the page moving...they would freak and want to move. cant imagine why a 16 yr old house would be haunted as noone died there...however the last people who lived here moved out after only a1 1/2 yrs....guess i'll have to research the grounds and see what we were built on ...you know like in the movie poltergeist...... :snorting:


Your suspected haunting may have nothing to do with the house, it could be the land. That is so cool by the way!!!

We have a house guest, we call him George! He's a friendly sort!

I do want to say, if you ever call in TAPS to investigate....let us know so we can watch it.... ;D

Research the land, find out where buildings where before the house was built, see if any cemeteries are around, if known Indians lived in that area (I'm sure they did many long years ago).

Sometimes you can bring items into the home and someone could be attached to it. Also check the last 16 years for obituaries in the paper if you can and see if anyone died in the home.

Wonder if the previous owners had the same experiences and that is why they moved? Hmmmm?

Keep record of things that go on ... on a daily basis if you can. Many things can be explained, as you mentioned pipes, which you stated are not in that wall.

I also bought myself a digital recorder and set it up .... I have picked up some sounds, but not voices...I am waiting for the voices!!! However, a couple years ago, I set up my video camera and got a weird sound, I still to this day can't explain it...

Infact, if you have a video camera, it would be great to capture if anything or anyone is moving things or about....

I think your house is cool!!! I wouldn't mind living there!

Regardless is anyone less wants to be updated...I sure do!!! I love hauntings, the friendly ones...the evil ones, I will stay away from!!!



Talk to the people who lived there before you. See what you can find out without telling them anything specific.


WV Hillbilly said:
Very interesting , I once lived in a place that had similar things happening & more . Maybe later I'll tell the story .

WV, I hope you can share your stories sometime.


this is what the Warden and i did. When we got married we rented a house our 1st, 4 million years ago.Our first night we heard strange sounds but hey the house is new to us. After a week of this one night the Warden heard footsteps and then something that sounded like a person falling on the floor. The next day i told my neighbor and she frowned. She told me the original owner was a minister and commited suicide in the living room. Because of my faith i took a cross to a priest and had him bless it. When i got home i hung it on the wall and waited to see if it would help. I cant prove anything but the noises stopped. Just my 2 cents....aa Oh yea that cross hangs where ever we move.


Very interesting , I once lived in a place that had similar things happening & more . Maybe later I'll tell the story .
Oh please ...do tell
[quoteJust don't go into the Light ...
;D ;D
R and A....i think its cool too as long as my family is not in danger....i dont want to get my wife and daughter upset with cameras and such....they'll just want to move.....besides im not sure i want to hear or see anything on tape...i'll settle for the little stuff for now...i'll update this post if and when anything else happens....i'm goin to the mountains to help my buddy with some needed maintenance on the hunting cabin....when i come back i'll tell you about my brother-in-laws house :o oh by the way..i'll also keep you up to date on any info i find about the grounds..so far i got back to the 20's and it was farm then.....
Talk to the people who lived there before you. See what you can find out without telling them anything specific.
they told us that it was their dream home...then his dad passed away and they wanted to move back to n.y. to be closer to the remaining family...as far as the original owners ..all i know is they were a "couple" according to a neighbor across the street...maybe he meant they had no kids or werent married?....anyway i'll see if i can contact the realtor and get in touch with them
[quoteWhen we got married we rented a house our 1st, 4 million years ago][/quote]
;D ;D ;D ;D
AA...we have a HUGE cross that is beautiful ....it was my mother-in-laws...i think it actually came from some church,possibly in Hungary, anyway i wouldnt let her hang it because it would make our room look like the cathedral...so instead i let her hang a brass cross we got off my grandfathers casket over the bed....


You need a few 1000 watt speakers and a CD of the Ghostbusters theme set on 'repeat'. The resulting electromagnetic emanations will blow any ghosts you have right out of the house (if not a few windows too :D) Do it at night so the ghosts can escape to the Other Side. And to show them that you really mean business, invite Dan Akroyd to dinner first.... ;D


Yeah, talk to the previous owners and see what they say about it.
I'd be calling a priest or like AA said, go get a cross and have him bless it.
Better yet, have the priest come to your house while the familys not there.


I have a few weird questions:

1. Is there a well on the property? It doesn't have to be close to the house, just on the property.

2. Do you feel it's rather humid inside the house more times than not?


There are many paranormal groups in PA that may do an invest of your home if you are into that. We do not charge for it at all. If it is really bothering you start with a blessing of your home or do it yourself. I belong to Berkshire Paranormal www.berkshireparanormal.com in my area and have been doing this stuff for a long time now. if you have any questions please contact me at [email protected] I will assist you in any way I can.


I'd be calling a priest or like AA said, go get a cross and have him bless it.
Better yet, have the priest come to your house while the familys not there.
i'm not really that concerned as im not even sure there is anything here, and if there is, it seems pretty harmless....

1. Is there a well on the property? It doesn't have to be close to the house, just on the property.

2. Do you feel it's rather humid inside the house more times than not?

no and no....it was open land as far as i can tell....all the houses here are the same age...(developement)

thanks houdini...should things get serious i'll contact you....


okay.....got in late last night from the mountains....i didnt expect much to have happened as my wifes sister and her 2 daughters and another niece were over for the weekend....anyway after i posted the above...my wife says " Aunt Rie saw the ghost"... :icon_pale: i turned to Rie (short for Marie) and said "you saw the shadow ?"...she says " NO...i saw a naked boy..." "A naked boy????"...she said she was drying her hair in the bathroom IN MY ROOM...and saw him in the mirror walk past the doors behind her...she also said she saw him at the bottom of the stairs in the family room the night before...she said he's older and is around my height (5' 7 1/2")...which is why she at first thought it was me and i was home early....why she would think i would be walking around naked with everyone around is beyond me...when i asked her this she said he may not have been completely naked but she only got a glimpse and she saw flesh....then my wife chimes in and says...."thats what i saw".....i said "i thought you saw a shadow at the top of the stairs walking into our room" she says " NO..you never listen to me :dontknow: i saw him in our room ...Lauren(my daughter-in-law) and Deena (my daughter) saw (at different times) a shadow walk down the hall and into my room...(WHY DOES IT ALL HAVE TO BE IN MY ROOM?)
anyway....somethings going on here...my daughter is freaked out ...especially after i told them of my encounters...hope they dont want to move now...we love this house...anyway i dont think it has gotten to that point yet....guess now i'm gonna have to do some researching on the history of the land i'm sitting on...i know this developement was a 100 acre farm...this was told to me by the neighboring farmer...she knew the owners of the farm...guess i'll have to bend her ear for some info...maybe someone died or was killed on the farm...or maybe the naked boy is an indian and isnt naked but wearing a loin cloth?????....gonna check with the farmer 1st and try to dig up some history on the land at the local library...if i ever get a chance as i've been pretty busy....keep you all posted!!!! :snorting: >:D


thats kind of cool, but ive had a bad exp. and would have allready bolted out of there, since nothing bad has happened, research it, mabey it trying to get something settled, wanting help


thompy...sorry about your experience...would like to hear about it sometime....so far it hasnt been bad as he's not trying to scare anyone but i think he is looking for attention of some sort...or maybe he just likes company...he doesnt seem to care if its day or night..although most sightings were at night...the knocking however was during the day and i havent heard it since we (or should i say "they") started seeing him...


mistergee said:
okay.....got in late last night from the mountains....i didnt expect much to have happened as my wifes sister and her 2 daughters and another niece were over for the weekend....anyway after i posted the above...my wife says " Aunt Rie saw the ghost"... :icon_pale: i turned to Rie (short for Marie) and said "you saw the shadow ?"...she says " NO...i saw a naked boy..." "A naked boy????"...she said she was drying her hair in the bathroom IN MY ROOM...and saw him in the mirror walk past the doors behind her...she also said she saw him at the bottom of the stairs in the family room the night before...she said he's older and is around my height (5' 7 1/2")...which is why she at first thought it was me and i was home early....why she would think i would be walking around naked with everyone around is beyond me...when i asked her this she said he may not have been completely naked but she only got a glimpse and she saw flesh....then my wife chimes in and says...."thats what i saw".....i said "i thought you saw a shadow at the top of the stairs walking into our room" she says " NO..you never listen to me :dontknow: i saw him in our room ...Lauren(my daughter-in-law) and Deena (my daughter) saw (at different times) a shadow walk down the hall and into my room...(WHY DOES IT ALL HAVE TO BE IN MY ROOM?)
anyway....somethings going on here...my daughter is freaked out ...especially after i told them of my encounters...hope they dont want to move now...we love this house...anyway i dont think it has gotten to that point yet....guess now i'm gonna have to do some researching on the history of the land i'm sitting on...i know this developement was a 100 acre farm...this was told to me by the neighboring farmer...she knew the owners of the farm...guess i'll have to bend her ear for some info...maybe someone died or was killed on the farm...or maybe the naked boy is an indian and isnt naked but wearing a loin cloth?????....gonna check with the farmer 1st and try to dig up some history on the land at the local library...if i ever get a chance as i've been pretty busy....keep you all posted!!!! :snorting: >:D

WoW!! Sorry, but I think it's cool as all git out!!! I, however, don't want to see your wife and esp, your kids get scared!

I love this part though: "she says " NO..you never listen to me :dontknow: " ... sounds like me telling my hubby the same thing, just yesterday as matter of fact!!! LOL

Quote from a paranormal website...........It is worth noting at this point the difference between 'residual' and 'non residual' energy. Residual energy is that which you could parallel to playing back a recording someone made many years previously, whereas non residual energy is someone actually here now in real terms. You would only notice if there were spiritual energies in your home if the spirit wanted you to, and you were in a susceptible mind set. There are a number of things to look out for which may indicate a presence. These range from feelings someone is with you, temperature fluctuations, aromas (usually sweet scented), glimpses of something in your peripheral vision, and in some cases, items of personal property being moved. Embrace the fact that spirit can be anywhere you want them to be, whenever you want - they are only a thought away!...........end quote

From the above, your ghost may be residual. But not being there and witnessing it...nor am I an expert in the field of paranormal, even though "George" (our house guest) may say different LOL. He allows himself to be seen! I actually think he enjoys it!! LOL

But what's so cool is not one person saw him, but several!!! Since you told everyone what you heard/saw, I would set up a video camera facing the area "he" was seen and see if you pick anything up. Do your own investigation and get your evidence, in case you decide to call someone in. From what you are writing here, "he" is not there to hurt anyone and appears to be friendly, but "he" may not realize "he" is dead and just wondering like "he" would have in his time.

When my boy saw "George" ... he also stated when I asked what he was wearing and he said nothing....he just saw a man walk into our dining room. I have only seen him in a photo I took...but never saw him the way my boys have. "George" use to love to turn on and off my dau's tv when she was sleeping. We have had noises in the house, the freakest to me is when we are ALL downstairs and you hear footsteps upstairs and no one is up there. We have all wood floors upstairs. And I can tell you what is the house settling and what is not..."George" has been around since 1999...so now, we ignore alot of what goes on here, cause we are so use to it. Our house was built in 1965 and before that, all farm land. Our house is located near where the barn use to be and we live on a creek.

But I would do some recording....see what could be captured, now that everyone knows and has seen. And if still uneasy, see if a paranormal team could come in....but if unfriendly, I would call in the church (pastor, preacher, father).

Good luck and if you do any recording...let us know...I know I would love to hear about it.!!



annmarie...thanks for the info...i remember reading something years ago that was similar. i always had interest in the paranormal and u.f.o.'s and such. (saw one once) but only had one experience with "the other side" at my brother-in-laws house next door to my old house. thats a story for later when i get more time. anyway i think right now my wife and daughter are looking at it half-heartedly...should i come up with actual footage or audio.....i can here the stampede for the front door already ;D ....maybe i'll wait for them to go down her sisters for a few days and see what happens. now that i'm thinking about it, i have to talk to my son. i dont recall him adding his 2 cents about whats been going on and he's home the most as he's having trouble with lyme disease.i'm pretty sure he knows the girls have seen something...and for him to have that information and not capitalize on it by scaring them any chance he got is highly unusual....hmmmm...i wonder if he too has seen or heard something.gotta check when i get home.
as far as paranormal teams.....i know i wouldnt have those t.v. guys over...a friend used to work for one of those shows and he said alot was faked. makes sense since im sure you cant find paranormal activity every week and without a steady supply of haunted houses you have no show. if things continue or step up in occurances i may call houdini911 and see if he knows of a local group. not sure i want anyone as i dont want the new neighbors to think we are nuts :tongue3:


mistergee said:
annmarie...thanks for the info...i remember reading something years ago that was similar. i always had interest in the paranormal and u.f.o.'s and such. (saw one once) but only had one experience with "the other side" at my brother-in-laws house next door to my old house. thats a story for later when i get more time. anyway i think right now my wife and daughter are looking at it half-heartedly...should i come up with actual footage or audio.....i can here the stampede for the front door already ;D ....maybe i'll wait for them to go down her sisters for a few days and see what happens. now that i'm thinking about it, i have to talk to my son. i dont recall him adding his 2 cents about whats been going on and he's home the most as he's having trouble with lyme disease.i'm pretty sure he knows the girls have seen something...and for him to have that information and not capitalize on it by scaring them any chance he got is highly unusual....hmmmm...i wonder if he too has seen or heard something.gotta check when i get home.
as far as paranormal teams.....i know i wouldnt have those t.v. guys over...a friend used to work for one of those shows and he said alot was faked. makes sense since im sure you cant find paranormal activity every week and without a steady supply of haunted houses you have no show. if things continue or step up in occurances i may call houdini911 and see if he knows of a local group. not sure i want anyone as i dont want the new neighbors to think we are nuts :tongue3:

As for a paranormal team, I would find someone reputal in your area. I wouldn't go to a team either, that was tv produced, even though I made comment on TAPS LOL...I love watching the show, but if you review the videos on the SCI FI website, you can find fault with much of those videos. One being at the military base and Jason was first sitting infront of the bathroom door and the next scene he was sitting by the railings, then the next scene, his chair is infront of the bathroom door again....HUH? Of course, I did not notice while watching it on tv...I had to review it again on the website. Even though some of the shows do make you wonder, many are just a waste of time producing!!! I do like the one of the lighthouse in St Augustine though!!!

Most importantly....I hope your son gets well soon!

If your family will be out of the house for a period of time, do it then, this way they won't be inclined to wanna' watch it and then freak out if you did capture something. You don't want to scare the kids. My boys, they were freaked out and they WOULD NOT go upstairs, every light in the house has to be on just to go upstairs!!!

Now, let me give you a bit of a background...I believe I know who our "GEORGE" is....my biological father died in Nov 1998. 3 of my siblings and myself (there are 5 of us total) went to his funeral in Meriden, Connecticut, where he lived. At the funeral home, we were talking to the funeral director as we were upset about something...the overhead light started flickering and I just made a very nasty remark, knowning in my heart and soul, it was my father responding to our outburst!!! Take note, I had not seen my father in 25 years (his choice) and did have a step-father who was my Dad and a wonderful man. So, seeing my father in the coffin was the first time I had seen him in 25 years.

Now, my father passed away the day after Thanksgiving in 1998. His funeral was the first week of December. Upon returning to Virginia Beach, where I live...things were normal as ever, so I thought. One night, after the kids went to bed and I wasn't back home, maybe a week....I was at my computer and hubby was laying on the couch...all the lights were out. Only light came from the compuer screen and the tv. We were living in my townhouse I owned at the time. I had lived in this house since 1991 when I returned from duty in Italy and bought this house for my dau and I to settle and plant roots. I met my hubby 4 years later and he moved in and we had two sons at this time.

Well, behind me was the kitchen and I heard the water faucet turn on. I froze in my seat, then said, "Ron, where are you?" He said, "Right here." I said, "Right here where?" And he popped up his head from the couch. I said, "Then who is in the kitchen?" He said he didn't know, as the kids (my dau and our two boys were asleep). I said, "Well, someone turned on the water in the kitchen." He gets up, I was too scared LOL... and sure enough, the kitchen faucet was on and he turned it off. I thought that was so wierd, as if anything had ever happened in my home, I never noticed it and never felt uncomfortable....little things occurred from then on, but I really did not pay much mind to it.

Well, March of 1999 (just a little over 3 months from burying my father)...we moved into our current home. (hubby had too much junk LOL)....and this house we live in now is only 3/4 miles down the road from where I had my house. Now the townhouse I lived in, at one time the land was part of a POW Camp where they kept the German Prisoners and another time, the furniture store now on the same land, was a TB hospital. People who work at Willis Wayside Furniture have stated they have seen a solider walking down the stairs (original since it was used as a headquarters during the war and when it was a TB Hospital.) They have also seen nurses walking about and other things...pretty cool stories!!!

Anyways...we had not been in this house long when we started hearing noises. Our computer room is below the bedroom we gave our boys, this room is now my office upstairs.

My boys were napping on the couch (so I thought) and I was in the computer room, next to the entrance to the kitchen. I heard what sounded like a cookie sheet drop on the kitchen floor. I sat at the desk for a bit, then got up and peeked around the corner. Nothing on the floor, nothing out of place. I thought I was hearing things and blew it off. My oldest boy walks in and said, "Mom, did you hear that?" I said, "Hear what?" He said someone dropped something. I told him I heard it too, but everything was ok. Some months later, I was playing with the boys on the computer. I had just bought a headset with a mic on it and we were recording voices. They were having fun hearing themselves on the computer!!! My youngest boy was heading back into the living room and ran back to me and grabbed my arm. He was 4 at the time. As a parent, you know when someone or something scares your child and he said, "Mom, I just saw a man walk that way." (pointing to the dining room). I peek around one side of the room into the kitchen and noone, then walk were my son said he saw the man and found noone. The man would have come from the front door area and walked straight into the living room. Still to this day, I have always keep my doors locked, be alone or home with my kids, even in the day time. So, I know noone came through the front door. I asked my son what did he look like and he did not know (being 4, I guess it would hard for the to understand the guestion fully to give the answer I was looking for). I asked what he was wearing and he said nothing, which makes sense to me...cause if a ghostly figure, they would appear to be wearing nothing and a child that young would not know to say CIVIL WAR CLOTHES, A HAT, DRESS, etc.....well, that incident came and went but to this day....he will tell you the same thing he said that day on what he saw.

My dau would complain to me that someone was turning her tv on and off while she was sleeping. She did not like sleeping with her tv on and when it was turned on, it would wake her up. She said there were times she got up and turned it off, but other times when she was about to get up, it would turn itself off. She's on her own now, living in Guam. She's in the Navy...but she will tell you someone was in this house!!!

Over the years, till March 2006 ... we heard footsteps upstairs, sometimes heavy, sometimes light. Doors would open and close. Lights would flicker, not all at the same time. Once in the living room, one lamp started to flicker. I checked the bulb and it was snug as a bug. Then the other lamp started to flicker...I thought that was wierd. We got use to these noises, sounds, what have you.

In March 2006, my mother moved in with me. The room I use for my office upstairs now, was the room I gave her. She passed away in this room. I refuse to let anyone but myself sleep in this room. I have an air mattress in the room...it's so comfy!!! Anyways...before Mom passed away, really wierd things were going on in the house and there were even times it felt very evil!!! It's just the way things occurred and the creepiness about the air of the house. It's really very hard to explain. I am friends with a few guys and gals that were part of DCMag (a Washington, DC based paranormal team). The owner, Al Tyas, was once a member and investigator with a Virginia Paranormal group. I had spoken to that group once and they were gonna' come over and investigate our home, but I was scheduled to be out of town that Memorial Day for a job and then they also had a conference that came up...so we cancelled and I never rescheduled....but Al was one of their members. Al does not do DCMag anymore, someone else has taken over for him...but Al also wrote a book...I got my copy!! :)

Anyways, I was telling them all of the stuff that was going on and that is when Al said I should record. I didn't have digital at the time, only thing I had was my Video Camera which is analog. That is when I got the evil sound. Al said that was not very good....something evil was in my house.

Now, I wonder if I brought my father home with me from his funeral and he stayed with me until my mother passed. Mom and Dad had a love / hate relationship...they so loved each other, but could not live together. Dad once told me that Mom was the love of his life. I wonder, being he was in the spirit world, he came home with me knowning she was going to die in my home? But none of these thoughts came to mind until after my mother passed away, because since then "George" has been very quiet! I like to think he's still here...but I can't say for sure...but I have not paid much mind to any noises, as I said, we ignored much of it, cause we were use to hearing them...every know and then though I will get the feeling of someone hanging over my shoulder and once, since Mom died, I smelled Gardenia's...she loved Gardenia's and I have nothing in my house with that smell!

So, I can't say if George is still with us, the boys no longer are scared to come upstairs, maybe they are older now...I don't know...but that fear they had, it's like once Mom passed on, they don't have that fear anymore. They are 11 and 13 now.

While alot of this was going on....the boys and I enjoyed taking pics around the house and outside...infact, my youngest who saw George would beg me to ORB HUNT!!! LOL Even though I had to explain to them not all ORB photos are that. You can take a pic of a room, then shake a towel in the same spot and take another pic...OMG ORBS!!! LOL

So, there were two times we caught something....I will post both times here. The first one, I sent to a man who anaylsis photos and he said it was a bug..>Sorry, but I don't think so!!!! The first pic is over our garage taken from the back yard and that window on the right, is my bedroom window. The stack you see below the window does nothing...we found out just last year when replacing the pipes in the kitchen, it was attached to the kitchen pipes. I can't remember what hubby said it was for, pressure release or something? I don't remember...and then where the object is...it's infront of the vent thing for the garage....what do you think it is?

The next couple of pics are George, after George and then a blowup....what do you think? I did not realize I had captured anything until I downloaded the pics and my sons were watching as I did it...and we all GASPED!!!

Anyways....Ron and I have an interest not in ghost (spirits)...but of UFO's as well and how are crop circles made and who made them, things like that!!!

I know as a young adult, when I felt like things weren't going so well, I would always get the smell of my Nani's apt building. She lived in NYC. I felt so safe with her and I truly believe when things weren't going so good for me, she would come around and let me know she was with me! But it's funny, I have not had that smell in so many years!!! So, I guess Nani knows I am ok :)

Let's us know what you do and if anything else happens.


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Felinepeachy said:
Seems to me that you have something on your camera lens that illuminates when you use the flash. The same spots are there in the picture without the flash but they are black.

That first pic that looks black without flash...is a negative shot of the one under it. It's the same photo.

I never destroy my original photo...I always rename them...as in the photo 603 and 603a


annmarie...so far things have been quiet since the weekend....love the pics...still dont know what to think about orbs...but they sure dont look like bugs to me...the pic of george looks cool...at least he's smiling :D...love the story....you guys really have a lot of activity around you....glad the evil one didnt give you much trouble...that surely would have been the last straw for us :o....
i came home today and was welcomed with a "witch ball" hanging in the window....the girls bought it....here's what it said on the card that came with it
"witch balls were historically hung in the home.the glittering and sparkling bubbles were thought to ward off spirits and promote peace and harmony"....i just hope we don't piss anything off :angry5:
i'll keep you posted should anything else happen and i think i'll tell my brother-in-laws haunted house story and the ufo story on a separate post as soon as i'm settled...i'm moving to a different office at work...so as soon as possible i'll post them....

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