Is it safe to leave your stuff out of your sight?

Never locked the old truck, only worth $1000, so just left the keys in the console, that way I can't lose them. Have to lock the new truck... at least until I'm done with the payments.

I lock the doors at the house, but I really don't need to do so.

As others indicated, we are gun people, do not break in, there is nothing in my house worth your life!

Honestly, Only Key I've use here (& the whole TriiCounty Area Actually)is my Ignition Key.

And also leave mine in the console on many occasions

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I happened to catch a thief at moms house in the country when I pulled in the driveway with some friends. I came in and she asked who was making the dog bark so much. It was quite foggy that night but I thought I saw movement in the shadows so I went out to investigate. I assumed it was one of my friends getting impatient but all my friends were still in the car waiting for me. I asked my toughest friend to go one way around the outside of the house, I went the other and when we met on the other side there was a big mean looking dude in between us!!! We had pulled in and interrupted him as he was loading up all the tools from the garage into my folks unlocked truck before stealing it.
My friend (who is about half the guys size but crazy) didn't hesitate and chased him into the woods then into the swamp. I ran inside, grabbed the gun and a mag-light and came out and fired a few shots into the air. My dad got pissed I was shooting but I was thinking 'when else is it ok to let off some warning shots?' Then we called the cops and patrolled the edge of the swamp until the police came. The dogs on the other side of the creek started barking so I assume he made it through the mud which could easily swallow you up. Then again maybe his body's still stuck in the creek. The cops made a half hearted effort to search for him but it seems he escaped. A day or two later I noticed his picture at the post office with his MO. He comes to your house, loads up your car with your stuff and hits the road. His last name was Grimes. In the city I assume things will get gone quick if left unattended but when your driveway is more than a half mile long you have a false sense of security especially with a good guard dog and gun. If I hadn't come along right then I hate to think what would have happened.

Honestly, Only Key I've use here (& the whole TriiCounty Area Actually)is my Ignition Key.

And also leave mine in the console on many occasions

Yes, but don't forget you've told us in the past about your fancy car! :laughing7:


Same here, what if somebody needs the car to get to the hospital? Although, I did catch a Deputy going inside my vehicle without my permission once. Must have been new on the job 'cause we trust our neighbors not to be snoopy. Had to to talk some sense into him, see rule #2.

I leave it the same at work, one day a coworker came and told me someone took my truck.
I figured it was a friend who needed to move something. Yup it came back and at home that night the wife told me she thought she texted me.

Hey Jeff-Gordon-

You sound like good people.
If you ever make your way to WI, let me know. There is a tavern on every street corner, I'll buy the first round.

There are some other good people I think you would like to meet.

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Back when I knew it all and my dad was an idiot he warned me about leaving change in the center consol of my car. What the heck was he talking about? Didn't even bother asking him as he knew nothing, ever. Next morning found my window broken and the change gone. Couple of bucks in change cost me $200 for a new window. God my dad was dumb.

I live outside town. Doors always locked. Alarm set. 12 gauge ready, hope I never have to use it. If I leave something at the curb it might stay there several days before someone takes it. Sometimes its gone by the end of the day, especially if they can see the "free" sign on it.

Had 3 attempted burglaries in the last 4 years. They never got in. Got scared off, lights, cameras, 12 gauge sounds, that kind of thing.

In this highly overpriced apartment area my wife lives in, we used to leave our snow shovels outside. The neighbors needed to borrow them, they could, and they always brought them back. There's a hotel over across the way and this year tourists started comin over and helping themselves to our shovels, not returning them. So we don't leave them outside anymore. We used to never worry about locking the front door. Last year a murder took place a hundred feet from my front door. Front range people, and no threat to us at all. Two different times I had guys walk right into my house. They probably owe their lives to the fact that I could recognize they weren't an immediate threat, not drunk, not on drugs, just not quite right, I'm used to dealing with that and got them off in the right direction. But that front door stays locked now. All the time.

I live in NYC,,
Nobody locks their doors around here,, lol
Lol, I grew up in South Jamaica Queens during the crack epidemic. We once found a crack head stuck in the ventilation ducts at a local building I volunteered at. He was in need of it so bad he didn't even realize he was trying to break into a homeless shelter. He could've just walked in the front door.

Back when I knew it all and my dad was an idiot he warned me about leaving change in the center consol of my car. What the heck was he talking about? Didn't even bother asking him as he knew nothing, ever. Next morning found my window broken and the change gone. Couple of bucks in change cost me $200 for a new window. God my dad was dumb.

I got tons of Change in My Console.
No reason to Break in though. The Door works :tongue3:

It all depends where you live. My place in PA, we don't lock the doors, keys left in cars. Motorcycles/ATV's, and farm equipment sit untouched. You tend to know all your neighbors, and everyone knows when someone who doesn't belong is in the area. And being it's in the country, most folks hunt, so guns are nearby.

Down here in FL, all bets off. We have a fenced yard, and a very large German Shepherd. We lock the truck that sits outside. And I've been seen carrying a weapon at times outside, so the hoodies pretty much know the cost if they try to take something. Like said previously, down here if you want something gone, just put it out at the curb. It will disappear quickly.

Hey Jeff-Gordon-

You sound like good people.
If you ever make your way to WI, let me know. There is a tavern on every street corner, I'll buy the first round.

There are some other good people I think you would like to meet.

ok, you buy the first round, then I'll get the ladies there to buy the rest :laughing7:

It all depends where you live. My place in PA, we don't lock the doors, keys left in cars. Motorcycles/ATV's, and farm equipment sit untouched. You tend to know all your neighbors, and everyone knows when someone who doesn't belong is in the area. And being it's in the country, most folks hunt, so guns are nearby.

Down here in FL, all bets off. We have a fenced yard, and a very large German Shepherd. We lock the truck that sits outside. And I've been seen carrying a weapon at times outside, so the hoodies pretty much know the cost if they try to take something. Like said previously, down here if you want something gone, just put it out at the curb. It will disappear quickly.

For the most part it's the same way here. For the most part, nobody will mess with anything of ours. But all it takes is one time to really make your mind start wondering, and that's NOT a good thing!! Locks are not for keeping thieves out - they're for keeping honest people honest. Take away the temptation and most won't bother even if tempted. But there's enough people in this world that you dangle bait out there long enough, someone is gonna take it!

It is often very much a hassle to go outside and then remember that the truck keys are in the house, then have to go back in - but would rather do that than have some tiny little something go missing. It's hard enough to remember things I NEED to remember without also having to remember every little item that was wherever I last laid it down. :tongue3:

Hey Jeff-Gordon-

You sound like good people.
If you ever make your way to WI, let me know. There is a tavern on every street corner, I'll buy the first round.

There are some other good people I think you would like to meet.

I have been to green bay and the dells area a few years back, nice state

ummm, these people you want me to meet? are any of them buried in your backyard?

I have been to green bay and the dells area a few years back, nice state

ummm, these people you want me to meet? are any of them buried in your backyard?

No, but some are missing fingers.

Oh yeah, and one guy lost his leg and refuses to get a prosthetic. We call him "Tripod". Good guy. Just don't ask his wife to buy you a drink. He will start swinging crutches!

I live in the sticks. Small town. Keys always left in vehicles ignition.. Garage doors left open weeks on end.. I love it. If something where to come up missing you know where to go to get it back. But never had anything taken yet. I can't move back to a big town now.

I live in the sticks. Small town. Keys always left in vehicles ignition.. Garage doors left open weeks on end.. I love it. If something where to come up missing you know where to go to get it back. But never had anything taken yet. I can't move back to a big town now.

Same here. Been out here in the 'wilderness' so long that just the thought of being around all those humans puts a queasy feeling in my gut. :laughing9:

I live in the country also but i always keep every thing locked up. If i am home i leave car and garage and small barn open.. But when i go out i lock every thing up. Better safe than sorry.

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Locks only keep your friends out.

He's a nice doggie but awfully protective of "his" stuff.


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