its ok to pee on my grave


Hero Member
Nov 12, 2012
Primary Interest:
So I have some concerns which some of you may help clear up. Recently I received an email from someone about American Mining Rights Association.. It contained there 990 ez.. Now the person who sent me the email had some questions in the Information presented.. Their first concern was that none of the Raffles and Fundraising events were reported. Also he was not aware of the actual dates this 990ez form was meant to include.. Jan1 2014 - to Dec 31 2014? Or does it include part of 2015 as well?
Also one of the questions asked of me was how to tell where his donations went? Or where did the money go for the raffles he bought for Amra Fundraising. Also he asked me what part of the 990ez showed the contirbutions Amra has made to the Mining community? His intention was to support the dredging case here in California.. Now he wonders if his money or the Raffles tickets he bought were given to that cause.. And since The 990 ez shows no Raffles and Fundraising events I too share his concern.. He has been participating in AMRA raffles before AMRA even got there non profit status.. No records at the Attorney General office shows any info on these Raffles that AMRA has engaged in.. Even though over 2014 and 2015 Amra has supposebly been donated Guns and dredges gold and many many other things.. According to AMRA these Items were donated by individuals and businesses. Where are the information on these Raffles? how much earned where the money go? I have yet to be able to track down any info regarding AMRA Fundraising events.. Not in 2014 not in 2015.. Anyway in truth for me that email raised allot of questions and the more I looked the more questions I had...

Anyway I was hoping that maybe some of you had some insight that may help me put my mind at ease and others.

I am also wondering on AMRA claims? Are they AMRA Claims? Does AMRA only get claims thru Donations? Are there records of these donations? Does AMRA own the MINERAL RIGHTS or are they Leasing these claims from private claim holders? Is it as simple as me saying AMRA members can use my claim? Does the actual claim holder hold any responsibilities to the Public in donating their claim for AMRA use? Are Claims Owners Compensated for there Donations at all? Maybe a free Membership to the Club? Or a tax right off? Or is a simple go ahead and use my claim to support AMRA good enough? Also when AMRA Directors stake claims for AMRA members do they as an individual own the rights to the Minerals or is it the entity that owns the rights? I have yet to see any claims staked under the AMRA association.. So is it ok for AMRA to use funds to stake claims under the names of individuals on the AMRA Board of Directors? Are AMRA funds being used to purchase claims for individuals? Even if they allow AMRA members to use the claim the mineral rights still belong to the individual so are they profiting by using Non profit resources to purchase themselves Mineral Rights?

It is not my intention to accuse anyone of illegal or wrong doing. I am just looking to find answers to questions I have been unable to find.. A vast majority of Non Profits put allot of Emphasis on Transparency and it makes life so much easier not just for the donors but the Non Profit Org itself n truth when it comes to AMRA all I get is questions and dead ends..

So I ask your help in you helping me understand some of the questions I have brought up and any other imput one might have in regards to this topic..


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We can debate this all day long... And I will not... Shannon has yet to ever bother to provide me with the information I requested.. From Shannon means crap to me.... How about this GW Why don't you just have Shannon Email you all the 990s he filed from 2012 to current should be more then one! Pretty simple request.. And please post them! Maybe instead of playing this kindergarten game Shannon can just provide me with the info I request as required by law.

Required by law? I thought you already had there 990. What else is he required to give you? I don't think AMRA was a 501c3 until 2014 so im not sure that there is anything to send you. and the IRS hasn't started accepting 2015 taxes yet. I'm not all savvy on tax laws like you are though MM. Still sounds like you're on a fishing expedition for someone else that is trying to stay invisible.

Oops.. Changed my mind...
Anyway I am done replying to anyone but AMRA...
let the chips fall where they may..

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Gold Searcher you are new... so you may not know me... I don't fish nor do I play games.....

Amra has to report everything.. I hope they have 990 that report back to 2012. Anyway are you saying that AMRA only has to account for donations after they got their non profit status in Dec 2014..

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Oh and by the way? does anyone have documents to verify EASTBAY PROSPECTORS 501c3 non profit status? I am having a hard time finding it.. I can't find there application either... Thanks for your time..

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Gold Searcher you are new... so you may not know me... I don't fish nor do I play games.....

Amra has to report everything.. I hope they have 990 that report back to 2012. Anyway are you saying that AMRA only has to account for donations after they got their non profit status in Dec 2014..

Being new doesn't take away from the validity of my question. Since you have avoided every question I've asked repeatedly, it sounds like you're fishing. I may be wrong in what I stated above. If I am, point out why Im wrong. If im not then your questions are already answered.

" last years" has been shown! "this years" isn't even filed yet. Last years was their first filing as an official non profit. The two years before that they were just starting and didn't meet the minimum threshold for reporting. therefore the forms don't exist. You can look for them all you want and call someone dishonest because they aren't there, to be found it won't change reality! You were wrong about the "raffles" didn't address that. Its been shown why you won't have any 990's shared besides the only one that is legally required and you have found already. Do you want a magic genies lamp? or do you want to just be MAD at something for no reason?
You are 100% wrong about who needs to show you what in the first place and are trying to make something out of nothing for your own personal reasons. even worse your trying to bring good people into your negativity. who's dragging who where????

Bob Farris
here he is attacking the new 49'ers

So how is this thread different? We just need to be better than that...

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" last years" has been shown! "this years" isn't even filed yet. Last years was their first filing as an official non profit. The two years before that they were just starting and didn't meet the minimum threshold for reporting. therefore the forms don't exist. You can look for them all you want and call someone dishonest because they aren't there, to be found it won't change reality! You were wrong about the "raffles" didn't address that. Its been shown why you won't have any 990's shared besides the only one that is legally required and you have found already. Do you want a magic genies lamp? or do you want to just be MAD at something for no reason?
You are 100% wrong about who needs to show you what in the first place and are trying to make something out of nothing for your own personal reasons. even worse your trying to bring good people into your negativity. who's dragging who where????

I was figured they only had one... You are mistaken.. Not that they weren't required to file but they failed to file.. No way to prove any of the money earned from merchandise donations fundraising and more... Maybe you read up on Non profits a bit.. But truthfully like everything else Shannon has said is crap as well... Anyway I have records that show amra was raising Funds as far back as 2012.. You can take shannons word if you like .. Me I am not wrong that something very wrong is with AMRA..
But anyway.... TIME WILL TELL.... Unlike others who have questioned AMRA I will not be bullied.... And truth I find the way AMRA does Business straight repulsive !!!!!

I'm a little surprised at the direction this thread has taken. I know several of the people on both "sides" of this issue that habitually help others in their pursuit of gold.

Now these same people are name calling and making wild accusations and character slurs. ???

What might have been a productive discussion has elevated into a food fight. How bout if everybody takes a step back and take a moment to reflect on just who you are talking to and just who is listening.

In my experience extreme positions and personal attacks never made anything better. Try stating your position and stopping and listening to the response no matter how much you disagree with what the other is saying.

There's a few folk here sitting on the sidelines and egging on others to disrespect each other. Bad news.

New guy - welcome to TNet! :thumbsup: Now learn how to play nice, these are good folks here with history. Coming in and calling names is not why people come here - they can get that treatment for free on other forums. :laughing7: Here the moderators actually moderate. I'd like to get to know you better but not if you need to call names to make your point. Why not get a little more civil so we can learn more about what you think? Otherwise you might end up in the corner with a time out - they actually do that here. That's a pretty ineffective way to get heard.

Why can't we all just get along?

Yeah I know you're all tough miners but really?

Heavy Pans

Well I tried... :dontknow:

Thank you Clay. I do appreciate it. I was unfortunate to find this thread first and latched on to it. Miners need to stand together and when one is attacking a group publicly like MM is, I have to question it. This is why us miners as a group are going to fail to win any favorable legislation. We always have one badmouthing those who fight for us as a whole. If youv read all of the comments from the start, i think that you'll see there were quite a few resonable responses sent to him that were either completely ignored or he had a condescending comment about it. There has been zero reasoning on his part during this entire conversation and facts ignored. I'm not tax expert and from what Ive read, MM isn't quite H&R block himself.

I'm very surprised that nobody called in on Bobby Freedoms radio show to address this. It was mentioned several times by Tuolumne Todd and maybe even another. What a perfect opportunity wasted. Someone who was legitimately concerned as MM is would have jumped at the opportunity to expose this in such a public forum. What happened guys?

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Thank you Clay. I do appreciate it. I was unfortunate to find this thread first and latched on to it. Miners need to stand together and when one is attacking a group publicly like MM is, I have to question it. This is why us miners as a group are going to fail to win any favorable legislation. We always have one badmouthing those who fight for us as a whole. If youv read all of the comments from the start, i think that you'll see there were quite a few resonable responses sent to him that were either completely ignored or he had a condescending comment about it. There has been zero reasoning on his part during this entire conversation and facts ignored. I'm not tax expert and from what Ive read, MM isn't quite H&R block himself.

Do you ever wind down? State your position and move on.

Personal slurs are not an opinion they are offensive and unproductive. If you believe anyone who doesn't agree with you is your opponent you will be fighting ghosts forever. Your reactions are just what give your opponents leverage.

If you want to help miners learn to listen to them. Fighting miners over their point of view is what causes problems with unity - not one miner who doesn't agree with you. If you feel you are losing in your legislative battle consider your tactics may need to change to be more effective. Blaming the miner who doesn't support you for your own lack of success is childish.

I don't agree with most of Marshall's ideas about how this should work. I have facts to back up why he may have a misunderstanding about this. As long as people are calling names and making accusations this is no place to present facts or have a rational discussion. Get civil and we can reach an understanding.

Until then

Heavy Pans

MM isn't quite H&R block himself.
I'm very surprised that nobody called in on Bobby Freedoms radio show to address this. What a perfect opportunity wasted.
What happened guys?

Hmmm, well I guess I don't listen to Bobby Freedom... If you listened and didn't call, it must be for the same reasons that I didn't listen. It's a dead subject that wouldn't have gotten much of an answer being that AMRA sent everything to Victor already. There was no opportunity wasted by anyone that I know. If you listen to the show then... You shoulda, coulda and woulda if you wanted too. Victor is pretty sharp on a lot of things and he is a hard working miner.
"MM isn't quite H&R block himself." really? You need to go there? You don't know the man. It's amazing how people act on the internet because in person, I'll chose to work with Victor over many others and he will work a crew into the ground by himself.

Hey guys, its raining outside!

I have recorded the convo as best I can in the event that it is deleted for rule violations, some posts have been edited before I could record them.
If this thread is deleted I do not feel it beneficial to restart it, if you missed something just ask me for a copy here or on Facebook.
Conversation about this thread has spread beyond TNet to other mining forums.

Good news! Just got word that the Sierra Fund, The Center for Biological Diversity, and other anti mining environmental extremists will no longer be targeting miners, apparently they have decided, we are far more efficient at destroying what's left of mining than they ever were. They will instead move on to golf, fishing, and mountain biking to fill the void.

Blind Loyalty is a far cry from being loyal... At the moment I am going to take what information I have and go over it. I can't say I received any response from AMRA in any way. But I made a few inquires to a few others and they have.
I did find that in fact that EB Prospectors is a licensed 501c3 non profit. Receiving there License Sept 22 2015.. As for the AMRA awareness day on Sept 12 2015... EB prospectors say they had no involvement in that event.. So I am somewhat confused.. And I am inclined to believe them.. It most certainly seemed that Shannon was running that event.
Anyway I will take what actions I feel necessary after I receive and review all that was presented to me. I do not think I am wrong and by the way AMRA and one or two others have handled themselves have only furthered my suspicions. All I can say gentlemen is that do the research for yourself.. Don't rely on me nor AMRA or anyone. If I made a mistake Ill account for it. But I do not feel I have made a mistake in questioning AMRA ..

I don't listen to goldtalkradio. So I am sorry Shannon didn't get the show he wanted.
In hindsight I think I could of maybe handled this a little differently. And part of me wishes I did but I by no means regret my actions.. Just another learning experience. But I am not backing down.
Its freaking crazy how many non profits have been created for miners rights in the last few years. And I do not believe for one second they have my best interests in mind.. I stand by myself and other then everyone telling me don't do it and shut up I have not received nor requested support from anyone or any ORG. Just me.. a buck and a half sopping wet..

Clay .. You make me nervous.. I thought I was doing alright.. One foot or did I manage to get both feet in my mouth this time..


Not surprised East BAY prospectors has no knowledge, it's East FORK Victor, your chasing windmills my man!

Victor you should start your own 501c3, you could call it ARMA or Angry Righteous Miners Association! You could team up with the Bundys and really blow the lid of this mother!

I'll be the first to donate, how about a brand new gold pan and a subscription to mylandmatters! OK OK i'll stop im sorry just trying to lighten the tension some, well at least I think thats what im doing..:dontknow:

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