Im being persecuted for my hobby I love

What some of you don't realize is joelton is a teenager
Teenagers can be harsh. And you need to ignore them.
Look at it this way. You have what maybe 2 more years of being around these people and then your whole world will change. They are just trying to be cool by putting you down. Looking back I wish I would have picked up a detector at your age. I would have had many many great hours spent digging instead of just hanging out in a parking lot somewhere
Good luck and stick with it

I didn't even consider that (age), and the fact this world today is really different in many ways. Growing up in the hobby of digging in the dirt 40-45yrs ago the peer pressure was there also but it didn't involve social media as it did today, if something was to be said it had to be said in person or on the phone.

the best thing about carma is that fools actually have to live with themselves every day they exist on this planet.Every time someone exposes themselves as a true and repeat what I wrote above.It sure seems to me that the meanest bafoons I dealt with in high school have turned out to be grown up losers.
Choose your path bro...hang is long so be happy because its also short.

People on the internet hide behind their anonymity. Most people use it as a way to keep safe. They can handle being anonymous and carry on like normal humans. They see no reason to act a fool and project their normal everyday personality.

Then you have the people who cannot handle it. They are the insecure types who see a huge green light to finally draw attention to themselves. They have never had the attention they desperately seek in their shallow and boring lives. The internet allows them to break free of those bonds.

The trouble is once they are set free from their insecurities that suffocate them in real life.... they have absolutely no idea how to interact properly. They just skip right past normal interaction and go straight for vileness. They will lie about anything and insult you over everything in their attempts to be noticed. They are starving for somebody to just look their way. They cannot be part of the "normal group" as they simply do not know they lash out instead.

If you look at it like will almost feel sorry for them. Almost being the key word.

Now if these are "real-life" people and not internet trolls that are bringing you down.....cut ties immediately. No true friend or family member will try to bring you down...they will try to lift you up. Jealousy is a VERY real problem with humans. If they see you having fun and doing something you enjoy they just cannot handle it. Tell them to piss off and come back into your life when they can act properly.

Hello Tnet
I know most of you do not care however in the event of day to day contact with my peers in regular life it has gotten harder and harder to continue my YouTube channel. People have been harsh and very just plain out mean about it so I could use guidance from you guys because I'm sure there is a obstacle somewhere in your hobby. So currently it has gotten to the point where I have made all of my videos link only so only you guys that enjoy the hobby just as much as I do can see it. Just my thoughts I could really use guidance from you guys talk to you all soon!
Singed Confused and Woried,

Everyone else has pretty much said it but my advice to add is to laugh it off if you can. Usually getting defensive or upset encourages them to keep making fun of you because they get a reaction, and if you can laugh with them they will get bored and move on pretty quickly. I think theres an episode of The Office about this where Michael doesn't like them saying that prison is better than the office… thats my .02

Don't take ANYTHING personal,people can't help the way they are,sad they don't even know it either.

Your gain...their loss.

GOD Bless


Everyone else has pretty much said it but my advice to add is to laugh it off if you can. Usually getting defensive or upset encourages them to keep making fun of you because they get a reaction, and if you can laugh with them they will get bored and move on pretty quickly. I think theres an episode of The Office about this where Michael doesn't like them saying that prison is better than the office… thats my .02

Getting you upset they have pushed a button is.....
Push all you want.

HI Jolteon; as Abe Linncoln once said, "Time alone will show the True Man." Think about it ok. Be true to yourself. PEACE:RONB

FTW - Dig Baby, DIG!! Cheers!!!


Don't sweat it just keep doing what you're doing and the haters can take a flying leap......I would have posted something else but this a family friendly

Regards + HH


From an old guy enjoying this hobby for over 50 years. Spend more time learning your equipment, researching and in the field enjoying the hobby. Spend less time with the 'show & tell. In other words, more doing less talking. A happy life to you youngster.

What some of you don't realize is joelton is a teenager
Teenagers can be harsh. And you need to ignore them.
Look at it this way. You have what maybe 2 more years of being around these people and then your whole world will change. They are just trying to be cool by putting you down. Looking back I wish I would have picked up a detector at your age. I would have had many many great hours spent digging instead of just hanging out in a parking lot somewhere
Good luck and stick with it

Exactly right

Exactly right

Listen and learn from all the comments above guy.... I'm a 59 year old man who acts like a teenager when I'm out exploring and "looking". There's many here older than I and many more between your age and mine who are exactly the same way. Most of us never loose the sprite because it's deeply rooted within us regardless of age. The difference is most of us (90-95%) didn't belong to the digital age when we started.... your at the doorstep. Suck it up and keep rockin'..... Brad

"Age is not determined by years, it is determined by wisdom and maturity" -Me, Copyright around three seconds ago :).

In that case I think I am around three years old :laughing7:

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There are allot of them people in the world,and most the time when they ridicule someone else,it is because of something they don't like that they see in themselves.Don't ever take"Negative-Nancy's" to heart or worry about what they say,you will just be wasting your time!Keep your head up and keep doing what you like.If they don't like it, that's their problem.HH-gl

Yeah, there are some filthy rude jokers on YT. That's what I like about TN. The mods are like a good mama to call us down if we misbehave.

In this world the only person you have control over is you.
The only opinion of you that counts is your own, and your a good person.
You are well liked here on T Net.

The leader of the crew on yt must be a tad jealous and wants others to join in putting you down because it makes them "feel" more powerful. We all have the power to hurt, it takes a lot of strength to do the opposite.

I get stared at, made fun of and harassed by total strangers (and my family, but they do it with love, lol!) while detecting.
Does it bother me, not really. I have acquired the ability to ignore them.

My teenage granddaughter is getting bullied at school and is having a rough time with it.
Sometimes the bullies move on and pick on someone else, and sometimes not. It is the ways that you learn to deal with it that helps you over come or even stop it.

There's nothing wrong with being a three year old, they know how to have FUN and ENJOY life! Go for it!

I have never posted a video on Youtube, but I watch alot.

I see "comments blocked" a lot, try that.

Only ideas from someone else J..
You have to make your own choices and decisions in life. Looking back, in time, you'll recognize some of your major turning points and how you made them..if you don't make them who else will?
Peers can tease and dog you for sure. Heck strangers can too, but peers can be the worst. Some of them may stay that way for life but that's not on you.
Down the road you'll be free of that unless you fish it out of people not worth your time. Yep, just different names of juvenile adults.
If you only post vids here a while till you figure out another angle; so be it.
Something though ,your hobby is not for every body. Being different and attracting attention a nearly predictable result... Not just for you, for others as well!
Too, your hobby is one of sometimes keeping a lot of what you are up to on the downlow around others to not attract attention for other reasons.
We would have you be J.. of course but perhaps down the road you might develop an alias or Nom de guerre for your vids. Your voice can be a tell, or a previous site but you could figure something out.
If you feel persecuted and don't want a constant fight over your topics, slide around feeding fuel to critics by acting disinterested in pursuing former activities as openly.
Know that dogs don't chase parked cars and naughty folks don't break unlit bulbs as much as lit ones.Be proud of your work as it improves but humble enough to know who it is for and that there will be critics.
In time you and your critics,peers anyway, will be out in a bigger world. Your vids will mean little to them but their attitudes will be everything in their success or lack of it.
People skills and how you respond to others strengths and weaknesses can be an asset or liability.
For now, let the criticism roll off like water off a ducks back. Stick to short and long term plans. Under the radar if others are jerks. Some one always will be. Different names and ages is all. Slide around if other options are not proper or timely. Just account for you and keep your nose clean and family out of the local news. L.O.L..
Don't go too far the other way and shut yourself off from them or society,you can still enjoy your hobby. Sharing it with the wrong audience will not produce the desired results is all. Not just for you again, but for all.
There is only one person you need to please, (with family and laws and common society politeness and involvement considered retained of course). That person is you.

Only my ideas,yours may well vary and that's fine..
You get down, or bored you can reread this post and try to figure any of it out....8-) Keep you busy a while.

Great words of advice! Joelton's peers will be eating their written words when he makes and posts his' finds worth thousands of dollars each and I truly hope that happens real soon for him!


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