Is this a Native American artifact?


Sep 11, 2014
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some old crap
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hello all! I found this oddly shaped rock near a river by the flatirons. I was actually looking for a rock to shape into an axe head later this week and after picking this up it looked like the work was already done. it has a partially flattened top and bottom and at the wider end it gets thinner. its approxamatly 6 inches long and at the wide end its a bit under 4 inches tall. i was wondering if it was some sort of tool (axe head/tomahawk). I wanted to make sure it was not historical before I began re shaping it. Thanks!! 20140911_193430[1].jpg i also apologize if this is in the wrong place forgive me as I am new to the site.


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aumo0865, welcome to the site.

Unfortunately, what you have is just a naturally shaped stone that does somewhat resemble a "Tomahawk". The name Tomahawk actually refers to the metal weapons that were used in historic times. The Stone Tools were called Axes or Celts. The Axes were grooved and the Celts were ungrooved. I honestly don't see any evidence of that stone being altered by man, but don't get discouraged. If you keep at it and hunt the correct areas you will find artifacts. You just have to be diligent in your efforts. Good luck and keep your eyes to the ground.

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