It’s unfortunate only a select few have the equipment and permission to detect deep waters


Jr. Member
Apr 11, 2020
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I don’t know if these are investors supporting their efforts in exchange for a percentage of the finds. In all reality you have to have some serious equipment and be serious treasure hunters with unlimited time. the Oceans and lakes have the most abundant of treasure, very simply ships where wooden hit serious storms didn’t have a chance in hell. Silver, gold, pottery, and much more. Beautiful stuff, the depths where most can’t go is where the ultimate treasure is.

Archaeologists keep finding old shipwrecks, you see it in news headlines all the time.

This is an area of specific study, where you can focus strictly on such an endeavor. Not everyone can or cares to. Money talks bs walks. Even we regular folks aren’t going to dive 50 feet in a river or lake without experience or equipment, well that’s why the oceans will always hold the mysteries forever because you and I don’t have the ability to look for it, other than that good luck.

This is an area of specific study, where you can focus strictly on such an endeavor. Not everyone can or cares to. Money talks bs walks. Even we regular folks aren’t going to dive 50 feet in a river or lake without experience or equipment, well that’s why the oceans will always hold the mysteries forever because you and I don’t have the ability to look for it, other than that good luck.
Republic is almost 270 feet deep so this season we will use saturation divers, very expensive but far more effective than traditional methods.

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