I want the McRib sandwich back!

Hey now iam hungry.Funkman Taco Bell use to have a Bell Beefer kinda like a sloppy joe i wish it would come back.....aa

I liked the mac&cheese off the roach coach best ;D

I work telecom and I am in the kitchens in those places all the time, I don't want to ever eat anything from them. Grease icicles hanging from the ceilings, cables, and so on, bug droppings, food mishandled, bad food served, food being handled with no gloves, employees working, handling the food while sick. Floors so slick with grease I can hardly walk with out slipping, HUGE mouse and rat traps set out. .......

You get the picture. I turn down a lot of free meals, go in hungry, come out with no appetite.

Not much of a fast food fan but I know Wal-Mart or Sam's Club sell a fake rib
type thing for sandwiches & is about the same thing McDonald put on those

Not much of a fast food fan but I know Wal-Mart or Sam's Club sell a fake rib
type thing for sandwiches & is about the same thing McDonald put on those

Not close to the same, at least not close enough. I made it my mission to get it on the regular menu, but to no avail last year I called the local office every day for 2 months and sent email letters. Had friends send letters also. But "There are no plans to put the McRib on the menu. We are going to have this sandwich as a seasonal product."

I love the McRib too! Don't know why, it was kind of like barbecued Spam......... It's kind of a similar situation with White Castle burgers...... you crave them and then after you eat them you don't know why you did it........... but you KNOW the craving will come again.........
I think they put addictive chemicals in them!!!! ;D

Treasure_Hunter said:
I work telecom and I am in the kitchens in those places all the time, I don't want to ever eat anything from them. Grease icicles hanging from the ceilings, cables, and so on, bug droppings, food mishandled, bad food served, food being handled with no gloves, employees working, handling the food while sick. Floors so slick with grease I can hardly walk with out slipping, HUGE mouse and rat traps set out...
You get the picture. I turn down a lot of free meals, go in hungry, come out with no appetite.

Hey "Treasure_Hunter", that's why I DON'T go into fast food kitchens!!! hahaha

-Sgt Jim

Great now I just got double-whammied! Because I love the McRib AND White Castle! (And Steak & Shake!!)


but I know Wal-Mart or Sam's Club sell a fake rib type thing for sandwiches & is about the same thing McDonald put on those sandwiches.

I meant that they're the same, just ground up pork processed into a rib shape
with some BBQ sauce on top. Neither one comes close to being good eating.

Here in Austin,Tx,they brought it back out in November'08 and it sold out.

Me too...wish they would make it a full time thing....I can eat two of them with no fries....who needs fries????I love them....as good as they sell, I dont see how they can say they dont sell well enough......I have eaten the one from Wal-Mart but they cant hold a candle to McDonalds.....but they beat nothing....

Here we get the mcribs back every year around Christmas. Check at yours around then. My wife works at a corporate one so that maybe why they have them. Franchise may not.

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